Sillyer n GeorG

October 29, 2008

做媽媽的感覺 (6)

由呢個星期開始, 可可爸就下令叫可可媽好好收藏隻 wedding ring, 因為可可媽的手指仔比之前漲了/腫了, 有時回到家除介指的時候也要些時間, 有點困難.
前一陣子媽媽的小學同學提醒過媽咪, 他太太一路大肚時都無為意手指仔會漲, 有一天突然驚覺用任何方法也不能脫下介指, 結果要去舖頭找師傅把介指剪開!!
為免同樣事情在可可媽上發生, 所以都係早點做好準備 ^o^ 雖然媽媽沒有戴住隻 wedding ring, 但個心仲係同爸爸連在一起 ga...haahaa...

呢排個肚時不時很硬很硬, 唔知道係可可米的手手腳腳撐起媽咪的肚仔, 定係媽媽的身體開始作準備 (即係 practise 緊 irregular 的宮縮呢??). 33週啦, 時間正在倒數了 ~.~"

October 28, 2008

做媽媽的感覺 (5)

踏入懷孕的第三階段, 最大的改變係可可媽開始重得很快 (as at today 已經有132lbs!!), 個肚大了很多, 可能重心點改變了, 所以行動也沒有之前那麼自如, 例如現在蹲下來後會有些難度才能站起來, 可可媽現在不能站著穿褲子(因為腳仔不能提得太高, 被大肚子頂住了, 但自己又唔可以"烏"低放低一點褲管, 因為會站不穩失平衡....哈哈哈哈 ), 之前可可媽貪靚塗了腳甲油, 但一路都好懶沒有洗掉, 上個weekend 終於忍不住要抹掉, 才驚覺自己已做不到, 要可可爸代勞. 好在可可爸樂意效勞, 還 offer 幫可可媽剪腳甲 sweet ^o^

不知道是否可可米長大了很多, 所以可可媽又開始進入常常都想瞓覺的 stage. 我跟可可爸說, 你可以想像得到可可媽每天都 carry 住一個20lbs 的 bowling 在身上行來行去是多麼的吃力呀?! 說真的, 每天返工和放工開始變成是一件苦事, 因為每每站和行了一段小路程已覺得很累 ~.~" 但可可媽想 keep it as some minimum walking exercise!!

同事問我, 孕婦的情緒波動很大的嗎. 我告訴他是的, 因為確實有很多無形的壓力, 可能是太多 uncertainties ahead gur, 又可能 no experience, 所以有點怕 handle 唔到, 所以想得多就影響了情緒了.

不過很多謝可可爸和家人, 因為他們的照顧, enthusiastic 同 support 令我好過一點. 可可姨同可可丈仲主動地 take up the task on researching on 滿月酒同 birthday cake information! 那麼可可媽又可以煩少一樣啦.

見他們那麼積極, 可可媽都下定決心努力 read over baby names 的網頁, 務求替 Cocopops shortlist 數個美麗的名字....hahaaa....英文名已有d頭緒, 因為沈晚可可媽討論了 10多個英文名 with 可可爸, 經過可可爸的一輪criticize後 , 已 shortlist 咗5個名字了, 進展唔錯 ^o^
至於中文名, 仍要下一點苦功. 可可姑, 你願意幫幫忙給我們一些提議嗎?? heehee...

October 26, 2008

Week 43 - Week 51

放咗d cards 在櫃桶到好耐都好懶唔 upload 上來, 診 GeorG 熨衫and睇波, 等我一口氣 upload 晒上來啦, 唔覺唔覺已經到 week 51, 究竟寶物係咪尋龜底呢, 現在只有 GeorG 先知, 因為係佢每個 Sunday 比一張咭仔我, 下個 Sunday 就係最後一個 week before 我哋迎接結婚3週年的大日子 (BTW, 我同 GeorG 都 apply 了 annual leave on 5 Nov, 好想過一個2人世界 ^o^)

Week 43 - 31 August 2008
WE'VE GOT THE POWER - "How is power distributed in your relationship? Does one of you have more of it than the other? Among couples in which there is a more extroverted, seemingly controlling partner and a quieter partner, it is often the quieter partner who holds the most power. Since silence doesn't offer anything to engage or respond to, this partner can powerfully, albeit passively, stonewall man feelings and activities. Do you agree on the definition of power and understand how you both characterize your individual relationships to it? More important than how power is divided in your relationship is the awareness you both have of it and how able you are to share it in different situations."

