Sillyer n GeorG

July 30, 2007

Hello Kitty Photo Frame

This is the Hello Kitty Merry-go-round photo frame with music box i bought from Trendyland warehouse on sat afternoon....we are very efficient to print 8 x 2R photos on Sunday to fill up all the album spaces ^o^ most of them are pictures taken during out remind us all the happy times we had.....and now this merry-go-round is displayed in the dining room....heehee

July 29, 2007

Gel Nail + Nail Art

看雜誌介紹 Nail Art, 突然心血來潮想替這個 special August 增添一份色彩, 今日下午"dump"底老公, 一個人跑去大圍整 Gel Nail....上次整 Gel Nail是2005年11月, 因為結婚, 今次純粹貪靚.
搞咗3粒鐘, 差 d 遲大到攞唔切回鄉卡 :p 不過 d nail nail 很靚, 很 summer feel....heehee... (well, 現場睇靚過過咗鏡 lor :p 因為camera 拍不到閃閃 effect)


Today is my sis's lunar birthday, 因為下午他們去了金都看 wedding stuff, so we have the family dinner in MK. 很久沒有食泉章居, 因為 booking 已滿, 只好 walk-in"等", 等了差不多一粒鐘...
不過 d 食物令我們有些失望, 除了隻霸王雞好 OK 外, 其他都 "ma-ma" 哋 ~.~", 不過一家人食飯才是最緊要 ^o^

阿妹 and Cyrus帶了這些給我們 from their Canada+Las Vegas trip, thank you so much:

最搞笑是 Maple Syrup Biscuit, 個 brand 叫 Christie, 不過係 Mr. Christie....heehee...


很久沒有上過山頂行行和食食, 見呢排"藍天"日日都出來替我們打氣, 老公又可以 free one day 陪我走走....所以就 suggest going to the Peak!
既然星期六是玩樂日, 我緊係罷煮....吃完早餐 (=bread), 等老公傾過 conference call, 再check openrice 睇 吓山頂有 what 好食, make 咗 booking 就出發 (well, mi-mi-mo-mo 已經是2點) :p. 兩個傻瓜行到落街已 feel 到 hungry, 但 2:15p.m. 先有下午茶, 所以我就 suggest 上 trendyland warehouse 看看, 講好唔準買嘢....結果行咗不夠 15 minutes, 我就買咗一個 Hello Kitty 旋轉相架, 一個好 beautiful 的 wedding gift (to keep secret here, i cannot disclose much :p), 同埋 Hello Kitty for cover 防盜眼的東西 (i will put in up in 2008, welcomed to visit my home by then :p)....哈哈, 又話唔準買嘢 !.! Because too heavy and too bulky, so we need to go back home to leave the things first ~.~"
今次再出街, 真的去食 tea 啦....之後 take MTR to CWB, shop 咗一陣銅鑼灣地帶, 無 interesting stuff, 就去咗 times square....行行吓比我見到 Minnelli, Alex 同 Auntie....嚇咗佢哋一吓....hehee.....
時間已經差不多, 約咗 PLK 探小朋友, 今次我帶咗 McDonald 的 Kuromi扭旦 比 my kid, and McDonald Happy Meal 的打鼓遊戲機比 GeorG 的 kid!
探到5點半佢哋 dinner time 我哋就 leave for the Peak! 上到 The Peak第一時間去咗 Starbucks 買咗 cup 新出的 Mango Frappucino, superb! 之後趁天亮行咗去"老襯亭", 看看香港美麗的景色, 我同 GeorG 總覺得由九龍看香港是好看一點, 整齊一些!

