Sillyer n GeorG

July 22, 2007

Sanrio Sports Day

I know from Sanrio newsletter that there is a Sanrio Sports Day function at 荃灣愉景新城. 今日下午同 Mum and Dad 飲茶後, GeorG 就陪我去荃灣. 呢個 function 逢 weekend 1p.m., 3p.m. 同 5p.m. 會有 Hello Kitty 同 XO 出來跳舞玩遊戲. 我哋極速用咗 20 minutes 由 Lai Chi Kok 飛去愉景, just manage to watch the 5p.m. show....heehee...

Extracted dancing show by Hello Kitty and XO:

之後同 GeorG 行吓荃灣, 實在想不到吃什麼 for dinner, 又唔太肚餓, 最後去咗別府, 不過 GeorG 似乎不太喜歡這個2人座位....too enclosed :p 因為我有 VIP card, 又已儲到 over 500 分, so i can redeem 一客 free 的三文魚刺身 (5 pcs), and my card also offer one dish of free 枝豆, so i only need to pay the 2 dishes i ordered, a set of assorted sushi and 什菜豆腐煲 (好好味). VIP have 10% off, that is no need to pay plus 10% la. Guess how much we spent for the dinner tonight....yeah only $ value for money, $100 for 4 dishes....haahaa...


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