Sillyer n GeorG

November 27, 2006


星期一的早上是最難過的.....這大概是返 office 工的人的心態 :p

11月27日的早上, 我如常"工作", 老公突然來電, 話有好消息告訴我.....他說他中了獎, 公司有lucky draw, 抽中了他, 獎金"好像" 是一萬元, 他也很 confuse ~.~" 唔知頭唔知路??? 老闆叫他今早9:00a.m.開會, 原來是要領獎影相.....早知著靚仔D啦 :p

雖然呢d橫財緊係要同同事分享吓, 希望吃喝玩樂後剩下來的$$, 足夠幫助吓前陣子佢玩股票唔見咗的$$啦 :p .... (早知 yesterday 買件貴D嘅裙仔啦 :p)

~ Sillyer

12:32p.m. GeorG just called, he finally confirms the details of the prize lar : 原來係一萬元 travel sponsor, on an actual reimbirsement basis.....ho yeah, we will gonna have a trip with a maximum of $10,000 sponsorship, and GeorG said by then these $10,000 will be tax-free ^o^ hurray....去邊好呢?? 大家幫手諗吓啦 :p 你話去南非一萬元夠唔夠呢?? heehee....

November 26, 2006


起身見天朗氣清, (終於有個weekend好天啦!!)...."拿拿淋"做好D家務先去大澳門放風箏.....
下午兩點 arrive Choi Hung 坪石 Estate 吃過 afternoon tea & egg tart 先去搵車搭, GeorG insist 有紅 van 去清水灣, 但搵唔到, 最後搭 91 bus 出發!

落車後要行成 20 minutes walk 才到大澳門, 沿途見到好多白蚱 (=交通差)胸有成竹咁落山 (一定派咗好多牛肉乾出去 :p), 雖然天氣好熱, with strong sunshine....不過行吓講吓, 望吓個海, 好快就到.....

嘩, 好多人呀, 好多旅遊巴, 不過可能是差不多三點半, d tour 準備離開... ^o^
First, we need to visit the tuck buy the kite and 線轆, we bought a bear bear kite and a 1000碼線轆... then walk up to the hill to 放風箏.

天空上得一兩隻 kite, 但山坡上就好多人拿住隻風箏跑來跑去.....d 風好 weak, 我同 GeorG 跑咗幾 round 都放唔起隻紙鳶, 但就換來咗成身大汗 :p 好鬼開心......

等咗一陣, 有風啦!! 老公好叻, 一下就放咗隻紙鳶上天空, 我就緊係搶住玩放線 :p 好快隻紙鳶就好高 lu.......

但因為有風, 所以其他"陸地上"的紙鳶也 fly up to the sky, then the sky become congested......不過是 20 minutes, 已經有兩隻紙鳶繞住我哋隻紙鳶 >.< 終於我哋隻紙鳶就比人割斷咗, 變咗 run-away kite lu ~.~" 隻紙鳶無咗, D 線又差唔多放晒.....woowoo.....唯有食番 potato chips & 睇吓風景補數 :p



we backed from the Lantau trip lar ^o^
The resort house is ok la....始終都係自己個竇最好 ~.~" 不過 the air in Lantau seems to be much fresher, so GeorG asked me to breath more and more deeply :p :p

Friday night 入到去 just meet 7p.m. (the property agent closes at 7p.m., otherwise i wont have the key to go to the resort house). The house is very close to the pier, less than 10 minutes walk only....but the Mui Woo Pier on Friday night is much much quieter than we expect!!

photo of the resort house

After we settled down our "luggage, we went out for dinner....can't get a particular restaurant we like (actually not much choice), finally we go to a 企理D的茶餐廳 for 煲仔菜....

The next morning GeorG need to attend a conference call at i just sit in the living room, very mo liu and wait and complain :p....luckily TVB shows Doraemon cartoon, helping me to kill some of the boring time. After check-out at noon, we went to 大排檔 for lunch...while he is still on conference call....phew.....finally his call is finished around 12:30p.m. (how come the battery of his phone can stand so long....over 2.5 hrs!!!)

After lunch we take bus to 大澳, i want to see the white dolphin, so we spent $40 to take the boat ride to try our luck......though the crew said the possibility to see dolphin is minimal today as the weather is a bit cold.....well, as expected, no dolphin came into our sight ~.~" but we still enjoy seeing 2 rocks which look like a general (military) and a frog!

