Sillyer n GeorG

January 31, 2008

Sillyer's Annual Dinner

輪到 Sillyer 的 Annual Dinner 啦, 其實我公司的 Annual Dinner 比 GeorG 的更早1 個 week, our Annual Dinner was held on 11 Jan 2008 (Friday) night, also at HKCEC, but of course our venue is much smaller la! Ours was held at the old wings with around 85 tables.

This year i was one of the committee members of the Annual Dinner Organizing Committee, 所以好忙好忙好鬼忙, 好忙因為除了是 committee 外, 也要做其中一個節目的 performer, 不過 i think the most time spent was on dealing with "troublesome" people and also last minute change as requested by management la ^o^ But all and all, it's a good and unique learning process, and i have made some close friends in other units after this big event ^o^

The theme for tonight is "Fantastic Night, 夢幻嘉年嘩", 有熱鬧的 opening parade, 有magic show, 有我有份表演的"拉繩大鼓", 仲有珠海 office send 咗一team 靚女來表演好有特色的中國舞, 當然仲有 lucky draw, grand prize 雖然唔夠 GeorG 間公司勁, 但都有雙人來回日本 tickets and hotel package ga! 不過由於我是工作人員, 所以都沒有太多時間坐下來欣賞 the show, 吃的也只是 lunch and dinner box ja!
呢個係 cocktail area 的 display backdrop, 係咪好正呢?

開 show 前後台一班 committee 同 performers 的大合照...say cheezeee....

呢個就係我表演打鼓的 look 啦, 係咪好型呢?

Our drum performance.....isn't it cool....!!

好在 GeorG 趕得及由 Macau 回來欣賞我的表演 and be my photographer.....hehee.....(the jetfoil has delayed a lot due to heavy smog that night!) Thanks honey!!

After the show, we went to CEO for Karaoke to celebrate and have fun!!

January 30, 2008

Charity Works - Orbis (19 Jan 2008)

之前講過1月19日星期六的下午我跟阿妹去做義工....阿妹一向都好支持奧比斯眼科醫院, 今次我哋一齊幫 Orbis 响沙田火車站(港鐵站?)賣抽獎券, 由4點賣到6點半, 好努力咁都只係大概賣了 100 張.

This time is my first time to sell raffles ticket on the street, that day was a bit 賣賣吓同阿妹都買了點 drinks 補充體力......今次賣抽獎券見到好多人生百態 :
- 有d人一聽到係 "奧比斯" 立刻慷慨解囊
- 有個媽咪聽到係 Orbis 就同d仔女講奧比斯係一個值得支持的慈善團體, 跟住攞銀包出來買抽獎券
- 有對年輕很潮的 couple 給我們一百元, 我哋話"唔好意思, 無得找錢" (因為d donation money 是直接放入旗袋的, 不過我們的手), 佢就話, "我就係買一百元", this one is our biggest donor for that day!
- 有數個好心人都只捐款, 不要抽獎券, 叫我們留下來賣給其他人
- 有d人遠遠見到我哋賣抽獎券立刻繞路行
- 大部分人都當"聽我唔到, 睇我唔見", 木無表情咁行過.... ~.~"

經過今次的"企街" experience, 我同阿妹都話下次見到人在街上賣抽獎券, 一定會支持 ^o^

下面就是我今次賣的奧比斯抽獎券 (當然我都有捐款支持自己啦!!), 希望你都支持奧比斯啦!

January 29, 2008


2008年1月27日係一個大好日子, 我同老公一早起牀準備就緒等 Cyrus 過來, 首先駕車去我屋企附近的奇華攞中式結婚喜餅同埋禮盒, 我哋呢d醒目人, 緊係一早就訂定d餅啦, 因為龍鳳!!

之後第2站就係入上水嘅石湖墟.....由於大家都知道接下來的東西將會很重, 所以先吃個 big lunch 補充體力先, 然後先去石湖墟街市選購生果籃, 再拿上個星期訂了的過大禮套裝!

唔知點解, 生果鋪的老闆娘一見到我哋3個就問我哋係唔係要買果籃過大禮?? 我哋什麼也沒有拿著, 實在到依家也百思不得其解為什麼老闆娘咁犀利, 可能我哋3個嗰額頭都刻了個"囍"字, 只是我們沒有察覺啦, 哈哈哈哈哈.....

