Sillyer n GeorG

September 29, 2008


自從有咗之後就在 babykingdom 到結識了一班0812的媽咪, 知道有好多媽咪都專登去搵個私家醫生照 4D 相, 因為想見見 BB 在肚內的盧山真面目, 究竟係似 daddy or 似 mammy.....我就無突登去照4d呀, 因為 Dr. Ng 產檢部機可以 produce 埋 4D screen 同埋 print 4R 相比我, 所以我每次產檢都可以話當自己做了4D checking.

好不容易又過了4個多 weeks (上次產檢係8月25日), 終於又到產檢的日子啦 (9月26日). 唔知做咩, 成個 friday afternoon 可可米都好似特別 energetic, always move inside my tummy, 我就好擔心, 因為驚佢郁到累, 到產檢時就去瞓覺唔肯郁比我哋睇. 所以我就同可可米講叫佢快d sleep, 留番d精力 checking 時先再郁比我同爸爸睇, 但佢都郁唔停, 一路搭 AEL 出中環我都見我個肚皮起伏不定, 可想而知佢幾起勢咁 move ~.~"

因為趕 report, 所以今日做到 last minute 先離開 office, 原本想 checking 前去麥當當吃個 Happy Meal 利誘吓可可米等佢陣間合作d, 但都無時間, 唯有同佢講, 如果佢乖, 今晚就會食餐好 (因為我食咩佢食咩 ga ma).

唔知係咪因為無食 Happy Meal, 所以做 checking 時佢開頭又用一隻手 cover 住佢的大半邊面, 所以我哋只可見到右眼, 右耳仔 & 好修長的手指 (醫生話 : 嘩, 你睇佢d手指幾長幾靚!).

我係女仔, 怕怕羞羞, 唔比你哋睇 (設計對白)

搞咗一陣阿b仲係力保私隱唔比我同老公睇清楚個樣, 我哋都無乎 (其實佢係無郁到, maybe sleeping), 當然我內心就緊係失望啦, 每個月進貢 Dr. Ng 一千大洋又無靚相攞走, 好肉痛 ga ma >.< 上次又係咁, 今次又係咁, 已經一個 week 前我同 GeorG 晚晚都同可可米講叫佢合作 ga la, 點解佢唔聽話呢 >.<

醫生唯有跟住再轉番 2d continue to measure the length of leg bone, etc. 而我又開始拍拍個肚同bb講叫佢快d伸開隻手比 Mammy Daddy 見吓啦. 就係呢個時候, 我開始感覺到佢郁啦, 睇個 screen 都見到佢隻手郁郁吓, 隻手仲好似離開咗塊面少少, 醫生又即刻將個 scanner "look" 番上面, collect 咗一陣 data 後就 change to 4D screen比我哋睇, Yeah yeah, 終於見到啦, 仲要係正面, 不過唔知d data 係咪 collect 得唔夠多, 個鼻好鬼扁又大, 隻眼仔又無咩輪廓. 咀都ok la, 不過唔似我又唔似GeorG , 同埋我覺得個樣好男仔 lor.

醫生見我唔多 happy, 就話bb浸住水咁耐係醜樣d ga la, 出來就靚好多, 唔知係咪安慰我呢?
今次醫生無 print 到可可米 reading 個 page 比我, 我哋又無帶 camera. 所以都唔知可可米個頭仔仲係咪好似上次咁大d d. 不過我記得 Dr. Ng 話可可米 有2lbs9oz. 醫生無話太大 or 太細, so i assume size normal 啦.
今日好 briefly 同醫生講過開刀同順產的問題, 我哋暫時都仲未 finalize 個 decision, 不過就決定 book 咗 12月5日的手術室先, 如果到時最後我哋選擇開刀, then 12月5日就會近接可可米啦!!

至於醫院有 renovation 的問題, Dr. Ng 話依家間間私家醫院都有大大少少的 renovation, 養和, St. Paul, Canossa 間間都有工程做緊, 佢話 Canossa 仲要搞到連私家車都入唔到, 唔可以 parking, 佢去幫 patient 做手術時都好唔方便, 唔知將架車放在那裡 ~.~" 佢話港安可能多 foreigner customer, 所以比較好交帶, responsible D, 主動出信講比你聽醫院有 renovation, 佢話其他醫院連信都無 tim 呀~.~"
Well, 可能係上天安排啦, 既然係咁, 就唔再諗 change hospital 啦.....

September 17, 2008

做媽媽的感覺 (3)

唔知係咪呢幾日空氣唔好, 加上天氣又好焗, 媽媽沈日開始唔多舒服, 返工的途中狂打乞嚏, 個鼻又猛流鼻水之後仲塞埋, 搞到無晒心機做嘢. 沈晚頂唔住決定食粒 Piriton 諗住好瞓d. 點知半夜都係比d鼻水塞醒咗, 不得不下床搞搞個鼻去個 wee wee 先再瞓過.

