July 30, 2008
July 28, 2008
Week 27 - 30
Week 27 - 11 May 2008
BE THOUGHTFUL - "When translated from the Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts vernacular, being thoughtful means being aware of how your habits affect another person and treating that person as you would have her treat you. Your idiosyncratic personal habits shouldn't be an onus to either one of you, so sort out early what really bothers the other ("don't ever do that again"), what just mildly annoys the other ("okay, if you must occasionally"), and what is just too idiosyncratic to even try to change. Care and affection can be communicated through such little gestures - replacing the milk if you drink the last drop and keeping the newspaper sections together if you read them first - that it's absurd not to do them."
in brief, 唔該做事有d手尾呀!!
Week 28 - 18 May 2008
Week 29 - 25 May 2008
第日可可米出咗世後希望可以 follow 呢張 card 的做法, keep 到有二人時間啦!
Week 30 - 1 June 2008
Week 24 - 26
好對不起, 實在好懶好懶, 好耐好耐都無 upload 番 the "52 ways to Stay in Love Forever", now let me continue:
Week 24 - 20 April 2008
Week 24 - 20 April 2008
BE BRAVE - "Relationships are, by definition, uncharted adventures. This can be particularly hard for people who check maps frequently and like to know where they're going. With the understanding that you both have different tolerances for risk-taking, encourage each other to get comfortable taking risks, learning new things, opening up, and admitting fear. Talk about the dears you each have. Take turns being brave about emotional and life issues. It's easier to don that safari hat and set out into the emotional wilds when you are in the company of a loving and supportive friend."
呢張 card for me have a deep feeling, 因為 the friday (18 April) before i receive this card is the day when we discover we have our baby!! I really feel lost after knowing the surprising news and keep questioning if we are ready for a baby. Thanks GeorG for giving me courage and support to face the challenges ahead!
Week 25 - 27 April 2008

BE SUPPORTIVE - "In addition to the goals you create as a couple, encourage your partner's individual dreams and goals. Who is better situated than you to be a loving coach and ongoing source of gentle nudging? Help him experience the exhilaration of undertaking something he's dreamed of but has also feared failing. Even if it means your needs may be slighly compromised in the short run, be supportive, since the quality of your partner's - and consequently your - life will be greater in the long run. And expect nothing less from him."
Week 26 - 4 May 2008
LEARN TOGETHER - "Spend time learning something that interests both of you. You can simultaneouly enjoy being in the student role and getting to be each other's study buddy. Also, with outside adult supervision you can both relinquish certain amounts of control and enjoy being sponges as your soak up new information. From tap dancing to ikebana flower arranging, there are infinite subjects you can pursue to learn and play together."
好開心呀, 今朝天光時無端端隻腳抽筋 ~.~" 我即刻大叫"老公", 可可爸當然比我痛苦的叫聲加表情嚇醒. 按摩了一輪後隻腳鬆番了. 打算再瞓時, 突然肚皮有兩吓好強烈的跳動 (因為我平臥, 所以看不到那些跳動是否大力到在肚皮上也看到.) 我即刻拿了可可爸隻手放在我的肚皮上, 等了一會我的肚皮又跳了兩吓, 老公很開心呀, 因為佢都感覺到強烈的跳動. 那感覺就像肚內的可可米狠狠的kick我的肚皮. 不過之後就再無跳了, 而我又瞓番了. 不知道這就是胎動嗎??
可可爸今天下午就要出 business trip 去 Beijing & Tinjing, 要星期四晚才回來, 不過佢已經印好了 fairy tales帶埋出 trip, 每天晚上會打電話回來繼續講故事比可可米聽 ^o^ so sweet. 不過可可米都好 sweet, 因為佢係爸爸走之前同可可爸打了個招呼, 搞到可可爸好開心呢!
可可爸今天下午就要出 business trip 去 Beijing & Tinjing, 要星期四晚才回來, 不過佢已經印好了 fairy tales帶埋出 trip, 每天晚上會打電話回來繼續講故事比可可米聽 ^o^ so sweet. 不過可可米都好 sweet, 因為佢係爸爸走之前同可可爸打了個招呼, 搞到可可爸好開心呢!