Anyway, 唔講唔知, 過大禮的果籃一定要有石榴同蘋果, 意頭嚟ga! 雖然個果籃 very expensive, 但d生果全部大大個, 好新鮮, 老闆娘又好比心機 stick 了好多"囍"字落d生果度, 砌到個果籃靚一靚, 做水魚都服氣d (我代 Cyrus 講 it is not paid by me :p).

(題外話 : 你哋一定好奇問點解我哋會山長水遠去上水買過大禮的東西, 因為想當年我同 GeorG 過大禮的事宜基本上係我老爺一手包辦, 所有東西都妥妥當當, 又好靚靚, 特別係那一對金椰子, 你知啦, 對金椰子响過大禮籃子內佔很重要的地位 ga ma! 我哋對椰子擺擺吓仲會發芽的, 老人家不知幾高興, 好兆頭!! 所以Cyrus 同阿妹結婚, 過大禮的事宜我阿媽緊係向老爺求救啦, 我哋都係到今時今日先知想當年過大禮的東西是老爺專誠在上水買 ga!)

好啦, 搞好果籃, 就到隔離巷的鋪頭拿"過大禮"籃子兩大籃! 應該話係好 super 大籃....我哋一見到老闆娘 (又係女人做老闆....heehee....), 老闆娘已指住那兩大籃子問我哋對椰子係咪好大又好靚, 佢同我哋講佢很用心挑選兩個最頂呱呱的椰子留給我們, 貨真價實, 絕不花假.....老實講, 對椰子大到實在嚇了我們一跳, 比起我們 2005 年那對確實更大更體面! 實在很多謝老闆娘對我兩姊妹的優待同祝福 ^o^

在舖頭拍了一些照, 多謝咗老闆娘一輪後, 我哋就要驅車去屋企啦!!

對金椰子是否很大又很靚呢:一入門口 Mum and Dad 見到咁大陣仗的迎親禮品都很高興, of course they were suprised by the big golden coconut a lot too!! 屋企又一次瀰漫住辦喜事的氣氛....好開心呀!開心了一個下午, 我哋兩公婆晚上就坐 Cyrus 的順風車出 CWB (因為佢哋同d parents 約咗 Shangri-la 今晚試菜....), 我哋先去保良局比帶d日本手信比我哋的小朋友, 之後就 do some shopping and dinner....今晚我哋試咗一間新餐廳 : 千秋樂, 都唔錯啦 ^o^隨相附送兩張新年佈景照...heehee....

January 28, 2008

GeorG's Annual Dinner (19 Jan 2008)

GeorG 公司的 Annual Dinner 今年仍然响會展舉行, 不過今年就無我份啦, 因為公司又 expand 咗, 多咗人, 所以今年 Manager grade 唔再請埋 spouse 出席, 只有 partners 先可以 bring spouse along......不過唔緊要啦, anyway, 今晚我都要去我婆婆的 birthday dinner, 同埋應承了阿妹下午一齊做義工.

今年佢哋 Annual Dinner 嘅 theme 係 "GLAMOURAMA", 老公話個 ballroom 同埋 table centerpiece 的 decoration 都好 grand, 影低咗d相比我睇: 一如以往, 佢哋的 annual dinner 係食西餐的, 聽佢講, d 食物都幾矝貴, 有 truffles....不過佢話d食物份量不多, 所以唔係好夠飽, 所以之後响 Karaoke 佢哋叫咗好多食物填肚!

今年佢哋 table prize 係每張枱一個 digital photo frame, 不過佢哋張 table 的 redemption badge 唔見咗, 所以話要之後返公司追究 HR......唔知下文 lu.....而 lucky draw 的 grand prize 好勁呀, 係一架 Peugeot 車....compared with our company's grand prize....簡直係"小毛見大毛"...haaa...不過那又如何, 都抽唔中 ~.~"

