Sillyer n GeorG

February 28, 2007


We have returned from the KK trip today afternoon. We both got tanned.....actually, should be Sillyer got tanned only, while GeorG got red only ~.~" He is the kind of people that wont have the "tanned" stage, he will only turns red to skin peeling and then transformed into a new bright fair skin again!

Anyway, just a brief safe note to everyone who read our blog. We will upload the 沙巴遊記 later on when we are free!

February 24, 2007

妹妹送給我們的 kawaii Hello Kitty cookies

年初三老爺, 奶奶, 媽咪, 阿恩同埋妹妹上咗我哋屋企坐吓 before going out to MongKok to meet daddy and 安哥團拜 and dinner. 妹妹買咗兩盒好可愛的 Hello Kitty Cookies and 一盒好多粒的迷你 apples to our home. 那兩盒 cookies 好靚, especially the pink box, the picture look like 噴墨畫, and the blue one....heehee....Kitty look so cute to be tanned! Well, i think GeorG and I will be tanned after the KK trip.

Friends, GeorG and I will be having a short-trip to Kota Kinabalu tomorrow, we will take a very very early flight departing HK at 6a.m....I have already packed most of our luggages....gonna sleep earlier tonight! Will share with you any lovely thing in KK when we are backed.

February 21, 2007

Thank You 蝦子餅

hee..hee....蝦子餅 (viz. husband = GeorG) got one day paid leave today as his company is too kind to offer all staff one more day of leave for the CNY. Well, but he still wake up with me and go back to the office to furnishsome documents for the client.....he is very kind to offer to come to have lunch with me...AT THE AIRPORT....although it only takes him around 45 minutes to go from Central to the airport (taking mtr and transfer S1...too expensive if taking the airport express).....i appreciated much as somehow he give up some of his resting time to visit me (oh, so sweet) 無辦法啦, despite first day of work after CNY, have to give up to lunch with colleagues then :p

I brought GeorG to lunch @ Grappa's as we both (actually it's me) are sick for chinese cuisine. GeorG is very 豪 to order the CNY set lunch, the set lunch is very funny to use all the 好意頭 phrases as dish name but they are in fact Italian dishes ~.~" The set lunch is very very heavy, especially the desserts and i have a very full lunch ^o^


眨吓眼又過年, 祝各位朋友仔豬年事事順利, 身體健康, 豬籠入水, 心想事成!!
今年新年初一 and 初二都四出拜年 ^o^ 初三 GeorG and my family comes to visit our home and then dinner together! 今天(初四)開工大吉.

年廿九同屋企人吃完 dinner 去咗維園行花市....見到呢隻 pig 好cute, and 好大, GeorG 話同乳豬嘅 size 差不多, 做得好 detail ^o^ 肥嘟嘟大到可以 cover my we bought it and 打算送比老爺, 等佢放响檔口度做生招牌 ^o^

my mum 就 insist 買枝充氣 珍寶"豬", 都好 cute ar! here are the pic we took @ 維園, so many people lar!

another one taken at home & at the podium of 昇仔, see we have decorated our home with some festive 吊掛 :
早幾日 GeorG 帶我睇 Kitty....(pls excuse for the poor lighting as it is taken by the camera of mobile phone)

February 15, 2007


heehee....無乜 we will go to KK after CNY for a short trip and want to 落 green, so we need to buy some professional golf shoes :p After meeting GeorG in Central yesterday night, we went to CWB's Leighton Centre to look for nice nice golf shoes....luckily we managed to get each one of us a nice pair, he paid for my pair and i paid for his pair, would that be our valentine's gifts?

After shopping, we just have a quick dinner @ rbt and have my favorite 荔枝白玉, as we need to go to IKEA to buy a big big vase for my nice bunch of roses at home!

See how nice the bouquet become now:

I enjoyed my Valentine's day, how about you?

February 14, 2007

GeorG 帶給 Sillyer 的情人節 - 2007

昨晚我 "lure" GeorG 十二點前回家過情人節 .... 結果佢好乖在晚間新聞 just finish 時按門鐘 .... 仲帶咗一個驚喜比我 ^o^

唔知今晚仲有無 surprise 呢?

Love Wishes from Hello Kitty

As part of the MTR Hello Kitty Dream Wedding promotion, everyday when you put your Octopus Card to the MTR Club machine, one Hello Kitty "愛的祝福" would be printed out.

