又是 Hello Kitty 的世界
8月中 Hello Kitty 會有一個 Musical Concert on show, so Hello Kitty 呢排的 promotion 好勁!
McDonald 同 MTR 都出 Hello Kitty products.
McDonald 就由今日起出一套12款的 Sanrio Character 扭蛋, 再加兩個方形的 Limited Edition. 仲可以比 $ 買埋個扭蛋機 (actually it is a printed carton box which you can stucked all the 扭蛋 inside and you can 扭 them out by twisting a knob, a very primitive design). 我 personally 覺得呢 set 扭蛋無上次 KittyBrick 咁吸引, so i would only collect the Hello Kitty, Dear Daniel 扭蛋 for myself, will collect Keroppi and Cinnamoroll for my sister, and i will also get the Kuromi for my PLK kid!
原本打算今早早小小起身去買麥當當 breakfast, 但老公好鬼窩心咁沈晚放工後去咗 24 小時開的麥當當一馬當先帶了 Kitty 同 Daniel 返屋企, 仲靜靜雞放响 dining table 度等我今朝見到呢個 surprise ^o^ heehee....我緊係好 happy 啦, though it is no good to his health to have McDonald in such a late time :p
至於 MTR, 就出咗一 set 5 款 Hello Kitty 穿着地鐵員工制服的小小毛公仔, 响香港站沿路行去中環站的大空地, 仲有一卡地鐵車卡 decorated with Kitty, 好靚 ga! 但我對呢 set 公仔就真的沒有 interest, 反而覺得 too much lor! 講真, 地鐵員工 d 制服 (driver, technician, customer service...) 唔係 dark-blue colour 就係灰色 or 怪橙色, 着咗落 kitty 度好核突, 搞到 Kitty 成個男人咁 >.< 一 d 都唔吸引, 都唔明點解 Sanrio approval 嘅?
McDonald 同 MTR 都出 Hello Kitty products.
McDonald 就由今日起出一套12款的 Sanrio Character 扭蛋, 再加兩個方形的 Limited Edition. 仲可以比 $ 買埋個扭蛋機 (actually it is a printed carton box which you can stucked all the 扭蛋 inside and you can 扭 them out by twisting a knob, a very primitive design). 我 personally 覺得呢 set 扭蛋無上次 KittyBrick 咁吸引, so i would only collect the Hello Kitty, Dear Daniel 扭蛋 for myself, will collect Keroppi and Cinnamoroll for my sister, and i will also get the Kuromi for my PLK kid!
原本打算今早早小小起身去買麥當當 breakfast, 但老公好鬼窩心咁沈晚放工後去咗 24 小時開的麥當當一馬當先帶了 Kitty 同 Daniel 返屋企, 仲靜靜雞放响 dining table 度等我今朝見到呢個 surprise ^o^ heehee....我緊係好 happy 啦, though it is no good to his health to have McDonald in such a late time :p
至於 MTR, 就出咗一 set 5 款 Hello Kitty 穿着地鐵員工制服的小小毛公仔, 响香港站沿路行去中環站的大空地, 仲有一卡地鐵車卡 decorated with Kitty, 好靚 ga! 但我對呢 set 公仔就真的沒有 interest, 反而覺得 too much lor! 講真, 地鐵員工 d 制服 (driver, technician, customer service...) 唔係 dark-blue colour 就係灰色 or 怪橙色, 着咗落 kitty 度好核突, 搞到 Kitty 成個男人咁 >.< 一 d 都唔吸引, 都唔明點解 Sanrio approval 嘅?
george真係sweet sweet啦~~
Unknown, at 7:34 AM
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