Week 44 - 7 Sept 2008 LUNCH BUDDIES - "Make a lunch date with your buddy every once in a while. It's fun to see each other in the iddle of a work day. And because there tend to be certain limits that come with a lunch during the work week, enjoy the formality and flirtation that comes with these boundaries. Take this opportunity to talk about things you don't usually talk about. Or pretend to be meeting for the first time on a blind date."

Week 45 - 14 Sept 2008 FIVE FOR FIVE - "As a spontaneous or regular exercise, take five minutes to remind each other (and sometimes just yourself) of five things that you love and appreciate about your partner. This is a good way to reconnect after having a flight or any experience that makes you feel a little insecure in the relationship."

I love this suggestion!! A way to remind how we love each other ^o^

Week 46 - 21 Sept 2008WRITE NOW - "Send your honey a handwritten letter. Even if you live together, pop it in the mail. In this day of e-mail, there is something so wonderful about getting a handwritten piece of mail from one's lover. Don't work yourself into a writer's block by imagining this leeter being auctioned off at Sotheby's some day, just put a feeling or two into words and send it off. The fact that you took the time to locate a stamp is at least partial evidence of undying love. Who knows? You might even become pen pals."

Week 47 - 28 Sept 2008
PORTRAITS - "Paint, draw, photography, or collage a personal portrait of each other. Even if you aren't artistically inclined, pick up a Polaroid camera, a pencil, or even some clay and see what your love muse can inspire. If you are more repulsed than excited by the though of being elbow deep in art supplies, make an appointment with photographer or painter to have a portrait created of the two of you."

Week 48 - 5 Oct 2008 STAGING A FIGHT - "Fighting, if done fairly, honestly, and occasionally, can be a constructive (albeit impassioned) means of clearing the air. Check what your motives for fighting are before jumping in the ring. Do you want to resolve an issue? Are you striking back because you feel defensive, misunderstood, or wrongfully accused? Or are you looking to eviscerate your partner? If so, this is a good moment to just take time apart. In a volatile moment, try to step back and detoxify the situation with a pause, by not reciprocating your partner's fury no matter how provocative he's being and by recognizing when you're both just too gosh darned tired to make any sense."

Week 49 - 12 Oct 2008
REACH OUT! - "In spite of the all-too-human reflex to withdraw in a defensive posture when hurt or misunderstood, try to stay in contact with your partner enough to share your feelings before withdrawing to nurse your wounds. This at least gives your honey enough information to know how to reach back out to you. If you can stay in contact long enough to communicate why you feel a need to withdraw, you stand a much better chance of getting the comfort you need from your partner."

Week 50 - 19 Oct 2008 TIME-OUT - "Knowing when to step back and take a walk or a night apart is as important as having good communication skills. If a situation has gotten so volatile that there is no way to have a constructive conversation, then it may be time for some time out. Both of you have the right to decide a time-out is necessary and to have your decision respected as a temporary cease and desist order, hopefully before any damage is done. Before you part, agree on a return time-in and through what medium you'll communicate."

Week 51 - 26 Oct 2008MAKE OUT - "The longer you've been with your lover, the less you probably remember what necking and make out sessions were. Or maybe it was never your style to begin with. But it's never too late to start making out. Whether it's planned ("honey, meet me on the couch at 4pm") or spontanesous (smack!), enjoy it. If you're a bit rusty at first, remember that practice makes perfect."

Hello Kitty frying pan

講真, 呢個Hello Kitty frying pan 真的好靚, 不過我知自己一定唔捨得用, 所以寧願送比一個成日煮好嘢比我哋食的好朋友仔 : Paroni....haahaa....the best gift for a super fans of Hello Kitty who loves to cook (同埋最緊要係不單止識煮, 仲要係色香味俱全!!)

How about pan-frying chicken wings for us next time by using it? heheee....

Wedding Season

It's always a high-season for wedding towards the end of year. See how many wedding invitations GeorG and I receive over the last quarter of 2008....Wow!!

Congratualations to all our family, friends and colleagues who get married recently. We defintely enjoyed all the ceremony and banquet which signify how deep your love to each other. (It also helps to remind us on our wedding day...haaha...)

Our warmest wishes to all of you, Happy and Sweet Wedding ^o^

October 23, 2008

An enjoyable dinner with LynLyn

How long GeorG and I haven't meet the Ng's family?? Probably over 1 year.
They recently came back from Singapore for a short trip, we are so lucky to arrange a dinner with them at Elements yesterday night.