We leave the Lantau at 5:30p.m. to Central....i do some shopping in Central while GeorG went back to PB to work a while, we finish the day by visiting the festival decoration in Central (and here we see the 2nd Christmas Tree for this year) and Genki Sushi :p

zzzz.....good night

November 24, 2006


Just played a silly test on the web, checking which celebrities I look like, here is the result.....

Well, i dont know any of these girls above, their names look like Korean and make the test more convincing, i have decided to try a second picture, and here is the result..

Oh! this time only Aya is the common face, most of them are still Japanes and Korean.....luckily there is finally one familiar name for me - Charlene Choi ~.~" Oh, 我似阿Sa咁 cute 咩? well, 唔駛咁認真, 無聊 game 一個 ~.~"

heheee.....我當然想知用GeorG 張相結果會點......登登登登....

笑鬼死你同我 lor......哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈.... :p

如果老公真的有60%似哥哥咁靚仔就唔輪到我啦 :p :p

~ Sillyer


why why? 3個week 前11月5日才一週年, 今日又係結婚一週年?
A clever man would know the answer.......yeah yeah, check the 農曆, today is 十月初四, 上年11月5日是農曆十月初四呀...haahaa.....所以又可以當一週年 (其實都係我搵D藉口搞鬼 :p)

celebration?? Of course yes lar ^o^
I have booked the resort house of my company (well, I intend to book the weekends in Nov but was not drawn, the slot for tonight is my 3rd priority indeed ~.~"), 既然上天註定我抽中今日呢個 slot, 咁就順理成章把大嶼山的梅窩二天遊成為農曆一週年慶祝節目, sounds meaninful :p :p

由於今年比較"大洗", 所以我淨番2.5days leave only, so i didnt take half day leave today ar. (but GeorG did....though he just told me he probably would work until 2p.m. then leave to have busy) Well....hope i can arrive 梅窩 before 7p.m. tonight as the agent's office closes at 7p.m. :p :p

其實我 invite 咗我同 GeorG D 兄弟姊妹 to go together, but so happen all of them have engagement and cannot join us.....ooh, then 二人世界lor!

Share with you any lovely things after the "trip" then....see you ^o^

November 22, 2006

My Collection - 7仔 Hello Kitty 祝福系列

GeorG D 同事勁好人, 成日幫襯 7仔買嘢, 比咗好多 Hello Kitty 我 ^o^
雖然我都好努力响 7仔到買早餐, 零食, magazine, 有時連 lunch 都幫襯 .... 但都好 difficult to collect the whole set.....and you know sometimes there are a lot of repeats >.< 沈晚一口氣拆咗 17 + 7 個 Kitty 吊飾, 全部都係 GeorG D 同事送給我 (Thank you Michael and Cherry).... 雖然有好多係 repeat, 但拆的過程都好開心, 逐個响度甩吓, 猛叫唔好 repeat......哈哈, 成個傻瓜~, GeorG 見到都滴哂汗 ~.~" 問自己是否娶咗個傻婆.....可憐 ..... hhaaaahaaa...... 講番我 D Kitty.......玩完拆禮物後結果係點? ...... 我現在共有 35 個7仔Kitty吊飾, 17個唔同款, 另外18個repeat 款, 仲要一排先儲哂 30 個款, 大家努力幫襯 7仔呀!! 得閒先影 D 相比大家睇! p.s. 今朝我又幫襯7仔三十幾蚊, 換咗兩個 Kitty 返來, but 我甩度兩個都是一樣 shape, 似 repeat lor. 我諗係時候問吓7仔個 program 完時有無 free exchange programe 先, 同埋 complain 吓 always having the same 吊飾 if I buy for more than one at a time!

November 20, 2006

The first big big Christmas Tree

We supposed to go to 大澳門放風箏 today (GeorG promised to go with me when i finished my exam). But the weather isn't doing good, the sky is dark and start raining when we are on the way to Choi Hung by mini-van.....well.....give up......go to APM for eating and shaopping then.

We tried the MOS Burger at 4p.m. (MOS is a famous shop in Japan), we have queued for more than 30 minutes before we can order one burger each (MOS Burger and Teriyaki Chicken Burger).... can't imagine the waiting time is so long, crazy....well back to the burgers, our conclusion is "don't think it worth for wait for 30 minutes lor" ~.~"

Never mind, at APM, we see the first Christmas Tree for this festival season....though a bit earlier ~.~" 都未有耐到12月啦!!