至於表演嘉賓, 今年係許志安, 佢有個同事話聽聞因為 Annual Dinner 那晚 clash 咗港台的10大中文歌曲頒獎典禮, 所以好多歌星唔得閒, 只可以找無獎拿的來表演 lor.....所以就有許志安, 我其實好想睇 ga, 不過佢開始唱的時候 (10:45p.m.) 我仲响沙田上緊粉麪咋.....食埋美點相輝, 糖水同壽包, 坐車過海佢哋都已散場去到 Causeway Bay's CEO Karaoke la!
今晚响 CEO 發生咗一段小插曲, 遇到差人查牌 & check 身份證, 雖然我哋响正2號房 (G/F), 但等咗好耐都唔 check our room....差人查牌時又無得唱歌, 落咗食物 & drink 的 order 又要 hold 住唔可以拿入來.....我哋唯有玩大話骰 kill time....但輸咗要飲的溝酒綠茶又飲哂未送到, 差 d 渴 c..... or 飲 dry 醉 c....haahaa....
因為佢哋 Annual Dinner 個個女仔都 ball-look and 只帶個小小的 clutch. 除咗我呢個 2-fight-6 有帶 ID card 外, GeorG 的兩個女同事都無帶, 開頭都 worry 比 police check 時會好 trouble....不過 when police check 時, 我哋個個有 ID 都好合作咁"隊"張咭比阿 Sir and Madam check, 仲猛問幾時開番有歌仔唱, 阿 Sir 都唔問無 ID 的兩位同事 lor... 其實阿 Sir 一入來, 都睇到成班人個個 party look (except me), 正正經經咁款, 都知"無料到"啦....haaaahaa....
是晚小妹都好 high, 玩吓"隊酒", 飲咗3杯, 走時都半夜3點9....臨走仲要 GeorG 幫我响我最喜歡的 Merry Go Round 前拍照, 飲完酒, 面紅紅, 幾靚靚呀 ~.~"

January 27, 2008

Week 11 - 12

Week 11 - 20 January 2008
JOINT FUNNY BONE - "Do anything and everything to cultivate your common funny bones. From low-brow whoopee cushions (if you must) to high-brow word plays, anything goes as long as you are both laughing. Even if you aren't funny people by nature, there's no excuse for not sharing a good guffaw on a regular basis, given how many comedy writers, cartoonists, and comedians are paid big bucks to make the general population chuckle. Sharing a good laugh can definitely improve a couple's sense of well-bring and is a good pre-scription for difficult times."

Week 12 - 27 January 2008
GENDER AWARE - "The truth is that men and women are different, are not given the same opportunities in the world, and still play out conscious and unconscious gender roles. Take turns speaking honestly about what your experience is withing the world and within your relationship. Is there anything you both resent about your roles and would like to change? Enlist your partner's support to try out new roles and dynamics."

January 25, 2008

My Dad's Birthday Banquet (10 Dec 2007)

自從 Daddy 60 歲大壽後, 每一年 Daddy 生日都會擺兩圍同親朋戚友吃餐飯. 今年我哋去了佐敦新開的稻香設宴招待, 是晚"陳府壽宴"的菜譜:
而我亦响機場的 Regal Hotel 訂了很美味的 Black Forest Cake for dad's birthday:
Daddy 切蛋糕時的開心情景:
各位賓客盡情麻雀耍樂 : (媚姨最厲害, 一個人嫌顧兩張麻雀枱, 又要打自己嗰局, 又要擰轉頭教 Cyrus 打, 最重要是咁都可以食糊....哈哈哈哈, 果然係雀林高手!!)
仲有拆禮物時間.....如果大家有睇開我個 blog 嘅可能會記得我較早之前 (11尾&12月頭) 好努力咁 DIY 緊一個睇得但唔食得的蛋糕比 Daddy as birthday gift.....我阿妹見我咁有心, 所以都親手做咗張 birthday card 比 Daddy, 裏面仲有我哋5個樣圍住 daddy 個樣 ga, 好 warm 又好 sweet sweet 呢! 你睇我 daddy 拆 card & 禮物的時候幾 surprise! 連阿媽都話我哋勁!!
登登登登, 呢個就係我個傑作.....係咪好 good 呢?
heehee...由於今晚老爺&奶奶都是席上客, 見證住 daddy 拆開這些別出心裁的禮物, 我都要用吓我個小宇宙想想其他百寶氹吓佢哋高興 lor!