Lyn Lyn has grown up a lot and can well communicate with Auntie Sillyer and Uncle GeorG (we were so impressed on this actually) ^o^ I love her so much as she is so sticky to me and is always wearing a sweet smile...heehee...

We are also very happy to meet meimei (Lyn Lyn's younger sister who is only a few months old), she is such a lovely and strong baby!! And she looks much girlish and sweet than we read from the blog's pictures...haahaa... We had a great dinner that night, the pic only showed half of the food we ordered actually...haahaa...Lyn Lyn enjoyed the "funny noodle" a lot!! What is "funny noodle"? 其實係上海麪雙面黃 ^o^ (the plate of noodles on the top most)
Lyn Lyn asked : "Why the noodle is called funny noodle?"
Auntie Sillyer said : "It's funny because it is so crispy ^o^"
At first, Lyn Lyn has some hestitaion with the funny noodles and just concentrate with her chicken soup noodles...but it turned out that she finish the whole plate of funny noodles...hahaa...BTW, Pauline, is Lyn Lyn alright after taking so many crisy noodles that night??

October 22, 2008


唔覺唔覺就 32 weeks 啦, 即係8個月啦.
老公, 係時候要準備定老佬袋的物資啦.....
心情突然變得緊張 tim ~.~"

October 21, 2008


上一次30 weeks 時去廣華醫院產檢, 見完醫生 (一個 Consultant Grade 的醫生)後, 佢要我出去抽血做檢查 (唔知係咪係人都要呢? Or 因為我高齡 :p)! 點知過了兩日, 廣華的姑娘打電話比可可媽話驗血結果見到血糖超標, 要今日回醫院做糖水測試 ~.~"

可可媽雖然一向都很喜歡吃甜品, 但自從有了可可米後 control 了很多, 很少吃 desserts / cream / cake / chocolate, ice-cream 就更加戒了, 所以都好 suprise 聽到自己血糖超標. 心想一定係那天早上去產檢前怕會肚餓所以吃了個好"勁"的 breakfast (兩塊麥包 with blackberry jam, 一碗奶 with Kellogg's 星星 honey cornflakes)所以出事.

上星期四去私家醫生產檢時同 Dr. Ng 傾過, 佢都 agree 做個 blood test, 不過如果叫佢幫我做就收 $500 lab testing fee, 但返廣華就收 $60, 兩度的 test 都要早一晚開始介口, 所以無分別. 既然係咁, 就慳d返廣華啦 :p

因為怕今日會 fail, 沈晚 dinner 可可爸只比了好少米粉給可可媽吃 (因為 excess carbohydrates will turn into glucose and store in the body), 可可媽只好吃了兩大塊豬扒, 很多菜心苗, 同埋數片魚片 as dinner. 吃完 dinner 看電視到11點就上床 zzzzzzz......一路都無再吃東西 & drink water lu.

原本姑娘叫可可媽8點到醫院抽第一次血, 但可可媽"懶床"唔肯起身, 因為唔準食任何早餐, 所以好快出到門口, 同埋架紅 van 開得好快 ~.~" 所以只係 late for 15 minutes...heehe...遲到仲好, 姑娘輪住逐個抽, 所以好似等了一陣就輪到我. 首先比隻左手姑娘抽血, 可可媽好怕打針同抽血, 因為比怕比針拮, 好痛 >.< 不過最驚嚇都係姑娘見我 wearing a mask 又有兩聲咳, 就話我 "病就應該打返來改期ma, 因住陣間d糖水嘔返晒出來明天又要回來再抽過", 搞到我仲驚 ~.~"

抽完血要即飲一大杯糖水, 我會形容那杯糖水係一個好唔吸引的"漱口"盅裝住一大杯透明但又好鬼甜的水狀物體, 係十級甜, 甜到打冷震的, 都唔知用咩沖出來. 不過可能我口乾, 加上杯糖水係暖的, 所以頭3分一都可以好快飲下, 但之後的3分2, 簡直係拉牛上樹 feel ~.~" 最後我靜靜雞飲淨少少就放返落個紅A牌大桶內, 無人知....heehee...shhhhh.....

