Sillyer n GeorG

August 31, 2008

又一虛榮品 - LV Neverfull MM

買呢個袋說來話長, 很久之前 (我諗都有年幾兩年), 見到香港的 LV剛出了呢個袋, 不過係 Monogram pattern 已經有d興趣, 有日仲同阿妹去LV問問要幾多錢, 原來中 Size (即 MM) 只係 HKD4750, 唔掛之得咁多人"咩"呢個袋啦, 原來價錢唔貴, 又大個袋, 正當我同阿妹打算不如買一個一齊用時, Sales 話已經 out of stock啦, 咁唯有排 waiting la. 點知 sales 話 waiting 都唔接受啦, 因為已經很長的 order list....嘩, 唔係呀, 咁誇張, waiting 都無得排, 見到越來越多人用呢個袋, 之後就決定放棄了......連 LV 門口都無入 :p

直到7月頭同老公去 Osaka, 見到日本的LV shop 門口 display 咗呢個袋, 不過係 damier pattern wor, 都好 wor, 我無 LV 袋係呢個 pattern, 而且呢個 pattern 襟污糟, good, 可以做diaper bag, 就同老公走入去睇睇, 個袋要 79500Yen (~ HKD5800), 不過Monogram pattern 的 Neverfull MM在日本也是同一價錢! 如果熟 LV 的人都知 damier pattern 一向比 monogram pattern 貴少少, 依家同價咪好筍 ^o^
我知道家姐今年成日都要飛去歐洲出 trip, 所以看完 display 後就走咗, 因為一心諗住叫家姐係歐洲買可以免稅 ar ma, 咁咪慳得一蚊得一蚊 :p

回到 HK, 同家姐講, 佢話 next week 去 Milan 出 trip 幫我買, yeah! 很奇怪, 我上 LV website 找個袋的資料比家姐時, 只發現個袋在日本 LV 的 website 出現, France, UK, USA 全部都找不到. 家姐在 Milan 打比我, 佢話 LV sales 同佢講個袋係 district restricted 款, 應該9月尾歐洲先 available >.<

不過好在我仲有幾個同事在我之後的 summer holiday 去日本, 7月中第一個同事去咗日本北海道同東京幫我買, 但失望而回, 因為 LV 話out of stock, 大概 2 weeks 再番貨! 兩個星期後, 我另一個同事又去 Tokyo, 佢去咗好多間 LV, 但全部都係話 out of stock....oooh ooh....之後的希望就係我個 boss, 因為佢咁啱去 Hawaii 渡假!!

其實之前佢知我揾同事幫我去日本買個 LV 袋已經笑我, 仲話一定唔會幫我買, 因為咁大個袋又貴重, 好大壓力幫我買回來. 所以當我 confirm 第二個同事買唔到時都一心諗住第日等歐洲出先叫家姐買, 不過 boss 臨放假前的一天竟走出來問我第二個同事買唔買到我的 LV (因為個同事去完日本仲放多幾日假所以未返工), 我話佢 email 咗我話買唔到呀. 點知我老闆竟然叫我比個袋的details 佢, 佢話如果咁啱比佢係 Hawaii 見到 LV 就試吓幫我 check 吓啦, 我再三問佢係咪自願幫我買, 佢就話比我啦.

結果, 咪就係下面 lor, boss真係幫我在 Hawaii 的 LV 買咗個袋回來, 佢話 LV 的 sales 猛同佢講呢個袋好搶手, 又 limited stock, 講到好巴閉咁話個袋要下年 worldwide 先有......d同事見到個袋的真身都話好靚, 不過佢哋大部份人都覺得唔捨得5千幾蚊買個袋, 而我亦萬歲了afternoon tea to show my deepest appreciation to all colleagues who helped me to look for this bag, they are all so nice ^o^

個袋最後當然又係 GeorG 認頭啦, 我無叫 ga, 又話唔駛ga, 係佢自己比$我 ja...hehee....

High Tea

This picture is taken from the coffee lounge we took our afternoon tea last sunday (23 August), can you make a guess on where is it?
More tips for you, here is our tea set :

Bingo, we had our tea @ TST Inter-Continental's Lobby Lounge.