A clip I took @ 老襯亭:

原來今日咁"橋"利物浦都上咗 The Peak, 佢哋响 Pearl Restaurant & Bar 度搞 private party, 佢哋離開時我哋又咁啱行番去凌霄閣.....although GeorG and I do not familiar with the soccer star of Liverpool, we took this as we are standing so close:

凌霄閣 renovate 後 d shops 得意咗:

今晚 book 咗 Bubba Gump for our dinner, 呢間係 Forest Gump 主題餐廳, d food 係 America food, 個 restaurant d decoration 都好鬼 c America style, 個 menu 好搞笑, 圈咗响乒乓波板度! 如果你想叫 waiter, 就 turn 個牌去 "STOP FORREST STOP"...aahaaa, very cute!

we have ordered Mango Sparkler and Lemonade+Blueberries for drink, Cajun shrimp and a baby ribs (the waiter highly recommend). Well all of them are nice nice nice, v v good. Esp the Cajun Shrimp, even the garlic bread worth 100 marks!! For sure GeorG and I would be happy to go there again! 同場加映 firework 版幻彩詠香江.

After the delighful dinner, we went up to the roof of 凌霄閣 for the night beautiful! What a great and fantastic night we had ^o^

July 26, 2007


今日又有 tea 食啦...haahaa...今日輪到 boss 請食 tea, 佢問我有什麼提議, 其實呢度無什麼 choice, 唔知點解澳門茶餐廳 and 檀島 d tea set 都勁 heavy, 似 lunch rather than tea set! 杏花樓前兩天我先請過, 又唔想咁快 repeat :p
最後幾經辛苦先找到澳門茶餐廳一個 cake set, $22 有一件 cake and one drink.
I picked Chestnut cake and hot lemon tea for my drink, seems that make me feel less heavy as i have lemon tea to dilute the fat...haahaa...

July 24, 2007


有什麼消息需要號外咁嚴重呀Free Smiley Face Courtesy of

heehee......我沈晚收到信, 我個 CIA exam 最後一張 paper pass 咗啦, that means I have completed the CIA exam and now i can add "CIA" these 3 letters on my namecard ^o^
雖然 CIA 唔係 d 好巴閉的 professional designation, 但都總算同工作有關 and finish 咗一個比自己的 task, 同埋最緊要是不用花 $$ re-take....哈哈 (that's really the most important of all) .... hohooo (so 市儈...)

因為我覺得自己好 lucky 可以 pass the exam Free Smiley Face Courtesy of, 所以我今日請咗 department d colleagues 食下午茶 - 杏花樓 to share my happiness, 佢哋問我做什麼要請, 我答 "開心 lor!", 所以都唔係每個同事知道 underlying 原因 ga :p

明天公司會派信話比每個人聽有幾多人工加 (if any) 同埋有幾多 bonus.....雖然封信明天先有, 但老闆下午肯逐個告訴我們 d details, 唔駛等到頸都長. 佢之前話我哋應該會幾滿意, 但我聽完佢講我的 salary adjustment and bonus 之後沒有什麼表情, 佢似乎唔多滿意我 d 反應, 猛問我點解唔 surprise, 因為比我想像中好 (before he told me the details, he asked me what do i expect).....我答"都唔係 20 個月 bonusFree Smiley Face Courtesy of"....heehee...好似一盤冷水倒落佢到 tim....雖然我唔知我們的 salary adjustment and bonus 結果有沒有因為佢的爭取而多咗, 但我知佢有認真 study HR將會比我的封信 as he thought that HR has done some calculation error on my case :p He forgot that i was only promoted in May last year and so my entitlement need to be pro-rata.....其實我都好 appreciate 佢對 staff 呢 d 咁重要嘅嘢嘅細心, Thank you boss.... (but 佢都唔知我有呢個 blog嘅 :p)

July 22, 2007

Sanrio Sports Day

I know from Sanrio newsletter that there is a Sanrio Sports Day function at 荃灣愉景新城. 今日下午同 Mum and Dad 飲茶後, GeorG 就陪我去荃灣. 呢個 function 逢 weekend 1p.m., 3p.m. 同 5p.m. 會有 Hello Kitty 同 XO 出來跳舞玩遊戲. 我哋極速用咗 20 minutes 由 Lai Chi Kok 飛去愉景, just manage to watch the 5p.m. show....heehee...