因為可可爸今朝陪我去抽血, 但姑娘唔比佢入來產房 (個 blood test room 在產房入口附近), 要佢出面等, 所以可可媽 finish the 糖水後就出去 join 番可可爸啦....等咗 one hour, 身體都仲 OK (except 出了少少冷汗同埋 feel very sleepy), 就落去 ground floor 的 shroff office 比錢 (oh, 原來醫院收八達通). 可可爸問我想唔想出去散散步, 我記得 forum d mammy 話飲完糖水行吓會好d, 既然我無唔舒服, 又有可可爸陪, 所以就出去行一個大圈, 順便買家麵包陣間抽完第二次血即刻可以食. 可能因為仲好早, 所以無咩 traffic, 成個 MongKok 都好靜. 行到10點3上返醫院等抽第二次血, 10點9終於輪到叫我個名, 今次姑娘抽右邊手 ~.~" 可可米, 你睇可可媽左右兩隻手都有棉花同膠布, 為了你傷痕累累 ga...hahaa....!姑娘話如果呢兩至三日收唔到電話就 ok pass, 如果唔 pass, 就要入院 12 hours 食3餐拮6次手指 monitor 住d血糖 changes wor...OMG...希望我唔會收到 phone call then ~.~"

October 19, 2008

Cocopops Update

星期四去完中環睇完ENT, 順便去埋私家醫生度產檢 (原本 scheduled 咗 Friday afternoon), 一來去開中環, 二來都好驚可可米因為我咳而有咩事, 所以都好想早d知道佢的近況. 醫生話bb有d胎水包住, 不用擔心, 不過我真的好驚因為我咳得太厲害了~.~" 好驚bb在我的肚內像洗衣機轉來轉去!

可可米已經31週啦, 不過只有3lbs12oz. 比起我在 BBKingdom 見到其他bb的磅數, 好似稍稍輕了, 而且我的磅數在這3 個星期竟然沒有重過!! 可能是我咳咳吧, 睡得不好. 醫生話BB係average size, 所有 measurement 都寫住BB 係 "average".....咁即係bb好 average la....hahaa...

今次可可米又唔比個正面我哋睇, 不過就見到佢食緊手仔....原來從側面看, 可可米個鼻都唔係好扁...heehee....不過隻眼就仍然仲係似可可爸多d :p

October 18, 2008


由 pregnant 開始 touchwood 一路都沒有什麼大病, 就算d同事陸陸續續輪住病, 但我都無被感染到. 我知道自己身體一向都不是強壯, 少少天氣轉就成日鼻敏感發作流鼻水, 但有咗bb後反而少了這個 problem, 心想bb一定是一個強頑的bb, 身體一定很 strong.

不過上星期六的晚上, 可可媽開始覺得喉嚨不對勁, 因為每每吞口水也很痛, 心想是不是下午去完護協買東西後同可可爸去了澳洲牛奶bb吃了一個常餐後出事 (因為我覺得那天的通粉很鹹)? 晚上早早的就上床 zzzz, 希望d virus 可以自己離開...點知半夜竟然比喉嚨痛醒來!! 唯有用鹽水 rinse my mouth 再瞓過.

Sunday morning 因為陪媽咪做 bodycheck, 所以順便自己也看看醫生, 點知醫生說我喉嚨不是很紅 wor, 應該沒有大礙, 但我自己卻覺得很痛~.~"Dr. 開了一些消炎藥及 panadol 給我, 那天晚上就吃了消炎藥...晚上依然被喉嚨痛喚醒, 唯有又用鹽水 rinse my mouth 再瞓過啦.

星期一醒來, 喉嚨continue to feel painful, 聲音也開始變沙了, 不想說話>.<

星期二回到公司, 喉嚨還是痛得要命仲要有咳, 早上決定再去 Regal hotel 看看另一個醫生, again, 醫生說我喉嚨不是很紅 wor, 個肺又無雜聲, 好像懷疑我誇張了病情 >.< 給了我 antibiotics, 藥水,消腫藥同喉糖. Lunch 後開始吃了新的藥物, 但喉嚨仍然很痛, 晚上咳得很厲害, 好像成個肺要咳出來一樣, 我一路咳, 一路流眼淚喊辛苦, bb又郁得很厲害, 像在投訴....一瞓底沒多久就咳, 根本不可能入睡, 結果苦了自己, 苦了可可米, 又苦了可可爸. 一家三口也沒覺好瞓. 好不容易捱到了天光.

可可爸下令我留在家休息, 他又拿了一日大假在家照顧我. Daytime好像好了點, 因為可以 on and off sleep for 2 hours, 喉嚨無咁痛, 媽咪也煲了蘋果雪耳粟米湯給我喝....but when the night come, nightmare begins again >.< 站起來還好, 但一瞓底條氣管就squeeze又是猛咳, 是喘氣的咳, 又是咳甩肺的模樣, 流眼淚好辛苦, 其實係嚴重到一路咳d we we 係一路射出來 (even 我已剛剛去了小便), 好唔開心唔知點算, 又瞓唔到, 只懂喊.

