Sillyer n GeorG

December 30, 2006

Seafood Dinner @ Home

30 December 2006

Yesterday night we back home very very late.....5a.m. as GeorG's having farewell party with his colleague who is leaving to PRC office. They actually started the farewell party @ CEO Neway @ 10p.m. after their farewell dinner. I joined them around 1a.m. after having drink to another friend. The party is lovely as they would dance when singing 快歌, maybe everyone drank alchhol, the ambiance is very high.......and this is also my first time to drink johnie walker 加綠茶, it's taste is not so bad........but we are really sleepy and tired when arriving home......zzzz......

Tonight we have invite Ar Piu (GeorG's roommate in UST) to our home for dinner! As he said he is very free for being single (any girl interested in knowing him, do feel free to ask us be 媒人 :p)

I m responsible for boiling the soup (雪梨 + 雪耳) and GeorG is responsible for the dishes (白灼蝦, 白酒煮蜆, 魚蛋什菌炒菜)

See how wonderful our dinner is :

And thanks Piu for bringing us 2 pints of Haagen-Dazs ice-cream, you know i really love Belgium Chocolate Chocolate, one of ourfavority flavor indeed!

December 26, 2006

We love Boxing Day ^o^

On Christmas Day, we went to GeorG's friend's home for a gathering and dinner. 返到 home, I ordered GeorG to get prepared as I would like to start the gifts unwrapping ceremony sharp at mid-night ^o^ heehee....

As you see, we are very 無聊 and take picture with all the gifts before we start to unwrap it one by one. Among all the gifts, i love the Hello Kitty wristlace sent from GeorG's sister 恩, and the Tiffany necklace drawn at GeorG's office christmas party. Of course, the most precious gift was from GeorG - the Ferragamo Handbag.

And it seems that my lovely hubby also love the polo shirt i bought for him. Next time when you see he wears this T-shirt, remember to praise him la ^o^

So are you happy with your christmas gifts thia year??

~Sillyer n GeorG

December 25, 2006

2006's Christmas Eve - Full of Hello Kitty

今年 Christmas, 屯門市廣場的 Christmas Decoration 係 Hello Kitty. 作為 Kitty Fans, 梗係唔可以錯過啦 ^o^
起身已經差不多十二點, 之前check 咗 1:30p.m., 3:30p.m. and 5:30p.m. 有 stage performance (Hello Kitty and XO), GeorG 話快手d出門口, see if we can meet the 1:30p.m. show, in case many people, we can still identify the best location to watch the next show la!
原來由 Lai Chi Kok to Tuen Mun is not that far, when we arrive the 1:30p.m. show just start. Oh, 原來 the stage performance is Hello Kitty and XO dancing with 3 girls, and invite some kids to dance with them. very childish....不過都好開心.

為咗睇 Kitty, 我都專登 wear a Kitty T-shit and Kitty 牛仔裙. 講真, the Hello Kitty Castle look nice and there is a huge Christmas Tree full of Hello Kitty, very lovely ^o^ even 天花板都有 Hello Kitty 吊掛, 正!!

大會話 spending more than $500 can donate $$ to take picture with Kitty, but after walking the whole plaza, we have only spent a bit more than $400, cannot cumulate enough to buy the ticket to take pic with Kitty.....本來 GeorG 打算"博大霧", try try 工作人員會唔會不留意, but of course fails la..... she found it when she add up the total of the 2 receipts ~.~"

原本 spending more than $300 can visit Kitty's jewellery corner on 2/F of the Castle, but since there is stage performance, it only opens after 6p.m. >.<

Then GeorG discovers that spending more than $300 can add $30 to redeem a limited edition Hello Kitty 鏡盒, maybe he thought i was disappointed for not taking pic with Kitty, he insists to get the 鏡盒 for me ..... (so sweet, heehee)..... though i dont really need one. 最後 we have a very delicious 意大利 ice-cream @ Pappagalo before we leave.

Back to Mong Kok, everywhere is full of people, since we have bought tickets to watch 傷城 @ 朗豪坊 UA at 9:50p.m., we had dinner with Dad, Mum, Sis and Cy @ Mong Kok 潮樓. Maybe it is Christmas Eve, the restaurant is not as full as it used to be :p we have a very peaceful and 豐富 dinner there before we headed to Langham Place for some christmas lighting.

Bottom row left : 7-11 出咗兩款Christmas Edition 吊飾, luckily i get both on $30 spending!
Bottom row right : the Hello Kitty 鏡盒 from 屯門市廣場, have a lot of crystal on the top around Kitty

This year, the theme of Christmas Lighting @ Langham Place is 天空之城, i love it so much as i love the cartoon 天空之城 (Laputa) a lot :p

So we end up the day by doing the countdown around 天空之城 after watching the film (BTW, the film is quite good! And 金城武 is really handsome!! cool ~ ~)

Merry Christmas ^o^

December 24, 2006

忙碌的 Christmas Holiday 開始啦!!