Extracted dancing show by Hello Kitty and XO:

之後同 GeorG 行吓荃灣, 實在想不到吃什麼 for dinner, 又唔太肚餓, 最後去咗別府, 不過 GeorG 似乎不太喜歡這個2人座位....too enclosed :p 因為我有 VIP card, 又已儲到 over 500 分, so i can redeem 一客 free 的三文魚刺身 (5 pcs), and my card also offer one dish of free 枝豆, so i only need to pay the 2 dishes i ordered, a set of assorted sushi and 什菜豆腐煲 (好好味). VIP have 10% off, that is no need to pay plus 10% la. Guess how much we spent for the dinner tonight....yeah only $ value for money, $100 for 4 dishes....haahaa...

July 21, 2007

用鵝肝做 brunch ?!

Mammy 响 Vietnam 買了一罐鵝肝醬比我哋, 今天 GeorG 睡到很晚, 所以差不多3點才食 our brunch. Wife Sillyer 很有遠見, 一早估到今日很遲才有得食, 已 plan 好 yesterday night 買定 a long loaf of 法國飽, make it into toasts and then can server with 鵝肝醬 as brunch....haahaa....yummy!

媽咪舊曆生日飯 @ Regal Palace

上星期三係 mum 的舊曆生日, mum would like to try the DBS half-priced set dinner @ Regal Palace (the chinese restaurant in 銅鑼灣 Regal Hotel), 有 乳豬拼盆, abalone扣鵝掌, 野菌龍蝦, 花膠海皇魚翅, 清蒸老虎班, 茶香雞, 仲有杏汁燕窩做甜品!

'cos 阿妹去咗 trip, so 我同老公訂咗半圍 invite 埋老爺奶奶一齊食, 可惜老爺要開會 join 不到 .... anyway mum enjoyed her birthday dinner a lot ^o^

July 20, 2007


老公成個 week 都好忙, 平均每晚都瞓不夠3個鐘 Free Smiley Face Courtesy of
沈晚(or i should say 今朝) 仲勁, 我起身返工 7:30a.m. 刷緊牙佢先返來, 洗個面立刻衝上 bed
Free Smiley Face Courtesy of, 但 he can only afford to sleep one hour, 因為9點半又要返 office 開 conference call, 見到佢咁辛苦, 其實好心痛 Free Smiley Face Courtesy of

Free Smiley Face Courtesy of


雖然仲未有耐到, 因為我連新曆都仲要等多差不多一個月.....舊曆就係8月31日.....但我已經知道 GeorG 會扔低我, 唔得閒同我食飯....woowoo.....
事緣前兩日我問 GeorG 8月31日個 weekend 可否 take leave to trip, he told me his colleagues has arranged that night for dinner and karaoke as the newly promoted partners are going to treat them! I was so unhappy at once, as 8月31日 is my 舊曆生日, 佢要同 d 同事&老闆食 dinner 同 karaoke = 會飲酒 and 好鬼夜返 lor.

其實原本的 dinner 是 arrange 在前兩個 weeks, but 其中一個出錢的新老闆要返大陸, so postpone. 唯有希望今次又好似上次咁因要事 cancel/postpone/reschedule the dinner, then i can have my hubby back :p

July 15, 2007

Happy Weekend ^o^

This weekend GeorG isnt fully engaged, so we have some free time together ^o^

Sat lunch, we 飲茶 with our friends Lillian and Piu in Central (thanks Piu for treating us ^o^)

Then GeorG need to go back to office to collect his new PC, it takes a bit longer than we we were late when arriving Po Leung Kuk to visit our child. This time, we bought some ice-bar to visit them. I feel that my kid isnt feeling happy today, i have tried to comfort her but seems she doesnt want to speak her heart to me, i didnt keep urging her but only tell her to call me if she wants someone to talk to, hope she is ok la. While GeorG's kid is very happy to play the game called 眼明手快 with us, he enjoyed a lot ^o^

After the PLK visit, GeorG and I travelled to 深井 to visit our friend - Paroni and her family. We have a very good time in playing with Mironi and also the Wii game (especially the Baseball and Boxing one...haaha...). We had 深井陳記燒鵝 as dinner tonight, Ming is so 客氣 and insist to treat us (wei wei, next time let's go to Shanghai Shanghai, the bill must be on us!!)