星期四一早, 打了電話給 boss 說我仲係好唔舒服不能上班, 因為除了咳, 今日仲開始流鼻水, GeorG 就決定跟我看ENT, 因為原本是預約了星期五下午, 但GeorG 見我實在太辛苦, 所以就帶我早一點去排隊, 希望可以有位打尖看醫生, 終於等了半小時就輪到我了, 醫生了解了我的 symptoms, 同吃了那些藥, 跟住就照了我的鼻, 耳仔和喉嚨.

原來我係患了嚴重的鼻竇炎, 因為d膿流了落喉嚨所以刺激到引發氣喘咳, 醫生說遲一點我就會發燒, 如果依家再唔搞好就好可能會變哮喘, 那時我就需要入院打針, 現在給我一些很 safe 的藥慢慢醫好鼻竇炎, 鼻竇炎好了我就應該唔會再有氣喘咳, 要我成個星期留在家休息, 5日後再回去, 如果情況不好就要試更重的藥了!!睇完ENT, 做埋產檢就要趕回家, 因為可可爸今日下午有meeting, 所以只可以請半日假, he cooked a 米粉 for me as lunch very quickly and then need to rush back to office. 食完 lunch 吃了藥我就 try to take a nap, luckily i can sleep for 1.5 hours without coughing any. 總算可以有覺好瞓....

我將自己生病的 status update 咗落 facebook, 收到好多朋友仔的問候, 真的很感謝....大肚時生病真的很苦>.< 好在有咁多人支持我, 為我同可可米打氣.

希望可可媽早日康復, 同埋唔好感染到可可爸, 如果唔係就無人照顧我哋兩母女lu :p

後記 : 今日(星期一)我已返工啦, 沈晚可以安靜地 sleep for 3 hours, 不過突然又咳醒, 不過在廳行了15分鐘, 條氣順番後又可以再瞓過, until 今朝 alarm rings ^o^好大進步啦!! 希望今晚繼續努力啦!

October 05, 2008

For 可可米的新玩具 - Sony HandyCam

GeorG 最近不斷用皇牌藉口 - "因為bb......." 買下很多好可能我原本唔 approve 的"貴"東西回來!!
繼一輛 Nissan MPV (之前講好咗住市區所以唔需要買車) 後, 另一個未比我有充足時間去 consider approve 定唔 approve 就買咗的新玩意就係呢部 Sony HD HandyCam :
點解買呢部, 因為有 HD quality, 同埋最緊要係"細", 至於價錢, 因為一次過買4部 (GeorG 巴閉到可以 persuade 到4個已/將會做爸爸的同事一齊買呢部機), 所以 bargain 到 $6500 一部. 不過部機又確實係好細的, 好 pocket size :
拼埋我隻 palm 就知有幾 handy, GeorG 的謬論 : HandyCam 夠細先會帶出街隨時拿出來拍低BB ga ma ~.~" Well, 我就放長雙眼睇吓你到時係咪成日攞部機出來同 bb 影video, 同埋幾時先學好個剪片 software :p otherwise 又比我哦話 "waste money"!!

好明顯 GeorG 9月尾出的 bonus 已一個仙都無剩仲要洗凸 tim....woowoo...個 economy 咁差, 都唔知下年的人工點 tim ga ~.~"



CG1105 - Our New Car

Suprised?? Not long ago, we are still talking about queuing for a parking space at our Estate, and see here is our car and parking in a very nice number slot : P28.....heehee

Next time you see CG1105 on the street, do wave a Hi to us ^o^

好矜貴的禮物 from my Dad

因為睇咗蔡先生的節目, 我同阿妹都比佢的介紹深深吸引. 而我 Daddy 就好識做咁買咗比我兩姊妹每人一盒....heehee....誠意推介 - 陳意齋的燕窩糕, 正 ^o^

October 02, 2008


多謝咁多位 Auntie 同 Uncle 對可可米的愛錫 ^x^, 最近大家開始問我需要d咩嘢 for 可可米, 因為想買/sponsor比我哋. 不過可可媽實際太懶 (sorry sorry), 由始至終都無準備過一個好 proper 的 shopping list 比大家認頭. 只係當知道永安 and 吉之島有 BB product on sale時, 可可媽同可可爸就走去看看, 見到啱就買咗. 同埋老實請, 有d bb大件東西實在貴貴 (e.g. baby cot, high chair, stroller), 都唔係好好意思叫大家以個人名義買比我哋, 但又唔係好知點可以幫你哋 group 埋. 至於d consumables 就更加"濕星"啦 (e.g. diaper, cotton, baby wipes), 都係唔知點叫你哋送比我.