November 19, 2006

Happy Birthday to my friend - Paroni

Here is my gift to my best friend - Paroni ^o^
Wish you beauty, healthy and happy ^o^

Hazelnut Crunchy Chocolate Cake

Hope it is one of the best cakes you've ever tried!

~ Sillyer & GeorG

November 11, 2006

Say Bye Bye to 天星舊碼頭

Yesterday i read the news about the close of operation of 天星舊碼頭 today, so i decided to take a last ride before it is moving to the far far away area from the heart of Central.

After work, i went to visit my honey's new office, he has moved to 22/F of PB for a room. (well, finally his work space is larger than mine....haaha.... :p). Around 8p.m., we meet up with Paroni and her lovely daughter 潼潼 in the PB lobby to walk to our dining place, Shanghai Shanghai @ Ritz Carlton.

For those who've been to SH SH, you must know that it is a cozy restaurant with live band and singer in dinner time.....潼潼 is only a 5 months old baby, would that be ok for her in such a noisy environment??...yes ... no ...yes But the mother really want to try this restaurant and we decided to take a risk :p

Suprisingly, 潼潼 behave so well throughout the night without any compliants and keep awaken to play with me :p here are some pictures we took at the dinner :

We had a very enjoyable dinner till late and we nearly miss our theme of the night : - to visit the old star ferry pier!

GeorG and I love the 舊碼頭 a lot as we always take ferry from Central to TST for dinner after work, and the star ferry pier is also meaningful to Paroni and Ming as one set of their wedding pictures was shot with the pier!! Well, the only thing we can do is to take pictures with it to save our memories ^o^

Things keep changing, and we really need to treasure everything around us ^o^

~ Sillyer

P.S. GeorG is going to BJ for a business trip on Monday and can't stay with me for the exan, i am gonna treasure the time with him on this weekend ~.~

November 09, 2006


前幾日的blog老公post了wedding一週年的gift給大家看, 雖然個format跟結婚時差不多, 但我still好感動啦 ^o^ For those who did not attend our banquet, you might be curious to know what had been done by GeorG to make me so moved and surprised. Here it is :

GeorG has posted the above passage to RTHK's forum on 3:21a.m. of 5th Nov 2005, i.e. the night just before the wedding. The DJ identified this passage and read it through in her programme around 4a.m. and GeorG has recorded it down. He played the recorded tape in the mid of the banquet which surprises everyone, including was such a romantic and memorable and sweet moment that i m sure i will still share it with friends proudly even when i m getting older older and older :p

Honey, how come you can have such a good idea to surprise me.....hope you will continue to bring me happiness and surprises occasionally :p :p

衷心希望天下間 all couple would have a memorable wedding and sweet sweet wedded life!!

~ Sillyer

由關島來的Hello Kitty

My sister went to Guam on the holidays at the end of October, she brought me a number of gifts and a "tanned" sister ^o^
Among the gifts, the loviest one is the Hello Kitty nail polisher (指甲鋤), 好鬼cutie ar!! Thank you my loviest sister!!
2 cans of Macadamia Nuts which are GeorG's favorite!
Hello Kitty Nail Polisher ^o^ very cutie
Yesterday night GeorG stayed in office to work until late, so i have to work on my own for the dinner. Instead of dining out, i bought some beef, tomatos, potatos and onion home to cook myself a bowl of mixed vege soup. It took around 1.5 hours to boil the soup, during the waiting time, i couldnt resist the temptations lying on the dining table : chips and chocolate bar........yummie ^o^ But today i m so regret as i found a "飛姿" on the side on my nose, so ugly >.<
(** Honey, if you came back home for dinner, i wont be like that :p :p)

November 07, 2006


好多人都知7號我哋盡可能都唔會安排 friends' gatherings or meetings. 因為7號 is 我哋嘅拍拖紀念日 (if you have read, you might aware that we started our days on 7 April 2002) and 我哋 promise 過 every month 嘅7號要一起食 dinner. Although we have get married, we still keep 住呢個 "practice", 所以 every 5th and 7th 我哋都搵 D 嘢"黎" 搞 :p

Yesterday night before sleep, i asked GeorG if he knows exactly how many months we are celebrating today, he can quickly answer me "55 months" sweet (for answering this question quickly) ^o^ 呢個老公都算合格啦 (hahaa.....GeorG, 不要自滿啊!)

Because next week i need to take an exam which i havent prepared quite well, so i have declared "no-cooking" exercise from this monday onwards until my exam next save time, i also refuse to go out to dine, so tonight.....we agreed to have wanton noodles with vege as celebration, so I will have to wait until GeorG is backed to cook the noodles for me ^o^ (oh, hope that you can leave office earlier tonite la....i start to feel hungry now ~.~")

Happy 55th month-iversary!!