Sunday, 一早起身 i cooked noodles with龍蝦丸, 墨魚丸 & 菜菜 as our brunch, then we head to the Airport! Yes, Mum and Dad are coming back from Vietnam trip! The flight is delayed for 6 minutes and landed on 13:51p.m., after meeting them, i GeorG and I bring them to visit the new Terminal. (actually mum and GeorG visited T2 before when it was at its soft opening, but at that time, not much shops were opened.) Unexpectedly, T2 was quite busy yesterday, have quite a lot of people especially on the 6/F (with many eating outlets). We want to have tea @ 潮樓, but so many people on the queue, so we give up and go to 澳門茶餐廳 instead for tea!

After the lunch, we visited i-Sports, Aviation Exploration Centre (newly opened this week), and also bought Krispy Creme, GeorG said he prefers 新鮮菠蘿飽, while my mum said Krispy Creme is very nice...haaha...what a contradiction :p

Mum and Dad are very tired and want to go back home, so we go to the bus stop with them, and we took S1 to continue shopping in Tung Chung. Having shop Citygate for a while, there are many many outlet opened, like Bally, Lanvin, Vivienne Tam, Moiselle, Benetton...but we didnt buy anything. Finally we had some snacks at KFC before we go back home for dinner. Since we are not hungry at all, so we took a very casual dinner : 魚肚蒸排骨, 生菜, and also 桂花紅豆湯丸 as dessert ^o^

July 14, 2007

New member of our Balcony

之前 balcony 的 mini-rose 同牽牛花唔知點解枯晒 :p
Balcony 經過一輪空置後, 終於我哋响7月2日去咗美孚一個花檔到買了一 pack 太陽花種子回家.
Plant 了 about two weeks, 似乎進度不錯, from a seed plant into the soil to now having more than 2 inches tall!
希望今次花花的 life 能夠長一點啦 ^o^

July 12, 2007


今個月的7號咁啱是星期六, of course 有一個好藉口做 d 特別嘢.....keekee.....今次是......登登登櫈....去全城數一數二最正 but 比較貴的扒房... Inter-continental Hotel 嘅 The Steak House!

其實我同 GeorG 想去呢間 restaurant 好耐 ga la....不過又唔捨得食咁貴的牛扒, 因為驚唔識欣賞, 去 CitySuper 買兩佰幾蚊的牛扒已覺得好肉痛 :p 不過人一世, 物一世, 決定豪一次 la....haahaa...

星期三 make reservation, Inter-Con 的 reservation centre 話只有8點半枱, otherwise 早就只可以6點 but have to return the table before 8:30p.m.... GeorG 話 prefer 早 d start the dinner, so i book the table at 6p.m.! 咁難 book, 唔通真係好似 Harbourside 長期 full house?
五點鐘出門口, 出到 TST 行咗一陣 SOGO, 之後就行去 Inter-Con 食飯 la, 雖然只係6:10p.m. 但已有三四枱客, 因為我沒有 request window-side table, so we were seated to the inner of the restaurant behind a wall of bottles! A relatively quiet and more private corner indeed! Good Good Good...heehee....

The Steak House 的餐牌好簡單, 只有左右兩個 page, but the wine list is very thick ~.~" The Steak House 咁啱呢排做緊一個 Independence Day 3-courses Set Dinner, so we have one more options. 原本打算 a-la-carte lobster bisque, steak and dessert, but the set dinner is only $838 which included 16oz US Striploin/RibEye Steak, seems value for money (因為一般的8oz New York Strip a-la-carte 都要 $560!). 聽個 waiter 講佢哋呢度最 famous 係 US Steak, but you would also find in the menu for steak from Australia, Waygu from Japan and Australia, and also some non-beef choices like lamb chop, lobster, seabass...etc...
同個 waiter discuss 一輪後 (d waiter service 唔錯 ga!), 我哋一致決定要一個 set dinner, and then add one lobster main couse and then we share! GeorG also order one fresh squeezed mango juice.