Housewarming Party @ Loretta's Home (18 Jan 2008)

2008年1月18, 星期五, 放咗工後我哋一行五人坐阿Dick 嘅私家車去 Loretta 的屋企作親善探訪 (haahaa....實質係打搞打搞....). 話晒係第一次做訪, 我哋當然唔會只帶兩梳蕉上去啦....除了帶了 Loretta 點唱的賀年全盒外, 我哋仲買了數盒 Hello Kitty 不同款的餅餅, Hello Kitty 朱古力金幣, Hello Kitty 中式賀年吊飾.......哈哈, 皆因 Loretta 都係 Hello Kitty 粉絲, 只不過無我咁巔啫!

Patrick (Loretta 的 husband) 同我講話自從 Loretta join 咗 AA 識咗我後, 佢哋屋企開始多咗 Hello Kitty 入侵, 我話 "好事來 wor", 但佢擰頭 ~.~" .... oh 比人哋老公 complaint tim....haahaa....

今晚 dinner 極豐富, 全部都係 Delifrance...由頭盤到 dessert...yum yum....食完仲有 Wii.....2008 Beijing Olympics 同 Wii Fit 都好好玩呀, 最正是阿 Dick 帶埋佢屋企兩個手制來, 所以可以4個人一齊比賽, 勁 high 呀!
快樂的時光眨吓眼又過, 好在有車接送, 雖然有行了一點怨枉路, 但都很快回到家, 但都要勞煩 GeorG 睡眼惺忪咁出來開門比我...heehee....

Dinner @ 西苑 (27 December 2007)

我的中學同學仔 Amy 又回來香港 Gryphon 大了很多啦! 唔知係咪外國長大的BB習慣了寧靜的環境, 所以叫聲也小一點, 哈哈, 我們完全不為意bb在吵閙, 但媽媽 Amy 已說bb很嘈! Amy, 你少見香港bb的扭計嚎啕大哭 :p

今晚我哋响太古城的西苑聚餐, d 餸好好味! Yum Yum....
知道咗 Amy 已懷有第二胎, Gryphon, 唔知下次你來 Hong Kong 時, 會帶個弟弟定妹妹見 Sillyer 姐姐呢? (Amy, 記住教 Gryphon 同 BB 叫我做姐姐, 唔係 Auntie 呀!! 哈哈哈哈哈....)

好 enjoy 今晚的 dinner, 人大了更珍惜和老朋友相聚的時光, 畢竟大家現在各自有自己的事業, 家庭..... 時間難以 compromise!

Merry Christmas - 2007

24 Dec 2007 Christmas Eve

今年 Christmas Eve 公司送我們 half day leave...老公公司仲 generous, full day leave! 不過 anyway, 佢原本都 take annual leave to prepare for his exam on 27th! 因為唔想打擾老公專心讀書, 所以我下午就約埋阿妹做個 facial 才回家同老公吃 dinner.....
今年的平安夜過得很"平安", 因為我們決定不出街四圍迫, 昨晚去銅鑼灣時已買定火煱材料....今晚兩口子在家中安安靜靜的用最新的 mini 電磁爐 (free gift from credit card) 打邊爐.
再加上咁多手切本地肥牛 & 手打丸丸, 正!!

25 Dec 2007 Christmas Day

等不及 Boxing Day, 老公就叫我拆禮物! 原本佢打算買一個 digital photo frame 比我放响公司 (點解我會知? 因為我呢兩個星期日日問佢, 佢終於頂我唔住講比我聽, 哈哈哈哈哈.....), 不過我d同事warn 我好易比人偷, 所以我就叫佢唔好買呢樣啦.....前幾日返開老爺奶奶家做冬, 比我哋响千色店發現呢個 Kitty display 櫃...heehee...我二話不說就叫老公送呢個櫃比我做 Christmas Gift ^o^
經過一輪商議研究後, 決定放佢响 TV 旁當眼位! 個 display 櫃好靚靚呀 :
眨眼間, 我已將一部份的 Kitty 放入去, 老公話呢度住滿了 Kitty 擠迫戶 ^o^ (因為二三樓都住咗6 個 Kitty, Ground floor 都有4 個 Kitty 加 2 個 figure 公仔!
至於我送什麼比老公做 Christmas Gift? 就係愛心馬荳糕啦, 仲要係 Kitty 頭樣 ga! (特別鳴謝 Paroni 借我 Kitty 膠模! 至於味道, 我覺得 ok....我其實仲有一盆响雪櫃, 我提議帶去晚上的 Christmas Party, 但 George 好誠懇咁話叫我留哂比佢食, 唔好帶去啦, 我諗佢唔想佢d friend jealous 佢有個咁"勁"的老婆囉! haahaaa!!
晚上的 Christmas Party 响 Dr. Yu 的大屋舉行, 有美味的食物 (CitySuper Big Turkey, 2 big plates of sushi, champagne, fruit platter), 有 Wii 玩, 有 Dr Chan 的 BB 叫, 當然仲有歡樂的笑聲啦!
晚上回到家跟雪人同 reindeer 一同合照 ^o^ Merry Christmas!!