I have started taking up that habit of visiting the machine every morning started on Wednesday, and here are the Love Wishes i have received so far for these days.

7 Febraury 2007

愛, 需要灌溉. 祝你們的愛快高長大! (Love Wish #1)
8 Febraury 2007
真愛, 需以 行動來體現. 願你們的愛充滿動力! (Love Wish #13)

9 February 2007
愛不用言語, 只能用心感受. 願你和情人體會更多. (Love Wish #7)

10 February 2007
愛上他的好, 也愛他的壞. 祝你倆更懂彼此欣賞! (Love Wish #6)
12 February 2007
用愛, 為世界塗上色彩! 希望你們的愛無限繽紛! (Love Wish #28)
13 February 2007
愛是宇宙間上最甜美的奧秘. 祝你倆得到最甜美的愛! (Love Wish #4)
14 February 2007
Oh...i didnt have chance to meet the machine this morning, instead i have collected the following 7-11 Hello Kitty Valentine's Day special edition, i m so lucky to get the whole collection by spending only $30.7 at once ^o^

Wishing everyone of you a very sweet and happy Valentine's Day!

February 11, 2007


Tonight, Dad's family have 團年飯. Before the dinner, we visited my 五叔 & 五嬸's home as they have newly renovated their home. My cousin bought a Wii and i played 2 games of "cooking mama" before we leave for the dinner. This is my first time to play Wii, it is quite lovely though sometimes the machine cant detect our movement :p

On our way home after dinner, i asked GeorG is Wii lovely? He said "Yes" and smartly follow by asking me if i would like to have one......hmmm.....i think it would be nice only if he is free to stay at home and play with me....if's not good to play against the computer ~.~"

at the dinner, couisns have raised the following IQ questions, see if you can get the answers :
(1) 有一宗謀殺案, 警察找到三個疑犯, 一個叫阿水, 一個叫阿海, 一個叫阿山. 警方好快拉咗阿山, 點解?
(2) Tom, Peter 同 Mary 撞到 學校 Miss 偷嘢, 佢哋答應 Miss 唔會告發佢, 但第二日 Miss 比人拉咗, 你估邊個爆出來呢?
(3) 一棵樹邊個部位最無嘢做?
(4) 去小明屋企禁極門鍾佢都唔開,最後講左一句乜小明先去開門?

My sis and friend contributed two more IQ questions:
(a) 巴斯光年殺死咗恐龍, 之後會變成什麼?
(b) 豬冇角, 蛇冇腳, 咁蝦冇乜野?
(c) 有一次考試,公雞同母雞兩個人都唔記得寫名,但係老師唔駛問佢地, 單從份卷就知道佢地兩個邊份打邊份, 點解?
(d) 咩植物識得溜冰呢?

have fun!

February 09, 2007

Sillyer n GeorG 競選口號

最近 receive a lot email echoing 曾特首的競選口號 "我會做好呢份工", 有D都好搞笑, 例如:
xx公司的專業員工:「我會五點九就鬆… …」
學生:「我會還晒d grant loan」

George to Celia :「我會做好你老公!」
Celia to George : 「我會煮好火腿通!」


February 05, 2007

Our new office

We have moved to the new office on 22 January, the layout of the new office is more open (= less privacy) and compact (= less space), but it offers more window, so that i would know the weather outside and when the sky turn dark, i would worry the clothes hanging in my home's balcony....haahaa....

Here are 2 pictures i took on the first day we move in, you would still see some cartons laying around, will take more update pictures sooner when i have "mood" ^o^

The left bottom corner is my area, i think you can recognize from the hello kitty cushion :p

February 04, 2007

PWC Annual Dinner 2007 (3 Feb 2007)

The theme for this year is "Red-Hot", all the lady are dressed up for the party, and luckily i have Paroni as my 御用化妝師 helping me out, this is always the most headache task for me, you know i never do party make-up ~.~"

The dinner is very nice : with nice food and my favorite dessert, unlimited drinks, hot ambience, attractive prizes (ipod shuttle for all staff having staff number ending with 3, and the lucky draw prizes include trip to Japan, Spain, LCD TV with recorder and the grand prize is a car!), with very impressive stage design and especially the backdrop, with nice performance from staff, circus and Sandy Lam as guest singer. She sang for 45 minutes, really like a mini-concert. We all agreed that even paying $400 ticket for HK Coliseum show would not have such close contact with a singer for the whole 45 minutes!