未開始正餐, waiter 先 serve 一大籃的 homemade bread. total 有四款, 兩款法式 bread (每款兩個), 兩款very thin bread biscuit (每款數大塊). 仲有三款 butter (original, + herb, + spice) for serving. Well, the bread are ALL good, really good, we really can't stop from taking them, even though we know we should reserve some space for our stomach for the dinner. 結果我哋 finish 咗 70%+ of the basket of bread....heehee....見到 appetitizer 先捨得收手 :pSet dinner 的 appetitizer 係 Tasting Sampler, 有四款 : Ox tail bouillon, beef tenderloin steak tartar, Oyster KilPatrick, Panfried lobster cake + tempura 蟹鉗. 四款都整得好精緻, 又好好味, especially the lobster cake....delicious ^o^
Finish appetizier, when we are waiting for the main couse, 個 waiter 捧住一盒八款的切扒刀比我哋揀, i forget which 8 countries the knives come from, in any case, George picked one that is made in Japan (as it is with bigger handle), and I picked one from France (as it has a beautiful yellowish marble handle). I asked the waiter what is the main difference among these knives (as i expect different knife for different type of meat), he said no significant difference, only different handle fit for different hand-shape ~.~" so i concluded that this is "其中之一個" gimmick of this restaurant! I said it is "其中之一個" as the second gimmick arrives after we picked our knives!
接著, waiter 又端上一列八種整齊排列的鹽陣, waiter依舊專業地介紹每個用 shooter 杯裝着的鹽的 origination, he said they are all natural salt which are healthy for human! 放在檯上的八種鹽 ,來自五大州如喜馬拉雅山, 秘魯, 夏威夷, 澳州, 法國, 甚至塞浦路斯等等. 一次過環遊全世界, GeorG and I tried several of them, 大家的結論一樣, 一樣地咸, haahaaa......

Well, 終於奉上主菜, 因為 waiter 知道我哋 share, so the 16oz US RibEye 已 already cut into two, lobster 亦為我們拆殼分兩份, we asked for medium for the steak. 看上去 grill 得不錯! 又沒有血水滲出.....把刀又好 sharp, 切得 d 牛好靚!

Lastly 不得不向當晚 set dinner 的 dessert - Cheesecake Cup拍案叫絕!! 個 dessert 大到嚇死人! 下面張相合乎比例, 個 cup 真的大過我塊面! 見到都飽咗5成, 有一個 cheesecake, 上面有塊好 crispy 的脆餅, topped with 幾款 berries and strawberry sauce. 最後上面仲有四個 vanilla ice-cream scoops! 無錯, 係四個 scoops, 每個 scoop 的 size 都係等於你响 Haagan-dazs 叫一客 single scoop ice-cream 咁大, 你話係咪嚇 c 你? GeorG and I tried very hard to finish it, but we fail, we can only clear the 4 ice-cream, 3/4 of the crispy biscuit, and George also tried a thin slice of cheesecake.

For those who know me well, i m not fond of cheesecake, the waiter told me this dessert is very nice even for non-cheese lover, so i believe in him and didnt ask for a change. But GeorG told me the cheesecake is strong in cheese flavor, so i didnt dare to try to ruin my dinner only at the end....haahaa...
Overall, I would recommend you to try this restaurant out, especially the dessert...haahaa....but do expect 4 ppl sharing one dessert ^o^

Krispy Creme

Airport 開了兩間 Krispy Creme, last friday, i bought a "MOCHA" try, quite good!
Today 又有同事請食 Krispy Creme...yeah! 今次 I picked Pistachio Chocolate (開心果朱古力)

We have 10% staff discount for the Krispy Creme shops at the airport, next time when you r taking a flight and would like to enjoy a donut, do call me down to enjoy the discount, but please also dont forget to treat me one haahaa ^o^

又是 Hello Kitty 的世界

8月中 Hello Kitty 會有一個 Musical Concert on show, so Hello Kitty 呢排的 promotion 好勁!
McDonald 同 MTR 都出 Hello Kitty products.