上個星期四, 大家都好留意住打風的消息, 作為打工仔, 緊係好想有一日假啦, 但係我, 今次就唔想個風打得成....點解? 因為我星期四晚會同 Dad, Mum, sis, sis-fu, GeorG 去睇最後一場馬術比賽 lor.
雖然我上個星期四 (即係我 birthday) 已經睇過一次, 不過 birthday night 係 Dressage Event, 比較靜態d, 但 21 號晚係 Jumping Event, more exciting and dynamic. 同埋都好想 Dad and Mum 有個 enjoyable participation in Olympics Event! 我估我哋一世人都無咩好多機會親身去看奧運比賽, 如果因為打風要 cancel, 又或者落大雨要著住雨褸看比賽都好掃興. 同埋可可米同我都唔方便成晚比雨淋住啦. 張飛雖然唔係好貴貴, 但計埋 service charge 都要 $250 一張 ga! 唔去睇好浪費 >.< 除咗因為星期四晚的馬術比賽, 星期五我又約了 prenatal checking, 等咗5個星期, 好想見吓可可米, 照吓4d, 睇吓佢仲係咪咁似可可爸, 如果打風, 就要改期, 不過醒目的我, 下午已經同姑娘 arrange 好, 如果 friday 打風, 我就星期一去做 checking! 所以打風對產檢都未至於好大 impact. 不過另一個最重要的原因我唔想打風係媽咪已安排好星期六中午搬屋!! Daddy 又請了假, GeorG, Sis 同 Sis-fu 都預了幫手, 同埋如果星期六唔搬, 又唔知會改幾時, 到時唔知點算, 雖然有搬屋公司搬, 但都要我哋呢d後生幫吓手睇頭睇尾, 如果唔係 mum and dad 就好辛苦. 睇天文台的路線圖, 個風又勁又好似 impact HK 好耐, 落雨搬屋都唔好啦, 煩c我.
結果上天真的對我很好, 星期四晚馬術如期舉行, 雖然天氣有點焗 (因為無風), 但一路都無下雨, 直到11點多才下了一個 little shower, 不過那時我們也累了, 也 worry 遲些天氣變得更壞, 所以也不等頒獎便早點離開. Mission 1 completed!
星期五, 真的打大風, 仲要係吹到正香港打9 號風, 早上8點多, GeorG 跟我說 "已掛了風球, 不用返工, 安心睡多一陣吧, 我現在落惠康買餸", 結果我就睡到下午一點工才起身. 雖然做不到產檢, 但問題不大, 因為只要等星期一下午又可以見到可可米了. 直至晚上, 雨一直下個不停, 睡時仍是9 號風, 我開始擔心明天的搬屋安排, 整個晚上也睡得不穩. 不時看看外面天氣如何.....到早上9時多, GeorG 起牀跟我說只是3號風球, 可以搬屋啦, 佢要準備返媽咪到幫手, 先煮早餐給我吃才出門.
大約下午, 所有風球已除下, 天氣也出奇地好, 竟然雨停下, 太陽伯伯也出來. 就好像洗乾淨條街給我們搬屋!! 中國人的智慧果然令人讚嘆, 因為通勝話那天是吉日, 宜搬遷!! 勁!!
因為我大住個肚, 所以沒有份幫手, 只可以留守屋企為他們打氣, 看奧運, 上吓 internet, 等到差不多晚上8點他們才接我出去食 dinner.

原本所有事情都好美好...但星期一的產檢卻令我失望 >.<
入去醫生房時, 我同可可爸已經同可可米訓話一輪, 叫她講陣間要合作, 擺個靚 pose 比醫生拍照, 要乖乖. 可惜可可米唔聽話, 今次兩條腿放在頭上, 把整個面面遮上, 有無搞錯, 激c我, 等了咁多個 week, 都唔比我哋見吓個樣, 今次產檢又印不到靚相拿走做 souvenir >.< 產檢的 statistics 話bb所有 measurement 到係 fit size, 即係 size 同預產期一樣 or only 相差一兩日, 但個頭仔就相對比預產期大了一個 week, 雖然都係 within range, 唔同可可米是聰明bb, 所以個腦袋大d, 個頭仔咪大d lor...haahaa....
因為我有d嬲可可米唔合作, 所以完了 checking 後我同可可米講罰佢今晚無 dinner 食, 當然我照食啦, 不過係叫佢自己唔準食 ~.~"
可可米, 唔好話媽咪惡, 下次產檢時一比定要比媽媽看清你的樣子, okay!! 遲些你再大一點裡面太迫, 就更加可能4d也看不清你的樣子 ga la.