July 27, 2008
星期五的產檢 (25 July 2008)
前兩個星期"蔡瀾嘆世界"介紹了中環歌賦街的九記清湯腩同埋結志街的蘭芳園 (出名吃撈丁, 厚多同埋絲襪奶茶), 我哋一路吃老爺的生日dinner 一路比電視的介紹深深吸引.....既然我山長水遠出中環產檢, 而且產檢令我可以大條道理享受 sick leave (不過我都好 diligent 只係請下午半日 sick leave), 不如就出城食 lunch 啦.... 今次產檢可可姑(可可姑=可可米的姑姐)也去趁熱鬧, 因為她放 summer 呀, 所以可可媽就叫可可姑不如一齊去中環揾食, 可可姑興奮莫名, 仲舉腳贊成 ^o^ (點解無可可爸份? 因為我由 airport 出到中環已經1點半, 可可爸的 lunch等不到咁晏啦!)
由 IFC 行去蘭芳園不是很遠, 不過天氣實在太熱, 好似想溶咗我咁 :p 經過蘭芳園, 我哋決定先去找九記, 回來再吃蘭芳園.....在九記的門口等了10分鐘先有位, 那碗牛腩河 ($25) 都不是想像中咁 impressive, 份量又唔大, 所以不用等消化已可即刻去蘭芳園再戰 ^o^ 我哋 order 了一客"心多多撈丁", 西多士, 凍奶茶同埋凍檸賓. 撈丁味道唔錯, 不過我最impressed的是西多士, 因為一d都唔油淋淋, 我食咗後也不內疚...呵呵呵呵...
好啦, 講番主角產檢...Doctor 再一次 confirm 可可米係BB女, 醫生今次都有順便做埋結構 checking. 佢話bb的 stomach, heart, diaphragm一切正常, 開頭BB擰咗塊面向埋面醫生睇唔到可可米的面仔, 我只好叫BB合作d, 之後醫生話BB的咀仔 ok, 我諗佢的意思係指BB無兔唇, 又可放下其中一舊心頭大石 :p 我問醫生BB的手指腳指齊唔齊, 佢竟然笑住話腳指仔多一隻少一隻都不是大問題啦. 不過佢都話BB的 fingers alright though she didn't really count with us. Anyway, whenever she said xxx is ok, yyy is ok, I wont challenge her and only believe her professionalism, in any case I wont know by reading the ultrasound pic ~.~” haahaa…今次醫生印了一張BB 的3D 相比我哋. 不過都睇唔出可可米似我定似可可爸, 因為可可米依家似隻小ET多d...哈哈哈哈.....
可可米已經重9oz…不過有無人可以話比我聽9安士即係幾重呢, 有無兩隻奇異果咁重呀? 而我可可媽雖然唔係食多好多嘢 (因為我一向都大食) 已經重 117lbs啦, 我 target 係到生時唔好重過135lbs :p 唔知到時可唔會唔會超標呢?
由 IFC 行去蘭芳園不是很遠, 不過天氣實在太熱, 好似想溶咗我咁 :p 經過蘭芳園, 我哋決定先去找九記, 回來再吃蘭芳園.....在九記的門口等了10分鐘先有位, 那碗牛腩河 ($25) 都不是想像中咁 impressive, 份量又唔大, 所以不用等消化已可即刻去蘭芳園再戰 ^o^ 我哋 order 了一客"心多多撈丁", 西多士, 凍奶茶同埋凍檸賓. 撈丁味道唔錯, 不過我最impressed的是西多士, 因為一d都唔油淋淋, 我食咗後也不內疚...呵呵呵呵...