22 December 2006

Today is Winter Solistice, 公司放4點, 不過我都 stay until 5:30p.m....

放工後返 GeorG's home for dinner.....之後約咗幾個莊友飲嘢.

嗰晚有一樣搞笑事......本來大家約 10p.m. to meet in TST Holiday Inn, then walk to 棉登徑 together, 點知大部份人都 late (including us :p), 除咗 Jimond and Fion.

Polly 提議去棉登酒店的Courtney's as it is a quiet lounge and have less people. (之前 check 咗 Sheraton's Sky Lounge do not allow reservation ~.~" after 8p.m.), 所以唯有叫 Jimond and Fion go there first to sit down and wait for us. 原來棉登酒店的入口好 small, 好似D Commercial Building 咁, 條街又好 quiet, Jimond 同 Fion 一男一女行入去酒店好似去"咩"咁, 所以為免不必要的誤會 or 比人偷拍, 佢哋便前後腳入 hotel, 好搞笑 :p

23 December 2006

Today is GeorG's younger sister 阿恩舊曆 birthday, it is GeorG's family custom to have dinner today on their lunar birthday. GeorG suggests to have dinner in Ritz Carlton's Shanghai Shanghai, as 老爺 and 奶奶 havent been there before, and we can also take a look on the christmas lightings together. Before going to the dinner, GeorG and I went to 會展 for the 冬日購物節, we have bought a few boxes of 魚仔 biscuits and ginger honey crystals.

今晚 Shanghai Shanghai 好多人, full house....但我同 GeorG both feel that the food quality is not as good as our previous visits, a bit disappointed. 好在 Central d christmas lights 補數.

December 21, 2006

Christmas is coming

21 December 2006

今晚不用 prepare dinner (因昨晚 banquet pack 了 chicken and 糥米飯), GeorG 又未回來, 所以就有時間同咗 D gifts 影吓相. 你睇吓我們家裡的 Christmas Tree 比幾多禮物包圍住, 幾有 christmas 氣氛 ~.~"

The red bag at the back is the gift i bought for GeorG ^o^

Today GeorG also have christmas lucky draw at office, he told me he got a perfume box set. But when he is backed 我見到佢有兩份 gifts. 原來佢老闆抽中二獎要攞番份 gift 出來, and 佢又好好彩抽中咗 :p As the gift is from Tiffany, so he didnt told me purposely and bring me a surprise :p 雖然我未拆開看 (as this year we want to open all the gifts on Boxing Day), 但張單告訴我 the gifts costs $1600 呀! Cool!! 最happy and lucky 始終係我, as GeorG has sent me both of the gifts....haahaa....

Birthday Banquet & Mini-Bazaar

20 December 2006

今日daddy正日birthday, 我哋响旺角o既稻香/迎囍擺兩圍和親戚朋友吃飯, D餸好大碟, 條東星大到嚇親人, 起碼三斤幾.

在此, 我和 GeorG 謹祝 Daddy and Mammy 身體健康, 長命百歲, 日日都好開心.

今日仲有一個好消息, 我抽到一手 3898, 升咗接近 70%. 足夠 cover 我買比GeorG 的 Christimas Gift :p

小妹 Christie 今日下午返咗 DGS 嘅 Mini-bazaar 幫我買咗個 bowling bag....hmmm....really miss the time studying in DGS....

December 20, 2006

Happy Birthday to my Daddy ~ ~ ~

Today is 十一月初一, and it's my dad's 61 flies, my dad is already 61 lar!

We will have a little birthday banquet tonight, with our families, relatives and friends to celebrate my dad's birthday.

Dad, our best wishes to you, wish you health and happy. We will continue to love you ^o^

今期興澳洲, 等我都 post 番張有Sydney Opera House 做背景的 family photo 先, 無執輸 la :p :p

This photo was taken in June 2000

December 19, 2006

What have we done for the last week?

