Sillyer n GeorG

July 12, 2007


今個月的7號咁啱是星期六, of course 有一個好藉口做 d 特別嘢.....keekee.....今次是......登登登櫈....去全城數一數二最正 but 比較貴的扒房... Inter-continental Hotel 嘅 The Steak House!

其實我同 GeorG 想去呢間 restaurant 好耐 ga la....不過又唔捨得食咁貴的牛扒, 因為驚唔識欣賞, 去 CitySuper 買兩佰幾蚊的牛扒已覺得好肉痛 :p 不過人一世, 物一世, 決定豪一次 la....haahaa...

星期三 make reservation, Inter-Con 的 reservation centre 話只有8點半枱, otherwise 早就只可以6點 but have to return the table before 8:30p.m.... GeorG 話 prefer 早 d start the dinner, so i book the table at 6p.m.! 咁難 book, 唔通真係好似 Harbourside 長期 full house?
五點鐘出門口, 出到 TST 行咗一陣 SOGO, 之後就行去 Inter-Con 食飯 la, 雖然只係6:10p.m. 但已有三四枱客, 因為我沒有 request window-side table, so we were seated to the inner of the restaurant behind a wall of bottles! A relatively quiet and more private corner indeed! Good Good Good...heehee....

The Steak House 的餐牌好簡單, 只有左右兩個 page, but the wine list is very thick ~.~" The Steak House 咁啱呢排做緊一個 Independence Day 3-courses Set Dinner, so we have one more options. 原本打算 a-la-carte lobster bisque, steak and dessert, but the set dinner is only $838 which included 16oz US Striploin/RibEye Steak, seems value for money (因為一般的8oz New York Strip a-la-carte 都要 $560!). 聽個 waiter 講佢哋呢度最 famous 係 US Steak, but you would also find in the menu for steak from Australia, Waygu from Japan and Australia, and also some non-beef choices like lamb chop, lobster, seabass...etc...
同個 waiter discuss 一輪後 (d waiter service 唔錯 ga!), 我哋一致決定要一個 set dinner, and then add one lobster main couse and then we share! GeorG also order one fresh squeezed mango juice.

未開始正餐, waiter 先 serve 一大籃的 homemade bread. total 有四款, 兩款法式 bread (每款兩個), 兩款very thin bread biscuit (每款數大塊). 仲有三款 butter (original, + herb, + spice) for serving. Well, the bread are ALL good, really good, we really can't stop from taking them, even though we know we should reserve some space for our stomach for the dinner. 結果我哋 finish 咗 70%+ of the basket of bread....heehee....見到 appetitizer 先捨得收手 :pSet dinner 的 appetitizer 係 Tasting Sampler, 有四款 : Ox tail bouillon, beef tenderloin steak tartar, Oyster KilPatrick, Panfried lobster cake + tempura 蟹鉗. 四款都整得好精緻, 又好好味, especially the lobster cake....delicious ^o^
Finish appetizier, when we are waiting for the main couse, 個 waiter 捧住一盒八款的切扒刀比我哋揀, i forget which 8 countries the knives come from, in any case, George picked one that is made in Japan (as it is with bigger handle), and I picked one from France (as it has a beautiful yellowish marble handle). I asked the waiter what is the main difference among these knives (as i expect different knife for different type of meat), he said no significant difference, only different handle fit for different hand-shape ~.~" so i concluded that this is "其中之一個" gimmick of this restaurant! I said it is "其中之一個" as the second gimmick arrives after we picked our knives!
接著, waiter 又端上一列八種整齊排列的鹽陣, waiter依舊專業地介紹每個用 shooter 杯裝着的鹽的 origination, he said they are all natural salt which are healthy for human! 放在檯上的八種鹽 ,來自五大州如喜馬拉雅山, 秘魯, 夏威夷, 澳州, 法國, 甚至塞浦路斯等等. 一次過環遊全世界, GeorG and I tried several of them, 大家的結論一樣, 一樣地咸, haahaaa......

Well, 終於奉上主菜, 因為 waiter 知道我哋 share, so the 16oz US RibEye 已 already cut into two, lobster 亦為我們拆殼分兩份, we asked for medium for the steak. 看上去 grill 得不錯! 又沒有血水滲出.....把刀又好 sharp, 切得 d 牛好靚!

Lastly 不得不向當晚 set dinner 的 dessert - Cheesecake Cup拍案叫絕!! 個 dessert 大到嚇死人! 下面張相合乎比例, 個 cup 真的大過我塊面! 見到都飽咗5成, 有一個 cheesecake, 上面有塊好 crispy 的脆餅, topped with 幾款 berries and strawberry sauce. 最後上面仲有四個 vanilla ice-cream scoops! 無錯, 係四個 scoops, 每個 scoop 的 size 都係等於你响 Haagan-dazs 叫一客 single scoop ice-cream 咁大, 你話係咪嚇 c 你? GeorG and I tried very hard to finish it, but we fail, we can only clear the 4 ice-cream, 3/4 of the crispy biscuit, and George also tried a thin slice of cheesecake.

For those who know me well, i m not fond of cheesecake, the waiter told me this dessert is very nice even for non-cheese lover, so i believe in him and didnt ask for a change. But GeorG told me the cheesecake is strong in cheese flavor, so i didnt dare to try to ruin my dinner only at the end....haahaa...
Overall, I would recommend you to try this restaurant out, especially the dessert...haahaa....but do expect 4 ppl sharing one dessert ^o^


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