好啦, 講番主角產檢...Doctor 再一次 confirm 可可米係BB女, 醫生今次都有順便做埋結構 checking. 佢話bb的 stomach, heart, diaphragm一切正常, 開頭BB擰咗塊面向埋面醫生睇唔到可可米的面仔, 我只好叫BB合作d, 之後醫生話BB的咀仔 ok, 我諗佢的意思係指BB無兔唇, 又可放下其中一舊心頭大石 :p 我問醫生BB的手指腳指齊唔齊, 佢竟然笑住話腳指仔多一隻少一隻都不是大問題啦. 不過佢都話BB的 fingers alright though she didn't really count with us. Anyway, whenever she said xxx is ok, yyy is ok, I wont challenge her and only believe her professionalism, in any case I wont know by reading the ultrasound pic ~.~” haahaa…今次醫生印了一張BB 的3D 相比我哋. 不過都睇唔出可可米似我定似可可爸, 因為可可米依家似隻小ET多d...哈哈哈哈.....
可可米已經重9oz…不過有無人可以話比我聽9安士即係幾重呢, 有無兩隻奇異果咁重呀? 而我可可媽雖然唔係食多好多嘢 (因為我一向都大食) 已經重 117lbs啦, 我 target 係到生時唔好重過135lbs :p 唔知到時可唔會唔會超標呢?
July 24, 2008
不知不覺可可米已經有19週, 根據 BabyCentre 的資料, bb應該已有6吋大, 有個6吋大的可可米在我身體內都好似好怪咁. 雖然我仲無係好 feel 到胎動, 不過好簡唔中都好似隱隱約約但又唔係好肯定咁覺得可可米在踢踢. 我試過問 : "可可米, 係咪你踢媽媽呀.", 跟住又再 feel 唔到 lu. 唔知我要到幾時先開始有強烈d的感覺呢?
終於等到明天覆診的日子, 又可以同可可米見面啦, 今次醫生話會同bb做埋結構 checking, 姑娘話會用 4D 照 ga. 所以我都有些緊張, 唔知會唔會見到bb個樣似我定似老公呢?
之前都有同 GeorG discuss 過 bb 似我定似佢好, 佢就希望bb似我, 因為佢唔想個女似佢唔靚. 不過最近有朋友同我講通常第一胎係女的話會似 daddy 多d. 所以我就做吓調查. 我都係大女, 又真係似 daddy 多d, 我又問過身邊的同事, 佢哋d大女都係似 daddy ga.....oh, 咁點算呢 ~.~" 可可米係 GeorG的餅印但係長頭髮同穿裙仔???!
終於等到明天覆診的日子, 又可以同可可米見面啦, 今次醫生話會同bb做埋結構 checking, 姑娘話會用 4D 照 ga. 所以我都有些緊張, 唔知會唔會見到bb個樣似我定似老公呢?
之前都有同 GeorG discuss 過 bb 似我定似佢好, 佢就希望bb似我, 因為佢唔想個女似佢唔靚. 不過最近有朋友同我講通常第一胎係女的話會似 daddy 多d. 所以我就做吓調查. 我都係大女, 又真係似 daddy 多d, 我又問過身邊的同事, 佢哋d大女都係似 daddy ga.....oh, 咁點算呢 ~.~" 可可米係 GeorG的餅印但係長頭髮同穿裙仔???!
July 14, 2008
We are home!
我哋返來啦, 話咁快就玩完5日的大阪京都旅程. 不過大小平安, 一切順利, 天公做美, 陽光普照(仲好晒 tim). 唔知係咪去旅行, 心情開朗d, 行好久都唔覺好累....heehee....至於食, 也很放縱, 蟹道樂, 雞泡魚, sushi, 冷面, 定食全部都有食, 好在無事....heehee
買方面, 去咗 Akachan (一間專賣 bb product 的 supermarket, 有幾層樓高), 不過d嘢唔係好平, 所以就不是買很多. 同埋我哋唔係好知要買d咩. 買了幾個 chu chu ppsu奶樽, 紗巾, 和尚袍(short sleeves), 夾"lar"衣. 好想買 2008 新款的 Combi stroller 同 Aprica high chair, 因為有兩個款做緊 today special, 好似好平咁 (stroller 08 新款 ~ HKD3500, high chair ~ HKD1000), 但原來個 packing super huge, 無錯係要用 HUGE 來形容, 成個 refrigerator 咁大, 根本 GeorG 就抬唔到返 hotel, 又驚 Cathay charge us 幾百蚊 oversize luggage. 我哋又唔想拆 packing.....所以最後都係只可看, 不能買.
