Sillyer n GeorG

February 25, 2008

靚靚 - 自家設計的喜帖

呢張就係我阿妹同 Cyrus 的喜帖啦, 成張卡的 idea 都係我阿妹自己諗, 但由於我同阿妹的電腦技術都唔係好掂, 好在我有好朋友......多謝 Minnelli 借佢公司的 designer 幫忙, 得以讓這個傑作順利誕生...Hurray.....至於印刷, sis 都係搵番想當年幫我印帖那間廠, 老闆娘仲記得我張帖 ga!

其實我已覺得自己張帖好特別....但比起 sis 呢張帖, 就慚愧得多啦....因為佢再有心思d, 自家設計 wor, especially the cartoon at the back, my sis draw ga!!! 喜帖全面睇 :
為咗令大家清楚看看 sis 的畫功, 我影了個 close up 比大家睇.....
請為我 sis 的精心傑作喝采 ^o^
也借呢個機會多謝每一個 send 祝福(or 講恭喜)比我同妹妹的好朋友 ^o^

February 20, 2008


由阿 Ming 部 Canon 40D 操刀, 捕捉了很自然流露的一刻......你知嗎, 原本 Mironi 是坐定定在中間, 點知阿 Ming 數 1..2...3 的 2 時, Mironi 突然將佢塊面貼過來我度 sweet ^o^ (我好 lum 呀! haahaa....)
我也很喜歡這張同 GeorG 的合照:

February 18, 2008

祝大家鼠年進步, 身體健康, 心想事成!!

鼠年靚靚利是封, 仲有長版 ga...but 派晒唔記得影低 :p
年初一 (7 Feb): 一如以往, 首先去老爺奶奶家拜年, 再出我姨媽那裡吃煎堆, 之後入我嫲嫲度團拜. 之後一大班人去咗沙田的稻香 dinner. A picture with my cousins (and their partners), 未齊人 ga, 初四仲有 :

估不到初一的稻香除了套餐外, 竟然可以比散叫, 所以覺得好抵食! 最犀利是每位客人都有一封利是回禮, 包裝精美, 裏面仲有 $10 硬幣一個呀! 咁即係每人有10蚊回贈!! So happy!
Taken @ Shatin Town Plaza after dinner, so sweet

年初二 (8 Feb): 今年無入去阿媽度拜年, 因為阿媽怕搞到好遲先去到我婆婆度拜年, 不過 turn out 都搞到3點多才去到婆婆度拜年 :p 之後就緊係去車公廟祈福啦, just 趕得及5點半關門前入內, 今年 people flow 又有 improvement, so less crowded and more organized compared with last even! 今年連點香都有人幫你, 唔想你阻住後面! 車公廟香火頂盛呀:
之後就搭車去青衣 GeorG 的婆婆屋企拜年, 每一年的初二也看到久違了的"熟食小販"奇景, 有很多檔 ga...各式各樣的小食也有, 仲要新正頭都無加價, 果然係做街坊生意! 我哋都忍唔住買了雞蛋仔同拮了串魚旦先上阿婆屋企 :p (當然有抹乾淨個咀仔先上去啦, 哈哈哈哈哈...)
睇完電視直播的煙花, 食完 dinner, 坐咗一會, 就同老公出咗 Pennisula, 因為約咗 FBS 的莊友在 lobby have a drink and 拜年, 雖然今年唔多人出到嚟, 但我哋5個人由10點半傾到半夜2點多先捨得離開! 其實 Pennisular 12:30 左右已last order, 也替我們埋了單...一點多已開燈打掃吸塵, 不過我哋實在有講不完的話題, 他們又沒有過來我們那面吸塵打擾我哋的雅興, 不經不覺醒覺要回家時才 aware 已是兩點多, 唔知有無阻住咗佢哋收工呢? 不好意思呀 ~.~"
是晚我點了 cake set : Pennisular 80th anniversary chocolate cake with lemon tea...yum yum.....George 同 Polly 兩個人飲了下面那支Italy 紅酒, 佢哋話味道不錯! 為年初二美好的一天劃上完美的句號 ^o^

Pennisula lobby when the lights are on!

