Sillyer n GeorG

October 28, 2007

通告: 暫別一時 - 曼谷遊

Hello, everybody, George and I, together with our parents (6 of us) would have a short trip to Bangkok from 29 Oct - 1 Nov, will continue to update our blog after our holiday.

This time we will stay at one of the most discussed hotel @ Bangkok : Lebua (

share with you our fun @ the trip when we are backed!

October 27, 2007


Last Sunday (21 Oct) is an excellent day for boat trip, warm sunshine with autumn breeze throughout the afternoon, so nice.
My sis booked her company junk and invited the us to have a relaxing day.

This time, we on board @ Sai Kung public pier, didnt have an exact location to stop by, just ask the crew to stop on areas with calm water ^o^

Start off the day at the busy Sai Kung Pier @ noon (with lot of people selling seafood in the boats along the coast). Ready to go, see we have lots of food and kites!
While we r on the way to a calm area around Sai Kung, we had some janger play to warm up the atmosphere:

Of course we had delicious food (made by my mum and 奶奶) and chips and nuts (Paroni, Siu Ban and Jo Jo, heehee...i turned out didnt prepare any food for the trip...hoohoo):
After filling up our tummy, time to do some exericse.....flying kites, this time we have one teddy bear and two doraemon & friends:
See, my dad is very enthusiastic to join us too, and he works as our c-fu in teaching us how to make a kite fly higher and higher!
Apart from kites, we have bubbles too....but only the girls are interested :p
After enough kites flying and bubbles, we decided to start our ride to another area around Sai Kung, again we want to rest on calm sea :p
When we have anchored, we have anothe mass game time : Jangar, see everyone is so partcipative...but i must tell u, it's really difficult to play jangar on a junk...heehee...
then we have some card games : "cover the blanket" and "who is the turtle"
We ended the day with a yummy seafood dinner @ Sai Kung "Tsuen-Kee"
More photos on the day:

October 23, 2007


上兩個星期, 阿妹已收到信通知佢抽到奧運d飛, 佢抽中睇體操, 所以到時要飛去北京看!
我同 GeorG 就一路都收不到 any letter.....諗住凍過水la, 因為我抽的也是熱門項目 : 開幕禮, 體操 & 馬術.
點知 miracle happen :p Monday, 有位男仕打電話比我, 話我封奧運通知書打回頭, 話我有抽中奧運飛, 叫我落任何一間中旅社 confirm d 飛, if later than 25 號, 就會公開賣.
哈哈, 原來我好好彩, 抽中兩場馬術的飛. 一場是8月14日 (i draw it because it's my birthday :p), 看盛裝舞步團體賽, 另一場是8月21日, 看場地障礙個人賽決賽. 兩場都抽中6張飛. lucky ^o^
所以不用飛去北京, 也可參與奧運啦!!
我同 GeorG 決定看8月21日那場, 會帶 Mammy, Daddy, 奶奶, 老爺去. 而8月14日就給妹妹 & Cyrus, 等佢可以同 Cyrus 屋企人一齊看 .... Perfect!

October 18, 2007

Krispy Creme - Halloween 版

Have you ever think of Krispy Creme could look like this:
Guess which one i take for afternoon tea today? heehee....

October 17, 2007

Prepare for the worst - 楊千嬅尾場 Concert

GeorG 的 friend 給了我們 free tickets for the show, $220 "faye" 第 22 行.
之前一路都無諗過睇楊千嬅的 concert, 因為好無興趣睇佢喪叫, 喪喊, 走音, 忘記歌詞. 但有 free ticket, 好啦, 支持吓啦, 話哂都是我哋年代的歌手...haahaa....