呢兩個week GeorG 都超busy, 除咗last thursday & this thursday 可以十點多回家吃dinner外, 差不多晚晚我都自己entertain自己 or go out to dine with friends. 不過佢就算唔返嚟同陪我dinner, 他也叫我keep D dinner & soup比佢夜D(即一點, 兩點or四點)回來吃, so poor ^_^"

Christmas feel of my home

a tiny christmas tree and a hardcopy Christmas Card sent by my sister from Tin Shui Wai ^o^

14 December 2006 - Office X'mas Party

Today my office has Christmas lunch (buffet @ Novotel Citygate), before that we have a lucky draw (sponsored by boss and managers). Boss 欽點咗secretary PanPan & me to arrange the Christmas hifts. 其實諗買乜嘢真係好difficult. 因為又要consider budget, 又要中性一點, 好不容易才買到11份gifts range from $100 to $650! 我同PanPan一早就將D gifts wrap 到令大家估唔到, 細細的比我哋搞到大大份 :p

Finally, I was drawn the 3rd prize (a 2GB USB stick - Christmas version) , but I don't really need it, so I exchanged it with a gift which I like (豬豬暖暖cushion) that bought from log-on. 大家拆gift 時都好開心又surprise!

吃完lunch, 由東涌返到apron, PanPan話遲D我哋搬出去新的headquarter後, 可能再無chance一班人响apron, 所以take 了a few photos.

16 December 2006 - Kathy&Andre's Wedding Banquet

今日下午陪了Paroni & BB Mironi 去荃灣shopping for tomorrow's bbq. 跟住入咗佢屋企同bb玩& set頭. cos今晚要去attend Kathy's wedding banquet. Kathy 是我的DGS o既science class classmates, and so happen GeorG 同 Kathy 响UST 都係photography society o既莊友. so我哋兩公婆一齊去飲囉.

我之前didn't tell GeorG that I am going to set hair to the banquet. So when he returns home to change (yes he needs to work on this saturday), he was surprised & 猛讚我好靚, 哈哈哈哈.

P.S. Paroni, thank you f0r being my "private" hair designer

17 December 2006 - bbq @ Paroni's home

今日天氣很凍, but luckily with strong sublight, 所以bbq party仍可順利進行. 今日Paroni的屋企做host, 請咗好多個2006年6月出世o既bb & his/her family to her home for a bbq party. 咁多bb一齊, 場面好震撼, especially at bbq time, all the bb車泊埋一齊, really look like bb車展 ^0^

Paroni 同Ming好nice, 送咗Christmas gift比我同GeorG. Thank you so so much, they are very special gifts for our Christmas!!

由於天氣好dry, 回到家先發覺自己做咗「裂女」, my face and hands are so so dry. 要立刻搽 source therapie & handcream 急救

十幾架BB車放在一起好似車展 :p

The Christmas Handbag

Finally i took my 1st Christmas Gift from the Ferragamo shop yesterday after work, and have took some "寫真" with it :p

Once again, thank you honey for your generosity ^o^

December 12, 2006

My first Christmas Gift ^o^

I was so sick last week, 大感冒, so poor.....lost voice, fever and running nose.....the only interesting thing was our friend, Pauline, Raymond and their lovely daughter Gwendolyn from Singapore came to visit us on Tuesday night! Gwendolyn is so lovely and energetic, and bring us so much joy over the night. I told her that Uncle George is also scare of being tickled, when i tell her "Go and tickle Uncle George!", she would ran to GeorG and "tickle" his coats, and then she would laugh and ran lovely. Here is a pic we took with Gwen :

Ok, back to the subject item....
Yes, i have my first Christmas gift today, of course, from my lovely hubby....GeorG.
Over these days, One of my colleagues and I were working hard to search for nice present for the Office's Christmas lucky was quite a headache job to buy 11 gifts that can fit for both men and women, and what's more, they want real gifts, not coupons ~.~" As idea is running out while there are 2 more gifts to buy, i have decided to take a tour to the airport's duty free shops (The Atrium) to test a chance....after visiting Atrium, on my way back to office, i found that Salvotore Ferragamo is on sale!
Well, i was just aiming to explore if there is any gifts that can fit the $500 budget....but even the smallest item : card holder, key holders....are discounted to over $700.....既然一場嚟到, 不如睇埋手袋同埋鞋啦 .... 成日想買個黑色手袋比 mum........Wow, 竟然比我遇到一個睇落唔錯的手袋.....個 sales 猛話個袋款係 "飛甩雞毛"的長青款, 年年都出, 唔會 out, 呢隻 dark chocolate colour 好 special, 又易襯, 返工得, casual 又得, "咩"上膊又好似好得咁.....仲話個袋只有兩個 on sales, 今早賣咗一個, 我拎住嗰個係 last one....如果我唔買, 應該好快都無 .... 因為d passengers (especially tourists) 見到"飛甩雞毛" on sale, 都會入嚟睇吓, especially 呢個袋係 "飛甩雞毛"的長青款
見到有 30% off D stocks 好快走晒.......作為一個正常的女性, 又點忍得住呢 :p 最衰係 AA Staff 仲有 additional 15% off wor..... 嘩, 咁"荀", 唔買又好似對不起自己 :p
响呢個 moment, 我可以做的就是打電話求救...... "喂, 老公呀, 飛甩雞毛減價呀, 有個袋好靚.... ", 我都未講完.....佢就話"我送比你啦, 你用我張咭簽啦", 我 continue "個袋係朱古力色, discount 咗都要.....", "OK 啦, 你鍾意就買啦, 我送比你啦....", 嘻嘻, 咁爽, 一定係好 busy, 趕住出 email ~.~"
既然有 sponsor, 咁我就好豪咁買咗我第一個 Ferragamo 袋啦. On the way back to office, i send sms 比 GeorG, 問佢個袋是什麼禮物, he replied "X'mas". So this is my first Christmas gift for this year la.......
~ Sillyer

