Week 27 - 30
Week 27 - 11 May 2008
BE THOUGHTFUL - "When translated from the Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts vernacular, being thoughtful means being aware of how your habits affect another person and treating that person as you would have her treat you. Your idiosyncratic personal habits shouldn't be an onus to either one of you, so sort out early what really bothers the other ("don't ever do that again"), what just mildly annoys the other ("okay, if you must occasionally"), and what is just too idiosyncratic to even try to change. Care and affection can be communicated through such little gestures - replacing the milk if you drink the last drop and keeping the newspaper sections together if you read them first - that it's absurd not to do them."
in brief, 唔該做事有d手尾呀!!
Week 28 - 18 May 2008
Week 29 - 25 May 2008
第日可可米出咗世後希望可以 follow 呢張 card 的做法, keep 到有二人時間啦!
Week 30 - 1 June 2008
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