我哋仲係 Baby Gap, Comme Sa, Uniqlo 買了些 bb 衫仔, 襪仔. 但 GeorG 極力反對我買d好cute 的cartoon 動物裝, 佢話好唔鍾意d人搞到自己個b成隻 animal 鬼五馬六咁 wor, 所以在 Rinku Town Outlet 的西松屋只係買了一套 Hello Kitty 便服套裝. GeorG 話滿足吓我呢個 Kitty fans :p
我自己成個 trip 只買了一個手袋, 同埋一條 Hello Kitty necklace (係同MoMoBerries cross over的). 不過食了很多嘢, 同埋可以去旅行, 所以都係 super fun!
我哋响呢個 trip 都有拍照, 不過我覺得自己肥了很多, 特別係塊面, 成個包咁, 唔好睇 ~.~" 唉.....
買方面, 去咗 Akachan (一間專賣 bb product 的 supermarket, 有幾層樓高), 不過d嘢唔係好平, 所以就不是買很多. 同埋我哋唔係好知要買d咩. 買了幾個 chu chu ppsu奶樽, 紗巾, 和尚袍(short sleeves), 夾"lar"衣. 好想買 2008 新款的 Combi stroller 同 Aprica high chair, 因為有兩個款做緊 today special, 好似好平咁 (stroller 08 新款 ~ HKD3500, high chair ~ HKD1000), 但原來個 packing super huge, 無錯係要用 HUGE 來形容, 成個 refrigerator 咁大, 根本 GeorG 就抬唔到返 hotel, 又驚 Cathay charge us 幾百蚊 oversize luggage. 我哋又唔想拆 packing.....所以最後都係只可看, 不能買.
我哋仲係 Baby Gap, Comme Sa, Uniqlo 買了些 bb 衫仔, 襪仔. 但 GeorG 極力反對我買d好cute 的cartoon 動物裝, 佢話好唔鍾意d人搞到自己個b成隻 animal 鬼五馬六咁 wor, 所以在 Rinku Town Outlet 的西松屋只係買了一套 Hello Kitty 便服套裝. GeorG 話滿足吓我呢個 Kitty fans :p
我自己成個 trip 只買了一個手袋, 同埋一條 Hello Kitty necklace (係同MoMoBerries cross over的). 不過食了很多嘢, 同埋可以去旅行, 所以都係 super fun!
我哋响呢個 trip 都有拍照, 不過我覺得自己肥了很多, 特別係塊面, 成個包咁, 唔好睇 ~.~" 唉.....
July 03, 2008
聽早我同 GeorG 就出發去 Osaka la! 原本打算去4天, 點知因為早星期六無早機機位, GeorG 唔想行程太趕, 所以就比我早一晚去...點知又比我哋排到早機, 所以我又 earn 了一日旅行...heehee...
今次好可能係我生之前的最後一個 honeymoon. 我會好好享受 :p 我也會好好照顧自己, 等 GeorG 唔駛擔心 :p 希望bb合作啦, 也希望天氣會轉好啦, weather forecast 話會 rain 呀 >.<
至於食方面, 我會忍吓口食少d生冷嘢, 不過我真的很想吃蟹道樂, 我怕我忍唔住 lor :p
唔知日本現在是不是 sale season 呢?
今次好可能係我生之前的最後一個 honeymoon. 我會好好享受 :p 我也會好好照顧自己, 等 GeorG 唔駛擔心 :p 希望bb合作啦, 也希望天氣會轉好啦, weather forecast 話會 rain 呀 >.<
至於食方面, 我會忍吓口食少d生冷嘢, 不過我真的很想吃蟹道樂, 我怕我忍唔住 lor :p
唔知日本現在是不是 sale season 呢?