McDonald 就由今日起出一套12款的 Sanrio Character 扭蛋, 再加兩個方形的 Limited Edition. 仲可以比 $ 買埋個扭蛋機 (actually it is a printed carton box which you can stucked all the 扭蛋 inside and you can 扭 them out by twisting a knob, a very primitive design). 我 personally 覺得呢 set 扭蛋無上次 KittyBrick 咁吸引, so i would only collect the Hello Kitty, Dear Daniel 扭蛋 for myself, will collect Keroppi and Cinnamoroll for my sister, and i will also get the Kuromi for my PLK kid!

原本打算今早早小小起身去買麥當當 breakfast, 但老公好鬼窩心咁沈晚放工後去咗 24 小時開的麥當當一馬當先帶了 Kitty 同 Daniel 返屋企, 仲靜靜雞放响 dining table 度等我今朝見到呢個 surprise ^o^ heehee....我緊係好 happy 啦, though it is no good to his health to have McDonald in such a late time :p

至於 MTR, 就出咗一 set 5 款 Hello Kitty 穿着地鐵員工制服的小小毛公仔, 响香港站沿路行去中環站的大空地, 仲有一卡地鐵車卡 decorated with Kitty, 好靚 ga! 但我對呢 set 公仔就真的沒有 interest, 反而覺得 too much lor! 講真, 地鐵員工 d 制服 (driver, technician, customer service...) 唔係 dark-blue colour 就係灰色 or 怪橙色, 着咗落 kitty 度好核突, 搞到 Kitty 成個男人咁 >.< 一 d 都唔吸引, 都唔明點解 Sanrio approval 嘅?

July 11, 2007

搞到我都有 Holiday Mood tim!

星期一, sister and Cyrus 搭飛機去加拿大自由行兩個 weeks, 中途會去埋 Las Vegas! 佢哋搭下午的 flight, so we had lunch together at the airport.

今日輪到 Mum and Dad 搭飛機, 佢哋趁阿妹去旅行都出去行個圈, 佢哋 join 咗 tour 去越南, 又係下午機, so i will be meeting them at the airport soon.

咁你話我係咪似孤兒女一個响香港捱騾仔呢? 哈哈, 不過我知佢哋一定買"手信"返來比我 lor! 阿妹, 記住帶我最喜歡食的 maple cream biscuit 比我啦 ^o^ 希望佢哋個個都好 happy 返來 la!

July 07, 2007


因為慶回歸, for this whole week, 每晚8點鐘响維港兩岸上映的幻彩詠香江加上煙火效果, Friday night 我終於有機會可以在家看到煙火效果, 原來都 ok wor.....雖然遠咗 d d.... 哈哈....
GeorG 同我決定下次放煙花時 (probably on 十.一) 留在家睇吓會看到幾多 ^o^

July 02, 2007

又是 long weekend!

眨吓眼又話回歸咗 10 年, 唔係睇番 d 回顧10年特備節目, 我都唔記得 1997 年 7 月1日落好大雨, 搞到大家當時心情暗淡 :p 其實我都唔多記得 1997 年我做咗 d 乜嘢, 同邊個一齊 lu.... 算一算手指, 回歸時 should be 我 Year 2 Summer Holiday, 我應該响 GE 做 summer job :p
講番呢個 long weekend, GeorG 唔係太 busy, so 我都有 d 好日子過....haahaa.....
今早天氣原本好好, 點知下午開始下雨, 好掃興 >.< 因為今日中學搞咗個 for old girls 嘅 function, 遲 d 成間學校 (both 中學 and 小學部)要做大型 renovation, so before the old buildings are demolished, old girls association arrange 咗個 open day 比我哋呢 d old girls 返去緬懷吓, 仲 allow us to bring our families and friends! 我同 sis 就診呢個機會帶 Dad, Mum, GeorG and Cyrus go back to know how our school look like. It's bad that it rains the whole afternoon, otherwise we would take much more photos!
今日其實都是 Mum 的新曆 birthday! So tonight we have a little birthday banquet for her. 原本佢 decide to go to Regal's chinese restaurant for abalone+lobster+bird's nest set. But she suddenly changed her mind on Friday afternoon and want to go to somewhere with Mahjong facilities....luckily we managed to book a room at a restaurant in MK and she enjoyed a meal with lobster, abalone, shark-fins and East-Star Fish (in exchange for bird's nest)!
今朝一早起身, 因為比 GeorG 的 working calls 吵醒. 不過 in any case, 我哋都買咗"飛"睇早埸 - Shrek 3, so 都唔可以太遲起身. We bought the tickets @ Olympics Broadway 11:15a.m., 原本打算早 d 到奧海城嘆早餐, but as i said, GeorG need to attend the working it turned out that we can only leave home at 10:50a.m. ~.~" and have to take taxi to rush to watch the film!
The film is very funny, maybe due to the 生鬼配音 ^o^ and i have packed a lot of snacks to watch the film too!