Some pic to share with you.....(for detail, you can read my ofoto album)

February 03, 2007

草蜢 Forever Concert - Part II

GeorG's friend sent us two free tickets to watch the concert yesterday, but GeorG need to work in printer house for overnight ... so he have to give up the concert. As it was Happy Friday, i tried to invite friends to go with me but all are engaged ..... luckily i managed to get a "single" friend to go with me.

Back to the concert, the ambience is "high" as it started with several fast-paced songs, nearly all $400 ticket people stand up to dance and sing together. We also enjoyed the show by shaking the 吹氣棒棒 of the guests for the concert was 許志安. He and Grasshopper replaying the MTV of 將冰山劈開, so funny ^o^

February 01, 2007


GeorG 呢個 week 都好 busy, 所以得我一個人响屋企食飯, 但我無偷懶 ga, 沈晚放公行東涌的 Taste, 買咗一 pack 湯包 (actually i never bought these soup pack before as i worry that 菜檔阿姐唔乾淨). Since it is a bit late, there started to offer $10 discount for all soup pack ( c-奶仔, 貪小甜頭), and i noted the ingredients 配搭未試過, 菜檔阿姐又話個湯好潤, 我見GeorG 呢排成日間唔中乾咳, 就試吓 work 唔 work la!
(for those who are interested : 個湯包有南瓜, 牛蒡, 合掌瓜, 栗子, 粟米, 紅蘿蔔, 我加兩粒蜜 joe 一齊 boil, the taste is quite good bor!)

講番正題, 睇完充滿奸味的"突圍行動", 就開電腦整理吓 d 相. While waiting for the Piscasa to update the files, 我開咗 wedding 兩套 video 睇, 一個係開席前播的 bb, 拍拖 and 結婚相, 另一個係敬酒前播的即日精華 snapshot. 自己一個响 sofa 看, 一路睇, 一路 d 眼淚忍不住流出來, 係開心又感動的眼淚.....覺得我哋兩個細個時都好可愛, 但係時間真的過得很快...... 由相遇, 拍拖到結婚, 呢種緣份實在太幸福, 很微妙.

一路看 video, 個心一路好想 say thank you to our family; 結婚 d snapshot 片段, 張張都 tell 緊那天每一個珍貴的時刻, 其實都要讚吓 GeorG 好眼光, pick 咗 tsproduction to take picture and video for us, 佢哋 d 相真的好正, managed to capture all the happy moments; 好想 say thank you to Pauline again, my 化妝師,turning 一個平凡的女孩 into the star of the day; 好 proud of 自己同 GeorG d 笑容咁真,咁 sweet and 從心發出的開心; 好多謝伴郎阿 Ming and 伴娘 Christie, 姊妹團 (Candy, Carminna, Fion, Minnelli, Polly, Ring, Stephanie, Venus, Vivian, Winsie), 兄弟團 (Alex, Cyrus, Eddie, Jacky, Jamarson, Michael, Ar-Piu, Dr. Chan, Victor, Dr. Yu), 你們每一個也為我們奔波了一整天, 全情投入接新娘時的遊戲, 雖然那天我只可在房內聽到你們的笑聲, 但每次從 video 看到你們 so cheerful, we feel that we are lucky to have you all who have made our video so laughing and 熱鬧 ^o^

見到 GeorG 登了我們的 Wedding Invitation card 在報紙上, 公告天下.... 他專程投了 CG 1105 車牌.... 為了留念把 wedding card 的 envelope 拿去當首日封貼上 stamp and chop with 5 Nov 2005 的郵戳....見到GeorG 好 naughty 的噴旦卷....見到他跪下向 room 內的我宣讀 "20個善待Celia的守則"....見到 daddy 交我隻手比 GeorG的一刻, 記起 GeorG 叫 Daddy 放心, 佢會好好照顧我.....見到 Mammy 飲茶時忍唔住哭.....d 兄弟姊妹跑來跑去為我們 pack 好and 點齊 d 東西.....又見到花車上我自己 design 的名牌.... 花車的 carplate 是 LU610 (= Love you)....又記得好不容易才取到的好意頭 number 房 1288 號房....見到開心的老爺奶奶....我就又忍唔住哭......每一個畫面都 repeat one same message : we are so lucky and blissful! 呢 d 相 and video 可能响其他人眼中一d 都唔特別, 但 for us, 呢一世都不能忘記每一秒的感動.

唔知 GeorG 回家時有沒有留意睡了的我是曾經傻傻的哭過?