August 29, 2008


呢段懷孕的日子我時時情緒不穩, 苦了老公, 因此又要工作, 又要照顧我的起居飲食, 更要體諒我的脾氣 :p
不過我真的知道你好錫我, 任勞任怨. 見到你沈晚買給我的小東西, 你問我開唔開心, 雖然我表面上 cool cool 的, 但其實個心都唔知幾甜, 晚上睡在床上還偷偷地笑. 因為知道就算我不在你的身邊, 你也把我放在心上, 呢d咁細心的東西也替我想到同買比我....heehee...多謝老公......^x^ ^x^ (kiss kiss)

August 23, 2008

Week 31 - 37

Week 31 - 8 June 2008
SHARE YOUR DREAMS - "Encourage each other to visualize and verbalize a wide range of hopes and dreams about your lives, your relationship, the world at large, any anything else you want to dream about. People are often shy to admit what they really want and hope for, so be sure to offer a nonjudgemental and trusting environment in which to share. It's amazing to discover how optimistic many outwardly cynical and sarcastic people can be. Are there any dreams you both share that you can realistically work towards together? Respect and nurture your lover's dreams."

Week 32 - 15 June 2008
GIVE AND TAKE - "Not only is it essetnial to be generous and giving towards your honey, it is equally important to know how to receive - something a surprising number of people find difficult to do. Is there a balance in the flow of giving and taking in your relationship? In what ways do you give and receive? What about your partner? Give and take not only refers to tangible actions, but also intangibles like cutting your partner slack because she's late to a dinner reservation, knowing that she's stressed out enough without you coming down hard. If the balance is a bit lopsided, see what you can talk about directly before either of you builds up resentment."

Week 33 - 22 June 2008MASK MAKING - "The process of making a mask of your beloved's face is quite intimate. Preplastered gauze strips can be found in most craft store and are simple and sensual to use. Just follow the directions on the package. Be sure to cut a straw in half, inserting each half gently into a nostril to allow your lover to keep breathing during the creative mask-making process. Leave the mask white or paint it with expressive colors and patterns; shellac it when you are through to preserve your three-dimensional portraits."

Week 34 - 29 June 2008
CREATE-A-WORLD - "Your needn't be Martha Stewart to make a house a home. Create a physical manifestation of your relationship through photos, tchotchkes, or other antifacts that remind you of what you share. Make space emotionally and physically to embrace your partnership, and fill that space with happy memories, adventures, ideas, and hopes for the future together. Enjoy the history of your relationship in your environment. Home is a state of mind and may ultimately come to mean any place where you two are together."

Week 35 - 6 July 2008VARIETY- "After spending the first million years of your relationship establishing a stable foundation, now shake it up. Put a little spice and variety into your relationship by changing a routine or two. Institute a morning walk to the coffee shop instead of making coffee at home. Or subscribe ot an overseas house-swapping service. If that's too wild, try cooking your chicken in a new way. Even though you may both love the mundane and predictable rhythm of your stable life, it's still good to put a little variety into your well-honed rituals, even if just for a day. And don't worry, you can always go back to your old routine afterwards."

I agreed that adding some suprises to the routine could be fun to a stable relationship!

Week 36 - 13 July 2008

MENU OF APHRODISIACS - "Design and create a menu of affectionate, sensual, and sexual items. If you like, you can even price them according to whatever unit of currency you and your lover want to use. Keep the menu handy to order from should you suddenly feel starved or just in need of a snack."

This one sounds funny! GeorG, should we try this out?