年初四 (10 Feb): 又是 family dinner gathering, my cousins again ^o^
年初五 (11 Feb), 新年的4days holiday 眨吓眼就完, 要返工 lu....不過今晚放工後就食神降臨, 因為去 Paroni 屋企拜年加吃飯! 上天對我們真的很好, 能夠認識到這個知己無所不談, 互相幫助, 仲經常煮住家飯給我們吃, 今次仲要加埋親手整 cookies 比我哋吃, 又食又玩(佢個女)又拎...真的無話可說!! 個晚餐實在太豐富啦 (有石班, 大蝦, 象拔蚌仔, chicken wings with potato, 金菇肥牛卷, 賽螃蟹 and 老火湯, 飯後仲有 Italian Tomato 的 cake), 雖然我呢個 CNY holiday 個胃都有胃酸倒流情況, 唔多有胃口, 但今晚實在忍不住吃了很多! 同 GeorG 捧住個大肚 dum 走呀! 你睇幾失禮, GeorG 同 Mironi 爭玩具玩呀, 有相為証! (GeorG 話呢個 Kitty 撈魚 game 好有挑戰性, 好好玩 !.!)

February 17, 2008

Sanrio Q 版電話繩

Super lucky of me! 今晚 GeorG 要工作, 所以就陪吓 Mum, Dad and sis shopping and dinner (其實係佢哋陪我 shopping and dinner 就真... :p)

去咗 CWB 皇室堡樓下個間扭旦 shop, 原本係陪 sis 扭一 set肉桂狗的 mini 扭旦機....點知比我見到 熱爆的 Sanrio character Q 版電話繩!! 好鬼c cute, total 有五款, Hello Kitty, Melody, Keroppi, XO 同 Kuromi! (of course 我最想要 Kitty 啦!)
當我哋一家人"部"住架扭旦機, 有一班接近40嘅 friend group 又一齊"裝裝吓", 原來其中一個男仔勁想要 Keroppi 個款! Mum 話佢見到下一個扭出來的應該是 Hello Kitty, 猛叫我快d比錢扭 (of well, 我阿 mum 有時對扭旦仲熱衷過我, 我屋企有部份 Kitty 扭旦都係佢扭番來 ga!)....與此同時, 個男仔又話 if it is Keroppi, he would buy for me ~.~" So i decided to "do"$10 八達通扭一扭啦....when the egg drop out....i scream....yeah's Kitty....ho yeah!! It's so CUTE ^o^ heehee.....今次決定用咗佢!

Week 13 - 15

Week 13 - 3 February 2008
FEEL LOVABLE - "If you don't feel lovable, it's going to be hard to accept or give love. By yourself, with your lover, or another friend, really explore how lovable you feel. What were the conditions for receiving love when you were a child? Can you remember if you felt worthy of love then? And now? Do you feel worthy of being unconditionally loved? If yes, great! If not, what do you feel you need to do to receive unconditional love from others? Can you love yourself unconditionally?"

Week 14 - 10 February 2008
SHADES OF GRAY - "If you or your partner are prone to black-and-white thinking - where issues and experiences are often framed as right or wrong, good or bad, try to expand the gray scale of your perceptions by seeing things long a continuum. Instead of being at opposite ends of a polarized stance, imagine that you may just hold different positions along a spectrum, and that those poisitions have the potential for becoming closer with addiitonal explanation and understanding on each of your parts. This kind of flexibility just isn't inspired by a black-and-white outlook. Also, rigidity of position often belies fears, which might be something else worth exploring in a gentle manner."

Week 15 - 17 February 2008PICK AND CHOOSE YOUR BATTLES - "Check in with yourself before you offer a criticism, a sacrastic remark, or a grievance to your lover. On the wrong day, anything can start a fight, so use a little self-knowledge to recognize your motive, and consider the impact of what you're about to say, and decide what's really worth picking on and what's not. Fighting isn't a good recreational activity compared to all the other things you could do together. And if you unconsciously use fighting as a way to individuate, in order to take some time apart, see if you can't achieve this through a more constructive, direct, and conscious request."

February 15, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!!

祝願大家跟最親愛的人有一個甜甜蜜蜜的情人節, 幸運的我遇上了 GeorG, 就好像 Hello Kitty 遇上了 Dear Daniel :

今年的情人節沒有鮮花, 沒有 candle light dinner.....但老公老遠地陪我去杏花新城吃了一餐豐富又開開心心的晚飯, 也是一樣甜在心頭! 至於禮物, hehee....唔多唔少總有一點點啦 ^o^

家中又有新玩具加入啦 :