Sillyer's Annual Dinner
This year i was one of the committee members of the Annual Dinner Organizing Committee, 所以好忙好忙好鬼忙, 好忙因為除了是 committee 外, 也要做其中一個節目的 performer, 不過 i think the most time spent was on dealing with "troublesome" people and also last minute change as requested by management la ^o^ But all and all, it's a good and unique learning process, and i have made some close friends in other units after this big event ^o^
The theme for tonight is "Fantastic Night, 夢幻嘉年嘩", 有熱鬧的 opening parade, 有magic show, 有我有份表演的"拉繩大鼓", 仲有珠海 office send 咗一team 靚女來表演好有特色的中國舞, 當然仲有 lucky draw, grand prize 雖然唔夠 GeorG 間公司勁, 但都有雙人來回日本 tickets and hotel package ga! 不過由於我是工作人員, 所以都沒有太多時間坐下來欣賞 the show, 吃的也只是 lunch and dinner box ja!
呢個係 cocktail area 的 display backdrop, 係咪好正呢?
開 show 前後台一班 committee 同 performers 的大合照...say cheezeee....
呢個就係我表演打鼓的 look 啦, 係咪好型呢?
Our drum performance.....isn't it cool....!!
好在 GeorG 趕得及由 Macau 回來欣賞我的表演 and be my photographer.....hehee.....(the jetfoil has delayed a lot due to heavy smog that night!) Thanks honey!!
After the show, we went to CEO for Karaoke to celebrate and have fun!!