Week 37 - 20 July 2008
COUPLE MOTTO - "Creat your own couple motto that captures the spirit of your being together. Something like 'Live hard, love hard....' If your arent's Madison Avenue copywriters, adopt a motto that already exists and reword it to suit yourselves. Can you design a visual logo to accompany your motto? Even if your motto won't replace Nike's 'Just do it!' in the near future, editing your thoughts down to a one-sentence summary can be a creative and revealing mutual exericise. Of course, if you do think of something brilliant, there are T-shirts, the bumper stickers, the mugs, the royalties....."

August 20, 2008

Busy month

因為要照顧可可媽(即係我) 同可可米的關係, 可可婆跟可可公很快就要搬出來我們的樓上住啦. 幸運地, 我們找到一間屋是和我們同一座, 同一方向, 仲要係高層靚景的屋給可可婆和可可公住, 當然代價是貴租一點....heehee...不過可可婆就說不介意, 當是買個方便. 坐月的時候, 可可媽和可可米就不用踏出大厦一步, 不怕吹風. 工作天, 可可媽, 可可爸就可以跟可可米見到最後一秒才交給可可婆接力, 而且同一樣的居住環境, 可可米就不會不習慣了. 這個安排太好了罷.

星期六, 可可婆跟可可公就要搬出來啦, 知道他們這一輪忙著 pack 東西, 兩個老人家都顯得很累. 都是可可媽平時太懶惰, 結婚幾年仲有好多東西團積在外家, 現在要搬屋了, 又因為懷有可可米各人都禁止我參與收拾及搬遷大行動, 所以就累了可可婆跟可可公要替可可媽收拾啦, 很不好意思呀! 可可米, 你出來後一定要好好對婆婆, 公公同 daddy. Daddy 也為新屋出了很多力, 幫忙擒高擒低打掃, 今天整天也要 home office 等師傅搭棚, 送貨, 裝冷氣 同埋裝電話, 很忙呢. 所以可可米你一定要做個乖孩子 ^o^ 因為全家人也很錫錫你呀!! 天文台說今個星期六天氣不好, 希望不會影響搬屋啦, 求天公做美....plzzzzz.....

August 14, 2008

Happy Birthday to me....

Thank you everyone for your warmest birthday greetings, wishes, treats and gifts, I appreciate them all.

August 11, 2008

做媽媽的感覺 (1)

自從21 week 開始, 多了感覺到可可米實實在在的响我個肚內郁. 老實說, 開始的時候感覺好奇妙, 不過有時可可米的 kick kick 都很大力, 雖然未去到令我有痛的感覺, 不過感覺是怪怪的. 熟我的人都知我超級怕動物, 嚴格來說是我很害怕所有有生命的生物除了人類. 所以我知可可米係人類, 不過有時可可米在我肚內濡動就好像有一隻小動物在我肚內, 會令我不其然覺得自己好似好恐怖, 好像把一個生命活生生的吞在肚內 ~.~"

而且每天晚上我睡在床上時, 可可米就特別踢得厲害, 可能是平躺的關係罷.....坦白說, 有時也很 annoying 因為搞到我瞓唔到. 初時側躺是 ok 的, 因為 kick kick 感覺會變得微弱, 不過呢兩日, 呢招已經唔 work lu....我打側瞓都仲 feel 到佢 kick....哈哈哈哈哈哈....呢個時候唯有用個 pillow托一托個肚, 瀉咁d力, 好似舒服d.

見到自己個肚漸漸澎漲, 感覺也不十分妙, 總覺得自己個肚皮很辛苦, 要無端端承受這股 pressure. 而且我發覺行兩個鐘 shopping 條腰就開始累, 很 frustrated 呢, shopping 也變成無心機...woowoo....所以我同 GeorG 講趁現在我還未太"輪盡", 要開始選購bb用品做好準備, 再多兩個月個肚再大d可能行動不便了 >.<
不過每當看見個 BB shopping checklist, 我就不其然很苦惱, 因為好多東西都唔知到時要不要用同埋都唔知買咩牌子好, 不同朋友有不同意見呢.


August 07, 2008

Cocopops looks like GeorG?

At the last prenatal check, Dr. Ng printed us this 4D picture of Cocopops. After careful analysis, we conclude that Cocopops looks alike GeorG, esp the forehead, eye and nose. No doubt that Cocopops is the dearest daughter of GeorG :p