November 06, 2006

Our celebration on 5th November 2006

As usual, we wake up late in the compensate the insufficient sleeping time on the weekdays :p We didnt have proper breakfast in the morning as we need to rush out to meet my family....and a wife tends to be even more lazy on the weekends :p

Coincidently, my grandma's birthday dinner is also set on tonight......we tried to rearrange our dinner booking....but the restaurant is really to resolve the issue, GeorG suggests to visit grandma in the afternoon and we go ahead with our arrangement in the evening!

After the visit, we went out to TST to buy my gift. GeorG asked me to pick a wristlace as he "claimed" that i seldom wear one, i told him i have a few and named each of it, he "accused" that i dont like them at all as i seldom wear them...... ~.~" well, it was just out of my "laziness" to wear any, not because of dislike :p Anyway, i dont want to spoil his generousilty, so let's go!!

We visited 新太陽, 新港, 海港城 .... no nice wristlace is found .... so just make the gift on account, and it's around time for us to walk along the harbour to our dining place : Inter-Continental

I always asked why Sheraton would not offer us any coupon for anniversary celebration?? Since we already have Oyster & Wine bar on my birthday in mid-August, we've decided to make a try at the seafood and sushi dinner buffet @ Inter-Continental. I read openrice and most of the comments on the buffet are good though expensive ($488 plus 10% for service charge). Well, today is special, we should spoil ourselve to a luxury dinner ~.~"

The dinner is pretty nice, especially if you are fond of seafood and oyster. We both are seafood lovers but not much on oysters, but still, GeorG took 6 oysters and I took 7! And we both took 2 pieces of lobster, very meaty! Among the seafood, we both love the scallop sashimi and the spiral shells, 好鮮甜 ^o^

Of course, for me, i am particularly fond of the desserts, there are many many many choices, the ice-cream is from Haagan-dazs, while the sherbet is homemade! I took 2 lemon sherbet and 1 strawberry ice-cream in cone. GeorG took 1 lemon sherbet and 1 vanilla ice-cream in full, but i still took 3 pieces cakes, a few pieces of fruits and mashmallow dipped in the dark-chocolate fondue, and also some tiny little desserts.

The dessert als offer a variety of hot dishes, like shark-fin, ginseng-chicken broth, peking duck, full :p

Some pictures that capture the night :

Oh! Dont forget to make a credit to the nice harbour view yesterday, it brings us an even more enjoyable dinner time ^o^

After the dinner, do you where did you my strong request, GeorG has to accompany his silly wife to visit the Sheraton Ballroom again....there was a wedding banquet yesterday, and the scene has recalled our memories one year ago.....i can still remember how gorgeous the decoration on the corridor along the reception area (thanks Patrick of Allied Workshop ^o^)

A new year has started......Honey, dont forget that a gift is still on account :p :p

~ sillyer

November 05, 2006

GeogrG 給 Sillyer 結婚一週年的禮物

時間過得很快,今天是我和 Celia 結婚一週年紀念。我想趁這個特別的日子,透過電台,向她說出我的感覺。




我很喜歡我們的家 - 28H

I love my new home and enjoy very much decorating our new home.
Still remember every effort we have spent on getting the right materials and fittings for our home.....tiles for floor, curtain, furniture design, wallpaper, dining table, sofa, lights. Finally it's done, and here is our lovely home ^o^

老公, 多謝給我一個我喜歡我的家 ^3^ 多謝你讓我喜愛的都放在家 ^o^

Here is the link to our wedding website :

Congratulations! Our First Year anniversary!

5 November 2005, in short 051105, was a very very special and memorable day for us, and also for our families and friends. I can still recall the things happened on the day, and do you know how many times we have played our wedding videos at home?

My dear, do you know how sweet it was for you to bring me so many surprises in a day?

Truly hope that we will continue our love forever and ever. I love you, GeorgG ^3^

~ from your lovely wife

新 Blog 開張, 歡迎光臨 ^o^

Welcome, welcome!! Welcome to the Sillyer n GeorG's blog.
Finally, i have established our blog ^o^
We hope that you would enjoy reading our blogs and share all our happy things (yup, we hope everything sharing at here with you are happy things!)

Happy Moments bring us Happy Life!

This is one of the wedding picture which we love ^3^ so sweet......