January 23, 2008


作為一個 working lady, 每朝總是裙"luck"褲"luck"咁 last minute 衝出門口, 早餐通常有2個 arrangements : (1) 之前一晚買落麵包, 第二朝每人一半 (2) 唔記得買, 好彩返 office 有時間就跑去買個飽, otherwise, no breakfast.....哈哈.

今朝早了10minutes 出門口, 趕到早一班 train to Tung Chung, 突然諗起牡丹樓的"板燒雞腿扭扭粉"廣告, 就決定對自己好一點.....牡丹樓都好體貼, 外賣湯同粉會分開裝, 雖然返到 office 食的時候已不再熱騰騰, 但仲係 yummy yummy....好滿足啦 ^o^

January 17, 2008

Christmas Lights

This year, seems that we two are too busy and didnt have chance to go out to take Christmas Lights pictures.....
We took these pictures on 2 December 2007 when we do shopping @ Ocean Terminal:

And we took these pictures on 16 Dec at clubhouse, podium and lobby of our estates!

Dinner @ DAP (13 Dec 2007)

無錯, 你無睇錯, 係 DAP....其實我上 Internet 見到 DAP 的 homepage 已被深深吸引, 好想搵機會 try try....Polly's birthday 用不着, 好在 12 月仲有另一粒 birthday star - my dearest primary schoolmate "Minnelli".... sillyer continue to 發揮佢嘅 super persuasive power to invite Minnelli to try out DAP to celebrate her birthday...heehe....of course....i m successful...hoohoo....

去到發現間 restaurant 比想像中細, 不過格調不錯, 最緊要係好 quiet....very nice for us to talk talk talk ^o^ The menu is v v v long...hahhaa....

至於d食物....oh well, you can see.....very very nice, 一般的法國餐格局, 上碟的 display 很精緻 ....不過 addition 加的 side dish : foie gras, 外面看好 ok, 100 分, but 咬落原來做不到外脆內軟, 可惜可惜....扣了分 ~.~" 不過最緊要餐飯食得好開心, 畢竟我哋兩個靚女都想相識咗 more than 23 years (oh my God! so long...haahaa...), 無所不談啦!!
Happy Birthday to my dearest friend, 希望你 enjoy 呢個我特別為你準備的婚前最後一個 birthday dinner (雖然就無 Alex 份). 你大個女啦, 很快就做人老婆啦, 衷心祝福你 9月21日的婚禮順順利利, 做過最美麗的新娘! 當然我會 continue to give you my full support la ^o^ heehee....唔知我到時會不會也忍不住感動流淚呢 (of course 係開心的眼淚啦).

P.S. 老公, 下次陪番你去 DAP 試試

January 16, 2008

Dinner @ OurWonderland (12 Dec 2007)

Tonight, i had an enjoyable night with Polly and Carminna @ OurWonderland, TST to celebrate pretty Polly for her "still very young" birthday!

We identified this restaurant solely by "accident" as i originally plan to go to DAP with Polly....but she had another birthday celebration at there a few days earlier...there is no point to celebrate there twice in one year...haahaa....

