Sillyer n GeorG

January 26, 2009

Happy Year of OX

To celebrate the first CNY with Charmaine, we have dressed up her and took some clips on her yesterday. Today, GeorG worked very hard throughout this afternoon just want to produce a 賀年 video before the Year of OX arrive!! Finally it is done! Yeah Yeah!!

20090126 - Happy Chinese New Year from Charmaine on Vimeo.

大家都可以去呢度睇吓晞晴向各位拜年的精彩 video (in HD resolution)...heehee....

可可媽同可可爸都祝各位牛年事事如意, 心想事成, 同埋最緊要身體健康!! 恭喜恭喜....

January 24, 2009

Happy Family

Last sunday was my grandma's birthday, we have struggled whether to attend or not as that afternoon we bought Charmaine to take two vaccinations! We were very worried that she would have any reaction towards them. Finally, we decided to bring little Charmaine to attend the banquet as well as a private room was reserved and that Charmaine seems to stay normal throughout the whole afternoon!

My grandma is so happy to meet Charmaine again (last time she saw little Charmaine was at her full-moon banquet) and ask to hold Charmaine for a while (of course with some assistance from GeorG as my grandma is very old already!)

Auntie Christie helped us to take this family pic while Charmaine is sleeping sweetly inside daddy's cuddle, can you see the diaper bags behind me...heheee...

DIY 蘿蔔糕

因為有了工人姐姐, 所以今年就可以有self-made 蘿蔔糕, receipe 由阿妹由Internet 搵出來, 材料就由 Mammy 準備, 而監工就由 GeorG 負責....哈哈哈哈, 因為好怕工人姐姐又唔follow the step & ingredient 份量, 食c 我哋 :p 我? 緊係負責食食食啦! 個look 就好似好ok...至於味道.....就唔夠 pepper, 下次要多d :p