Sillyer n GeorG

August 23, 2008

Week 31 - 37

Week 31 - 8 June 2008
SHARE YOUR DREAMS - "Encourage each other to visualize and verbalize a wide range of hopes and dreams about your lives, your relationship, the world at large, any anything else you want to dream about. People are often shy to admit what they really want and hope for, so be sure to offer a nonjudgemental and trusting environment in which to share. It's amazing to discover how optimistic many outwardly cynical and sarcastic people can be. Are there any dreams you both share that you can realistically work towards together? Respect and nurture your lover's dreams."

Week 32 - 15 June 2008
GIVE AND TAKE - "Not only is it essetnial to be generous and giving towards your honey, it is equally important to know how to receive - something a surprising number of people find difficult to do. Is there a balance in the flow of giving and taking in your relationship? In what ways do you give and receive? What about your partner? Give and take not only refers to tangible actions, but also intangibles like cutting your partner slack because she's late to a dinner reservation, knowing that she's stressed out enough without you coming down hard. If the balance is a bit lopsided, see what you can talk about directly before either of you builds up resentment."

Week 33 - 22 June 2008MASK MAKING - "The process of making a mask of your beloved's face is quite intimate. Preplastered gauze strips can be found in most craft store and are simple and sensual to use. Just follow the directions on the package. Be sure to cut a straw in half, inserting each half gently into a nostril to allow your lover to keep breathing during the creative mask-making process. Leave the mask white or paint it with expressive colors and patterns; shellac it when you are through to preserve your three-dimensional portraits."

Week 34 - 29 June 2008
CREATE-A-WORLD - "Your needn't be Martha Stewart to make a house a home. Create a physical manifestation of your relationship through photos, tchotchkes, or other antifacts that remind you of what you share. Make space emotionally and physically to embrace your partnership, and fill that space with happy memories, adventures, ideas, and hopes for the future together. Enjoy the history of your relationship in your environment. Home is a state of mind and may ultimately come to mean any place where you two are together."

Week 35 - 6 July 2008VARIETY- "After spending the first million years of your relationship establishing a stable foundation, now shake it up. Put a little spice and variety into your relationship by changing a routine or two. Institute a morning walk to the coffee shop instead of making coffee at home. Or subscribe ot an overseas house-swapping service. If that's too wild, try cooking your chicken in a new way. Even though you may both love the mundane and predictable rhythm of your stable life, it's still good to put a little variety into your well-honed rituals, even if just for a day. And don't worry, you can always go back to your old routine afterwards."

I agreed that adding some suprises to the routine could be fun to a stable relationship!

Week 36 - 13 July 2008

MENU OF APHRODISIACS - "Design and create a menu of affectionate, sensual, and sexual items. If you like, you can even price them according to whatever unit of currency you and your lover want to use. Keep the menu handy to order from should you suddenly feel starved or just in need of a snack."

This one sounds funny! GeorG, should we try this out?

Week 37 - 20 July 2008
COUPLE MOTTO - "Creat your own couple motto that captures the spirit of your being together. Something like 'Live hard, love hard....' If your arent's Madison Avenue copywriters, adopt a motto that already exists and reword it to suit yourselves. Can you design a visual logo to accompany your motto? Even if your motto won't replace Nike's 'Just do it!' in the near future, editing your thoughts down to a one-sentence summary can be a creative and revealing mutual exericise. Of course, if you do think of something brilliant, there are T-shirts, the bumper stickers, the mugs, the royalties....."


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