至於bb衫仔方面, 因為 Auntie Paroni 已經進貢咗好多好多好靚靚又新淨的衫仔裙仔比可可米, 而可可姨, 可可丈同可可姑又時不時行街街時/去旅行時買了很多衫仔回來比可可米. 所以我同 GeorG 都想叫大家唔好買d babywear set 比我哋啦, bb好快就唔啱著, 同埋頭頭一兩個月可能好少出街, 我哋唔想浪費d靚衫, 未著就唔啱, 好浪費 ga ma.

如果大家真的好想買禮物給可可米, 我哋會提議你們封禮是給bb, 我哋儲埋所有d錢打算會買一個靚靚的擺設在可可米滿月時送給她留念, 雖然實質的擺設是什麼還未決定, 可能是一個金的擺設, 可能是一塊水晶, 又或是一粒 diamond...haahaa....welcome for any suggestion.
在這裡先代可可米多謝各 Auntie and Uncle 先 ^o^

October 01, 2008

做媽媽的感覺 (4)


當大家認為做媽媽應該係好興奮的事時, 我想同大家講做 mom-to-be 係有好多憂慮 ga :

(1) 個 pat pat 大了很多很多(超級豪華臀), 唔係自己”形”住, 連阿妹同妹夫都咁講. 雖然我明白有邊個大肚婆唔係大一兩個碼…但係我直覺我個豪華臀唔係多了肉咁簡單, 似係pat pat bone grow bigger outward, 可能係可可米"撐"大左盤骨, 如果係就好難減 la!
(2) 覺得自己的 cross section 好 ugly, 前突 (個肚) 後突 (個 pat pat), 無晒自信心.
(3) 好驚收唔番身, 變大肥婆.

(4) 隻手指仔肥咗, 戴咗隻結婚介指每晚都幾經辛苦先可以除番落來 ~.~"
(5) 呢排d毒奶 (melamine) 事件搞到自己好有壓力要餵到人奶, 但係又好驚自己唔知生完後有無. 同埋如果有, 返番工之後又點 manage 呢?
(6) 唔知應該準備定幾多奶粉 now, 萬一無人奶, 就要餵奶粉. 如果咁早 stock-up, 又怕bb到時唔肯食要轉牌子, then 到時就好浪費. 但唔 stock-up, 又好驚到時無貨 ~.~”
(7) 可能個肚大咗又升高咗, 所以有時食少少東西個胃好似頂住頂住, 唔多舒服.

(8) 依家身體出現個令人 embarass 的情況, 有時打個乞嚏就會”標”dd尿出來 >.< (8) 到依家都唔知道應該選順產定開刀好, 因為 :
開刀好處 :
- 對 BB 應該安全一點, 唔駛吸 or 鉗出來, BB 唔會變型又唔會卡住
- 係一個 pre-arranged 的時間入院做手術, 仲可以化番個靚妝, 唔會到時手忙腳亂
- 早d見到 BB (比 EDD 早大約 2 weeks)

- 只做下半身麻醉, 可以感受到bb出來的過程
開刀唔好處 :
- 始終都係手術有 risk
- 又要打麻醉針, 好怕又再蠢d d
- 怕到時傷口痛, 忍唔到痛唔可以餵人奶
- 怕個傷口埋得唔好
- 坐月補身可能麻煩d

順產好處 :
- simply natural

- 坐月補身無咁多嘢要介口
- 我 recover 會快d
順產唔好處 :
- 可能會痛好耐, 仲要係10級痛楚, 好驚頂唔住
- 痛完咁耐, 個樣一定似癲婆, oh my God!
- BB可能要比人吸 or 鉗出來, 個頭仔會變壽星公
- 如果痛完一輪都係要開刀咁咪好傻仔 (無端端挨咗兩種痛仲要係 Emergency C-section, 醫院條數會好鬼貴)
- 老咗可能有失禁呢個問題, 我唔想一打乞嚏就又”標”d尿出來 >.<

你話現實d諗, 做 mom-to-be 真的好多 worries ga!