The interior decoration of this restaurant is very.....well...我都找不到很貼現的 adjective 去表達, 總之有機會的話不訪一試, especially go to visit the "Ladies", the decoration on the 後備照明燈好正呀 (sorry, i didnt bring my camera along when i go to toi toi, so cannot share at here....and also sorry that i didnt visit the "Gentlemen" and really dont know if same thing found on there too...hoohooo....).d food ok normal, we love the pizza and desserts the most.......forget exactly when....Sillyer can now drink 1 glass of red wine during dinner (of course restricted to fruity taste red wine only).Happy Birthday Polly.....祝你青春常駐, 身體健康, 工作 and 愛情都順順利利, 係就係老土 d, 不過真是真心講 ga! 仲有 friendship forever.... (haaha....Sillyer 好老土呵)

Dinner @ Lai Kar Heen (7 Dec 2007)

真的不好意思, 由11月中去完台灣回來就一直忙過不停....除了一般工作時間外, 還要幫公司搞今年的 Annual Dinner (除了正常籌備, lunch time and after work 也要排練 performance, 當然也要 tackle people management啦...因為個 annual dinner involves 咁多 units 呀嘛!), 計劃12月尾九州之旅 (不知道是否很少人去九州, Internet 很不容易才可找到丁點兒資料, 所以今次花在計劃旅程, 找住宿的時間真的比想像中艱難 and time-consuming!!)......一大埋 excuses 都只是解釋 (=掩釋) why i can only post blog for things happened already one month ago....haahaa....

我同小闆同阿 Jo 放工後吃飯, celebrate 小闆重出江湖....今晚我哋揀咗去"麗嘉軒", 因為我哋都好喜歡麗嘉軒的食物味道, 寧靜的 dining environment, service, 30% discount from Hang Seng Bank credit card.....and what's the most important.....Ritz Carlton will going to close sooooon, have to grasp more chances to dine there lor!

As usual, food is very very nice.....except one funny thing, when 小闆 place the order, the waiter told her that the "Soup of the Day" is 花生雞腳湯, so she ordered 3 bowls for us. But when the soup was presented to us, Jo and I found that no 花生, no 雞腳, obviously only 木瓜, 雪耳 and 南杏北杏...but 小闆 insist she can taste 花生 and 雞腳味......

由於小妹我今時唔同往日, 假假地都間唔中買餸煮飯, 所以捉住個 Manager 求證.....oh well....confirm that Jo and I are correct....haaahaaa.....結果有 free dessert for the night lor!

January 15, 2008

My credit card no. was being mis-used?

This afternoon, I received a call from Citibank telling me that the bank suspects my card was being used misappropriately by someone. For security reason (or i think should be due to the bank's risk management process), they need to void my card immediately and would issue a new card to me with a different set of numbers soon. The new card would be sent to my home by courier.......oh far as i remember, this time is already the 2nd time i have such problem with my Citibank credit card.....last time was after my honeymoon trip dated back around Nov/Dec in 2005.

I have a big "?" in my can a bank know that my a/c was bring used inappropriately? What are the transactions done by those thieves with my card?? Can anyone tell me?

January 13, 2008

Week 8 - 10

Week 8 - 30 December 2007
"Schedules and moods can get pretty blogged down in this workaday, information-overload world, so balance out your weary work week with seriously silly playtime together. There needs to be an opportunity to revive from the burnout that comes from being ad adult and regree to childlike playfulness. What activities do you share that could cultivate this playfulness? Perhaps weekly tickling matches, funny face-offs, or body painting with bubble bath paint."

Well.....GeorG chosen to enjoy our life with a Japan Kyushu 7 days trip....GREAT ^o^

Week 9 - 6 January 2008
"From childhood on up, the root of many domestic squabbles is that one person feels she does more of the work than the other. Talk openly about what you both perceive and how you wourl like the work redistributed. There may be things you enjoy doing that your partner doesn't, so things don't need to be split exactly down the middle - they just need to feel equitab;e to you both. Housework, for all the strides made in nearing equality in the workplace, is still performed predominantly by women. An alternative to letting your partner's resentment build up is to actively take on some of the workload."

Week 10 - 13 January 2008
"If your relationship really is important to you, then make quality time to be together, make it a high priority, and show up physically and emotionally. Day in and day out. That commitment and stamina will go far in building a long-lasting relationship."

January 07, 2008

Hello Kitty Cup Noodles

老公, 沒有你在我身邊的7號晚上....我是多麼的掛念你.....好在, 讓我發現家裡有它....哈哈.... Hello Kitty Cup Noodles :p 總算令我有些寄託...hoohoo....