今朝臨起身時小腿仲要抽搐, 當然又要勞煩 GeorG 幫我按摩, 佢猛叫我放鬆, 但舊肉真係抽到好鬼痛點放鬆wor >.< 搞咗數分鐘舊肉終於鬆d點知一放平番隻脚又抽過, 今次痛到我眼淚都流埋, 最後攤咗在床上多15分鐘先起身返工. 有諗過請 sick leave 休息吓, 因為個鼻又唔舒服, 隻腳又隱隱痛, 不過算啦, 都應該捱得住, 唯有慢慢"gut"番公司, 結果今朝都遲咗半個鐘先返到公司 :p

其實呢幾日我小腿抽搐的次數密了很多, 兩三日就抽一次, 但我朝早又唔係行到好累, 所以都唔知點解??希望有網友仔可以話比我聽點樣可以減少小腿抽搐啦, 因為真的好痛呀 >.<


人人都話大肚婆會好運d, 易d中六合彩, 但我咁耐期期買都唔見我中, 前排d金多寶我仲加碼買多一注都係唔中. 終於沈晚....哈哈, 我中了3個字啦, yeah yeah, 雖然先得$20蚊雞, 都叫做中啦....呵呵呵呵 ^o^ 希望bb繼續帶d luck 比我啦 :p

September 11, 2008

做媽媽的感覺 (2)

呢兩日覺得個肚有d扯住痛, 唔知係咪行得多了, 定係可可米又長大了? 同 GeorG 講佢就叫我唔好咁操勞.....我都只係自己開過一次洗衣機同埋掠衫 jer :p

仲有呢兩晚出現了奇妙的感覺, 我個肚皮有時會感覺好硬, 好似有舊嘢突咗出來, 唔知係咪可可米的屁股仔or頭仔頂了出來呢, 都幾得意 ga. 而且我們發現可可米的 movement 已經可以係同時多過一點, 而且也懂得快速連續幾下的郁動, i think she is doing stretching and coordinating exercise ^o^

仲有唔夠100日, 我們的家就會由兩口子加到三口子, 每當幻想到我同 GeorG 手忙腳亂湊bb的情形, 我就覺得好得意. 這也代表我同 GeorG 踏入人生的另一階段, 要由頭學習一種新學問, 有點期待卻又擔心, 唔知我們可不可以做到稱職的爸爸和媽媽呢?? 可可米, 你都要努力呀, 你也要好好的在媽媽肚內成長, 適當的時候還要把頭仔轉下來準備出來, 不要制造亂子給媽媽 (heehee...原諒媽媽是一個有高要求的人).

September 09, 2008

Week 38 - 42

Week 38 - 27 July 2008
TOGETHER AND APART - "As much as you enjoy spending time together, it is beneficial for both of you to enjoy spending time apart and supporting each other in pursuing individual interests. Although it may feel life-threatening to lose sight of your lover for even a second in the first week of a new relationship, with time, this puppy-dogging each other may come to feel a bit claustrophobic and stifling. Keep emotional oxygen circulating by stepping away to enjoy your own friends and interests, secure in the knowledge that you get to come back together again to share the separate adventures you've had."

Week 39 - 3 August 2008
CREATIVE COLLABORATION - "Undertake a long-term creative project that you can both sink your creative teeth into, from knitting a sweater together (you could each knit a sleeve) to painting a mural on the bedroom wall. How about starting a relationship journal where you can each write entries as the mood moves you? From poems to love notes to takes of your joint adventures, the journal will be a wonderful chronicing of your relationship to add to and to flip through on a rainy afternoon."

Week 40 - 10 August 2008
HOME DISCO - "After a home-cooked dinner or as a sudden burst of playfulness, pull our all of your favorite dance tunes and go at it. Take turns playing CJ and picking the tunes. Invent unusual steps ot your own version of the tango. What are all the difference ways you can dance together? Spontaneous costuming is never inappropriate."

Week 41 - 17 August 2008
OTHER FRIENDSHIPS - "Maintaining your individual differences and interests is healthy for you and your relationship. Although you may be each other's best friends, it is still good to have outside playmates and confidantes as well. Have buddies with whom you each can share some of the interests your partner doesn't. If you or your partner are so possessive of the other as to be threatened by appropriate outside friendships, you should address the issues of trust, jealousy, and abandonment directly, since these issues can erode even the most loving partnership."

Week 42 - 24 August 2008
SPIRITUAL EXPRESSION - "Do you and your partner share a similar outlook on relihion or sprituality? What rituals can you cultivate and create that embrace both your outlooks and needs to nurture thoughts beyond your material concerns? It could be a weekly walk through trees, a moment of silence at the end of the day, or joint chanting. Try out different rituals and practices until you find something that suits you both."