As my subject "prepare for the worst", 原來無 expectation, 結果有 surprise, 今次的楊千嬅歌藝進步了, 表演認真了, 看得出下了一些苦工. 不過服裝好唔 ok (除了那些晚裝). 編排又唔係好得 :p 可能之前張學友的 concert 實在太出色了, so biased :p 但總括來說都是一個合格的 Concert :p 因為係尾場, 所以 encore 咗兩次. encore 完 first round, d人 以為散場 (including us), 走緊落來預備 go go go...但 house light 仲係 又未走, d $400 fans 大叫 encore, 楊千嬅又出返來, 唱多3隻歌. 結果 11:35p.m. 先散場 ^o^
好在今晚 Paroni 同阿 Ming drive us home....唔會太夜, 不過返到家先記得 GeorG 今日要去上海, 見佢仲有好多公司東西要做, 不可以 I 沖完涼就幫佢"pack"行李.... now 我好 zzzzz lor :p

過兩日先 post d pictures and clips 比大家看! (but prepare for the worst...heehee...)

October 14, 2007


最近人人都在說 Elements 似 IFC, 星期日同Dad, Mum, Sis and GeorG 飲完茶, 我哋一齊去"八"吓 (GeorG 無 join 因為比公司罰留堂, 要回家 work work work....Ohhh o o o)
My sis is very "mo liu" and 扮路人甲 while i was taking this pic ~.~"
Elements is really spacious, and with lots of decoration around

<-- 有溜冰場, 又有 cinema

<-- 响 Cartier shop 的櫥窗, 見到<色.戒>的五卡 diamond ring, 雖然我仲未睇呢套戲 but 我都好似知呢隻介指是易先生送比湯唯嘅!
<-- 我哋成家人都覺得呢個裝置很有趣, 佢哋係水柱來 ga! U can find it outside H&M (ladies floor)

October 12, 2007


今晚原本會見到兩個好姊妹又即係由細玩到大的小學同學仔, 不過 Venus 放唔到工, 只有我同 Minnelli....其實今晚我同 Minnelli 都唔可以準時"鬆人", 大家都差不多7點9先去到太子, shopping到9點 Venus 最終都 confirm join 唔到, 好鬼c hungry, 响和花亭坐底, 我哋兩個傻婆拿住個 menu, 捉住個姐姐狂落 order....結果.....heehee.....飽得滯..... 不過我好 enjoy 同 Minnelli 食飯, 因為可以好放...haaha....仲有好姊妹是可以無所不談, 沒有顧忌 ^O^

仲有呀, 和花亭個 seasonal special "和花牛肉手卷"......ichiban!! 北海道正宗手握壽司果然名不虛傳...heehee...

October 10, 2007


很多朋友仔都話我呢個 blog 淨係猛咁食食食, 哈哈, 自己睇番又真係 bor....原來我們的消閒生活大部分都是花在食....heee....那麼我跟 GeorG 就好像每天都只有工作, 食飯又瞓覺 :p 說出來好像很 dull tim....haahaa...其實都有好多玩樂 ga!

不過今日又是食....哈哈哈哈哈哈....但無老公份, 因為佢要工作, no time to go out to have dinner with us. 今晚媽咪做東, 佢話响股票市場上賺了有些$$, 食鬼咗佢 :p

我生日嗰時, Winnie 請過我同 Ca Ca 食魚翅城, 同媽咪提過, 佢成日話想試, 所以今晚就決定去呢度帶佢哋 try try!

我哋叫咗呢度最平的 set, 有:
(1) 燒腩仔肉加海蜇頭
(2) 主角 : 魚翅
(3) 冬菇炆海參
(4) 花膠絲炆豆腐 (忘記拍照)
(4) 龍蝦米線
(5) 甜品 (豆腐花/雪耳燉木瓜/綠豆沙)
我哋要咗3個豆腐花, 1 個雪耳燉木瓜, 不過豆腐花令人失望, 一d薑味都無...嗚嗚嗚....上次好好食ga!