After the film, we had lunch @ my favorite restaurant - 金滿庭, this time is better, we have only waited for around 30minutes though we need to 搭枱. But it's pretty fine as we were seated in the big table inside the VIP room, so not noisy like outside and have TV and seaview...haahaa...

After shopping in Olympics for a while, we went to TST to continue! It's sales period, so everywhere is ppl. 我哋 target 買返工衫, 看看靚靚裙仔 and evening gown, but we found nothing interesting in Harbour City, DutyFree, SEIBU.... but 比我發現一個好閃的晚裝 clutch bag @ SEIBU. Actualy i see this bag @ Be Queen with my sister before when we walk around for wedding gowns, but 唔捨得買, 因為全個袋都釘上 Swaroski 水晶, so u can imagine that it is quite expensive. But when GeorG see it @ SEIBU, he also said it looks elegant and support me to spend $ again :p :p
個袋係點樣? 賣吓關子先, 要等出席大型喜慶活動先有機會用!
行到好累, 同 GeorG 去咗麥當當嘆 afternoon tea - double fish fillet burget set ^o^ 之後再行街街, meet mum and dad to collect soups. 原本諗住返屋企涼住冷氣睇 Fireworks, but 經 mum 遊說後, we had dinner with them and then watch Fireworks together in TST. This time we went to 中間道, Sheraton 側邊看, quite clear! 好多人呀 :p

On the way back home, GeorG and I discussed what to do's so good that he doesnt need to we decided to enjoy the clubhouse's facility.
Last day of the long weekend, as you can expected, we want to stay at the bed as late as possible, 但沈晚有兩個傻瓜 book 咗 clubhouse 嘅 air-hockey at 1:00p.m. 自己捉蟲, so 只可 sleep 到 11:45p.m. 就要 cook lunch and pack things to go down.

天氣咁熱, 我哋一致決定行個 clubhouse 下水禮. 無錯, 很失禮, we never tried the swimming pool @ the clubhouse so far we live here ^o^ 玩完 half hour air-hockey, 已經流了很多汗 ( i mean GeorG), dont know why he sweat so lot even playing air-hockey ~.~" 之後去泳池游水, 原來除了 indoor swimming pool, outdoor swimming pool 外, 仲有一個熱水 jacuzzi. 樓上仲有一個 Spa area with 熱水 jacuzzi, 冰水jacuzzi, 漩渦池, 室外 sauna, 瀑布池.

因為個太陽唔夠猛, 我覺很d水很凍, 擾攘很久才肯落水 :p 游咗不久, 太陽不見了, so i go back to the changing room and have a steam before we get changed to go back home.

We want to cook dinner at home tonight, and GeorG want to have shrimp, but no shrimp at Welcome, so we walked to Mei Foo Market to buy food for the dinner.....oh my God, when we arrive Mei Foo, the sky suddenly turned very dark and heavy rain.....i feel so sad as we have out some clothes in the balcony ~.~" 結果返到屋企要開過洗衣機 >.<