September 08, 2008


看一看個 ticker timer, 原來可可米距離預產期出世只剩下100日咋, 點解時間過得咁快 ga?? 望住 "Only 100days to go.", 個心撲撲跳 tim, 原來我都有d緊張 ga ~.~"

September 01, 2008

SeReNa - Our Car

去完 carplate auction 後, 就同 GeorG 行吓車行, 灣仔 Harcourt Road 成條街都係 showroom, 其實之前我哋大慨都有了心水, 不過再看看有無新 promotion......首先去了 Mazada and Mitsubishi, 因為之前都無睇過佢哋的7/8人車, 但佢哋的7人車都唔係我哋想要的, 之後再去 Toyota看 Noah 同 Previa....Previa 外型靚(無咁方)但貴, Noah 總覺得外觀 OK, 但內部唔 OK, 好似好 typical 的日本車, 似玩具多d.

之後去了 Honda 看 StepWagon. StepWagon 最近出了 2000cc 7人版 (原本只有8人版), GeorG 很想架車中間可以有兩個 separate seats, 同埋個 walk through 夠闊, 方便在車上行來行去. 而呢架新的 step wagon 就正好 fit 我哋要求, 仲要送皮椅同後泊車 cam....買step wagon 的另一好處係一向佢的二手價都好硬淨. 不過因為臨時臨急, 最快都要等到5點先有得試車, 我哋唔可以等到咁晏, 所以約了 next saturday 再去試車.

我哋 and then 再行去 Nissan 看 Serena, 其實未有StepWagon 2000cc 7人版之前, 我哋一直都打算買 Serena, 因為架車有個最好的 flexibility 就係可以變做8人車, 但如果 set 7人時, 中間個行又可以有兩個 separate seats, 同埋個 walk through 夠闊, 好 appreciate 個 interior designer好細心:p 照顧到家庭車的需要. 咁啱架車可以即刻偷少少時間出去試一轉, GeorG 就決定立刻上花園道行一個圈看看如何. 作為司機, GeorG 對試車結果極為滿意, 因為行車好靜, 上斜都夠力 (不過仲未試 step wagon wor, 咁快下 conclusion)! 但作為精打細算的太太(即係我), 緊係 price-conscious 啦, 因為其實兩架車都 meet 到 our expectation ar!

Serena 的車價同 Step Wagon 相差只很少. StepWagon 車價已有後泊車 cam AND 皮椅. 但 Serena 昨天的 last day promotion 只送後泊車 cam OR 皮椅. GeorG 話架車大, 後泊車 cam 好緊要, 同埋 Serena 的絨椅經防水防污處理, quality 也很好, 唔係 cheap cheap 那些, 個 Sales 都 suggest 我哋用舊了才再考慮換皮椅, 唔好浪費原裝的椅子, 又好似好啱 (雖然我都係喜歡皮椅多d) :p

經一輪商議, 個 sales suggested us to pay $10,000 deposit to hold the last day offer (唔過數住), 如果下星期我哋試完 step wagon 決定唔要 Serena, 佢再幫我哋 cancel 番張單....不過我知其實 GeorG 是喜歡 Serena 多一點, 因為佢覺得好好揸 (其實之前阿妹結婚時租的7人車正是 Serena) 所以佢好 willing to accept 呢個 arrangement. 我估我哋最後都極有可能買下它....但屋苑車位幾時先有呢?? 要Cool Iron or Diamond Silver colour 好呢?? haahaa....

Nissan Serena (Cool Iron colour on display):

Our carplate in Auction

因為可可米, 我哋商量過決定買車 (其實都無咩商量, 因為呢d鎖碎的大事情我唔想理, 所以決定由得 GeorG 自己話晒事, 畢竟我唔識揸車...哈哈, 除了車, 仲有相機同 video camera 我都唔會煩, 佢全權負責).

有時, GeorG的細心係令人估唔到.....如果有參與過我哋 wedding 的人都可能仲記得想當年 2005年11月5日, GeorG送給我的其中一個 surprise 係佢投了一個車牌"CG1105" 送給我 (那時候仲未有自訂車牌呢樣嘢), 不過我哋果時都無揸車,所以無掛過個牌, 一年後就比政府收番. 原來前陣子 GeorG 已做了準備, 入紙再申請個牌, "CG1105"被運輸署安排在上星期六早上在會展舉行的車牌拍賣會進行拍賣, GeorG 很緊張, 捉了我一早起身去拍賣會, 看看有沒有人同我哋爭, 結果...哈哈, 咁 unique meaning 的車牌就緊係無人同我哋爭啦....所以我哋可以用抵價 $1000 投得 CG1105, 在不久的將來你們就見到 CG1105 在街行 ga la ^o^
Outside the Auction Hall @ convention centre

CG1105 in Auction

letter from Transport Department re Auction details, our carplate is ranked #126 on the bidding

咁我哋會買架咩嘢車放 CG1105上去呢? 答案係....請看下個 post :p 先看看 GeorG 在回家途中為我拍的照片, 佢話第日會同可可米講媽媽今年近中秋節時雖然肚子不是很大, 但其實已經 carry 住 BB 啦.