中環近皇后戲院有一間和民, 不久之前响中環做完 facial 後等 GeorG 收工去咗那裡 dinner, DBS credit card 做緊一個 set dinner promotion 有很多嘢食, 好似好抵咁 (but i didnt eat the鰻魚 & 雞軟骨). 今晚 (10月6 日)又是做完 facial, 又是等 GeorG 收工, 又想不到吃什麽, 所以又上了和民. 不過今次不吃 DBS set, 決定 a-la-carte:
pan-fried scallop, pan-fried beef cube, pan-fried tofu, deep-fried prawn sushi

assorted tempura
睇番d相, 先驚覺碟碟都是"熱氣"嘢 tim (except the cup of japanese tea).....haahaa.....唔怪之得我肥咗好多又生暗瘡啦 >.<

Dinner at Shanghai Shanghai

很喜歡 Shanghai Shanghai 因為在這裡吃晚飯很有老上海 feel. 餐廳不大, 有個小 stage & 舞池, dinner time 有 live band and 歌手唱歌, 在這裡吃晚飯很有情調, d staff 又友善, service很好.
我也記不起在這裡吃過多少次 dinner.... 天星小輪清拆的那夜, 我們帶了 Paroni 一家人 try out this restaurant. They also love this restaurant a lot ^o^

知道 Ritz Carlton 年尾會結業, 我們都不捨得...Shanghai Shanghai, 說過一定要 re-visit.
10月4日, 早上同 Paroni msn 咗一輪, 即興安排了今晚的 Shanghai Shanghai 飯局.

同一個地方, 同一 group 人, 但潼潼長大了很多. 現在她已可以自己行, 還可以隨意地在舞池跟住音樂跳舞, 好可愛.

今晚終於記得帶 Hello Kitty 的 magical bracelet 給潼潼, 似乎她很喜歡, maybe because it has some 燈仔閃閃吓 la. And 佢也 attracted by those disco 燈燈呢!

潼潼, 下次食飯, 再和你玩捉迷藏.....唔知你大個後會唔會記得 Auntie Celia 抱住你聽歌歌呢?

老公, 年尾再去 Shanghai Shanghai 撐枱腳, 好唔好?

October 09, 2007

國慶煙花@ home

So far, 每次放煙花都不在家. 今晚終於引證到我屋企是有"維港煙花"景的, 雖然遠一點 :p

今晚我哋仲 invite 咗我屋企人上來吃 dinner and see fireworks (TV view and Balcony view). Sis 仲買了一個大蛋糕 as 飯後甜品, 好味道!

Who can you associate with?

你哋覺得 poster 上的"女仔" 很熟口面嗎?

唔知點解, everytime i see this poster in 尖沙咀地鐵站金馬倫道出口, 總忍唔住笑, 因為我覺得"她"勁似"黃宗澤"帶了假髮扮嬌媚女子....哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈.....我其實問過 GeorG 好多次覺得似唔似, but he say "No.", 不過9月30日的晚上, Sillyer 又忍不住笑着問 GeorG 同一個 question, 他站在一旁看了一會兒, 然後答 : "呢個角度又真係幾似bor" 跟住也忍不住笑了出來 :p

同場加映 : 超開心熱騰騰火煱 dinner with my family

火煱料除了有一般肥牛, 帶了片, 魚, 貴妃蚌外, 仲有义燒飽, 蝦餃同奶皇飽, 好搞鬼 but 好好味 esp the 蝦餃呀! 好大粒 lor!

Dinner @ 朗豪坊粵江春

GeorG 申請咗張 AE 白金咭, 所以晚飯去大多數的美心食府都有折. Tonight 我哋約咗阿彪去朗豪坊粵江春食 dinner, d 餸細碟 but ok 好味: 有阿彪揸機所以有合照 :p (but GeorG 張大頭相係我拍 ga wor)

Hello Kitty Mooncake

之前提過我們的好朋友 Paroni 送咗兩個 DIY 冰皮月餅給我們, 你睇幾"拎拎", Hello Kitty shape ga, 不過很不好意思地放得久了一點才吃, 因為太"拎拎", 唔忍心食 lor. 下年一定唔會 (セ你咁唔知羞ga, 你又知人哋下年又一定整過你"吔"?)

你哋仲有無玩燈籠 ga?

