Sillyer n GeorG

January 16, 2008

Dinner @ Lai Kar Heen (7 Dec 2007)

真的不好意思, 由11月中去完台灣回來就一直忙過不停....除了一般工作時間外, 還要幫公司搞今年的 Annual Dinner (除了正常籌備, lunch time and after work 也要排練 performance, 當然也要 tackle people management啦...因為個 annual dinner involves 咁多 units 呀嘛!), 計劃12月尾九州之旅 (不知道是否很少人去九州, Internet 很不容易才可找到丁點兒資料, 所以今次花在計劃旅程, 找住宿的時間真的比想像中艱難 and time-consuming!!)......一大埋 excuses 都只是解釋 (=掩釋) why i can only post blog for things happened already one month ago....haahaa....

我同小闆同阿 Jo 放工後吃飯, celebrate 小闆重出江湖....今晚我哋揀咗去"麗嘉軒", 因為我哋都好喜歡麗嘉軒的食物味道, 寧靜的 dining environment, service, 30% discount from Hang Seng Bank credit card.....and what's the most important.....Ritz Carlton will going to close sooooon, have to grasp more chances to dine there lor!

As usual, food is very very nice.....except one funny thing, when 小闆 place the order, the waiter told her that the "Soup of the Day" is 花生雞腳湯, so she ordered 3 bowls for us. But when the soup was presented to us, Jo and I found that no 花生, no 雞腳, obviously only 木瓜, 雪耳 and 南杏北杏...but 小闆 insist she can taste 花生 and 雞腳味......

由於小妹我今時唔同往日, 假假地都間唔中買餸煮飯, 所以捉住個 Manager 求證.....oh well....confirm that Jo and I are correct....haaahaaa.....結果有 free dessert for the night lor!


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