December 03, 2006

Birthday dinner with Yan

Today is the birthday of Yan (GeorG's younger sister) and our friend - Polly.

Let us say Happy Birthday to both birthday girls and we wish you pretty and healthy as always!

As GeorG's friends are coming to visit us next week, so today, we aim to do nothing but cleaning the rooms! The most noticable task we've done today is : putting a new cloth to our air-cons :

You can buy these cover from Trendyland

Perhaps my home is too dusty, after cleaning here and there, i feel sick, especially with my nose! The condition deterioriates very quickly, i start to have running nose and keep sneezing >.<

My God, we have a very important dinner appointment tonight....we are going to have dinner with Yan @ Nicholini's, it would be so ugly to have a running nose sillyer to dine in such a prestigious italain restaurant ~.~"

Well, with a little hope that I might get better after breathing the air @ Admiralty, we go out earlier to have a littleshop around, and @ PP, we meet the 3rd Christmas Tree in this year :

Back to the star of tonight : the birthday dinner.....this is the first time for 3 of us to visit this restaurant, my sister said it is good though not as nice as Sabatini, well, let's give it a try.

The restaurant's decoration is not as grand as i expect, without any traits of Italian fine-dining setting indeed...but the service is good...all and all, it is a 5-star hotel :p

When we have settled down and started to read the menu, the captain came to show us their seasonal food : "whitle truffles" and let us smell. GeorG and Yan both smell it, but since i m sick and i dont want to "infect" the precious truffle, i didnt dare to put my nose close to it :p

Frankly, the truffle really have strong smell, but none of us seems to be interested in trying its dishes. (唔識欣賞, 費事浪費) So it turns out that Yan and I ordered a 3-courses dinner set while GeorG just ordered a main dish (as he feel very full after drinking 2 cups of Starbucks Mocha :p).

All the dishes are nice (seafood soup + goose liver with black truffle as appetizers and lobster linguine for our set-dinner, tenderloin with goose liver for GeorG), and even the breads and sorbet are nice ^o^

As it was Yan's birthday, we have arranged a cake for her in advance, it is a chocolate truffe cake, so nice ^o^ (I found that it costs $240 for the cake if ordered in Conrad's cake shop!) It is really a nice and generous restaurant, when we have finishing the cutting ceremony for the b-day cake, the waiter helped us to cut 3 little slices and serving each of us a dessert plate (with ice-cream and some cheeries and sauce). And they pack the rest of the cake for take-away.

To enlighten the night, the waiter helped us to take a polaroid which later make it into a birthday card! And to our surprise, the restaurant has sent Yan a little bear bear, so lovely ^o^ Here are the photos we took at the dinner :

If you r having the Conrad VIP card of the HSBC credit card, i think this restaurant is worth a try, especially on birthday ^o^

Once again, Happy Birthday to Yan (and Polly)....and also to GeorG for treating us this expensive dinner ^o^ yeah yeah !!

December 02, 2006

My Fair Lady

GeorG and I supposed to have afternoon tea with our mums today, but since yesterday night, GeorG is not feeling so diaherra.... poor him.

The next morning, his condition has not changed better, instead i found that he got fever! Well, so i "approved" him to stay in bed and rest. So i go out to tea with the 2 mums la!

After a nice sleep in the afternoon (without any noise by the sweet wife), GeorG has recovering nicely. He then went out to join us for the musical play "My Fair Lady".

The show is sponsored by PWC, so we've been able to get some discount with the tickets. We watched the show with my primary schoolmates Minnelli (yes, my primary school classmates since many years we are friends??), her mum and her bf Alex! Since GeorG just recovered from fever, so we can't dine with my friends as we do not want to spoil the dinner! sorrie...

The show is quite good, having considered that most of the performers came from a community theatre group! You can read their details from
Though after the show, GeorG and I both feel that it's time for us to improve our English as we cant understand 100% of what the performers are speaking ~.~"

After the show, we went to have late supper...well, once my honey is recovered, his stomach is backed!

Here is the program booklet of the show :