9月25日, 中秋正日, 今年都有參加公益金 dress colourful day, 那就可以名正言順地 causal wear :p 今日可以早收工, 老公都可以準時四點放工 (原本 GeorG 要同 boss 去深圳開會, but the night before he worked until 5a.m., so his boss allow him to excuse from the meeting......but still he need to wake up at 6:30a.m. so that he could bring the documents for his boss to sign before he is leaving for the SZ meeting, and then still need to go back to office to work until 4p.m. afterwards, so in fact, he only slept for an hour, so poor...)

GeorG 比我更早回到家, when i arrive home, he is already zzzzz in the bedroom lu.

My parent know GeorG didnt have a good sleep yesterday, so suggesting to cancel the dinner, but GeorG said he is ok after some we just postpone the dinner to 8p.m. so that GeorG can sleep a little bit more....

This is taken from our balcony while i m waiting GeorG to wake up, though cloudy, still be able to catch the bright moon occasionally:

Tonight we have dinner at Regal, CWB, the restaurant is very full, so we were asked to be seated inside the ballroom @ basement instead of 2/F. But the environment is quite ok and not noisy at all! See how great our dinner is : 有乳豬燒味拼盆, 鮑魚鵝掌, 魚翅, 魚, 龍蝦伊麪, 炸子雞, 最後仲有燕窩杏仁露中秋 dinner 好鬼c豐富呀!

After the dinner, we walk to the Victoria Park, it is our family practice 在中秋夜去維園賞月.
我哋一家人總共帶了四個燈籠, Mum 帶了一個大楊桃燈籠 + 一個蓮藕燈籠, my sis 帶了一個rabbit燈籠, 而我就帶了 GeorG 送給我的小楊桃燈籠出來. So happen all the four 燈籠 are 傳統懷舊款 ^o^ See our pic with the four 燈籠s :
Victoria Park 一如以往, 很多人, but compared with a few years before, the grassground are more organized so that ample space were reserved for pathway!

今年看到很多人用了那些很幼的螢光棒築起自己的地盤 :雖然很美, 但感覺像叫人不準行近.

我們找到一片空地 settle down 後, 就拿出月餅, 芋仔, 沙田柚, 燈籠, 蠟燭賞月, 不消一會, GeorG 已找嫦蛾 (oh 不是, should be 周公....haaha...), 甜甜的 sleeping on the Victoria ground :p
而我就跟其他人玩着無聊的 game, like blowing off the candle, 鬥唱經典廣告歌....haahaa....what a wonderful mid-autumn night.

Dinner @ Oliva

決心要將積咗好耐未寫的 blog 一一 finish 佢 :p

很久之前去了 Oliva 這所餐廳, 經 Paroni 極力推介下, 9月19日的晚上, 有幸我的老公大人可以早一點收工, 就即興咁叫 Paroni 一家人帶我們到此一遊 (仲管接管送 tim)!

放工後 meet up at Tsing Yi, 今日有靚靚BMW 坐, also our first time to try Ming's driving skills (唔錯唔錯...) Oliva 响荃灣廣場, not close to MTR station, to our surprise, Oliva 是一間很"四正"的 restaurant (有d Fat Angelo's 紅色 version :p).

Set dinner 好抵食, d choice 又唔錯, so we have ordered one set, and then add some a-la-carte. 呢度叫 Pizza 有個好搞鬼嘅收費 formula. The menu listed the Pizza's full portion price, but you can order half portion (already have 8 pieces), the price is 60% of the listed price. But this formula is not disclosed on the menu, 好搞鬼.

Set dinner 有 mushroom soup (好味), duck breast risotto, we have added snails, half portion pizza, pumpkin 車輪粉, 仲有特別推介 : 牛扒 with 鵝肝 (個鵝肝真的不錯呀!).
Of course 仲有我同 Paroni 的至愛 : 飯後 dessert 啦! 今晚有 creme brulee and warm chocolate cake.....super 正正正!
個 creme brulee 仲有即場淋食用 alcohol and 點火表演...haahaa...睇到 Mironi bb 眼定定!

Smart Mironi wearing a lovely Hello Kitty t-shirt ar!