Sillyer n GeorG

May 19, 2008


自從嫁咗之後, 每一年的清明都跟老公一家回鄉拜山, 我同 GeorG 係同一個鄉下 (東莞), 不過我知東莞好大, 所以我都唔係好清楚我鄉下那條村的 exact location 係邊...不過老爺話我鄉下條村都近佢哋 wor....
基本上返老公鄉下條路唔太崎嶇, 只要搭火車去 Lo Wu, then 轉大旅遊巴到東莞東城, 再搭 5 minutes taxi then can arrive home.
一如已往, 4月5日回到東莞間屋已接近中午, around noon 去拜山, then lunch, then tea....then wait for dinner. 老爺同奶奶早幾日已回鄉下打點 dinner, 包括 book dinner place, book caterer and also invite all family, relatives and friends in 鄉下 to attend this dinner! 今年的 dinner 又有超過10 tables of guests, very 熱鬧 (pls see the photo at the right bottom corner).
不過今年在鄉下的晚上很難捱, 基本上係無得瞓, 因為附近有d屋出租比d廠做 labour hostel, 所以週圍d屋好嘈. 唔係聽到bb喊, 就係d人傾偈 or 鬧交, 煩c >.< 臨天光終於靜小小開始睡, 點知又唔知邊戶人家放爆仗, 仲要係唔係細串那隻, 又比佢嚇醒, 呢家放完, 另一家又放, 簡直係將我的瘋癲指數推上最高. 你知啦, 鄉下間屋基本上係吉屋一間, 我哋間房只有一張牀, 一個衣櫃. 所以d noise 好似放大好多陪咁....GeorG 話係音箱效應, 我哋好似結他盒, dd聲都好像 produce resonance.
第二朝(星期日)飲完個茶後, 我哋都拿拿淋返深圳按摩同去西湖春天食飯:
今次返鄉下老爺好多 relatives 送了新鮮雞蛋給我們, 由於太多, 所以那一排差不多日日都係雞蛋餐, 連燉蛋我都整埋 :p yum yum....

不過下年我會諗諗仲返唔返鄉下拜山, 因為無得瞓我真係唔惦 lor!

HarmonyLand Choco Biscuit

嘻嘻, 到依家, 我家大少 GeorG 仲未開始寫我哋九州之旅的 travelogue....我諗都係有心理準備呢個task 會在不知不覺間消失...哈哈哈哈....
今次我要同大家分享其中一樣响九州大分的 HarmonyLand (即係 Hello Kitty Land) 買的東西, 就係一盒 chocolate pie 啦, 無諗過原來咁好味道, 不消兩days, 我哋已 finish the whole box la....haahaa....不過我當然儲低咗個盒啦, 有咁多 Sanrio characters wor...heehee..
其實我現在仲好回味呢個旅程, 太多好好味的美食啦!

第一次煎駝鳥扒....當然是失敗收場 :p

More than a month ago, on one sunday night, we went to the SOGO supermarket to buy a nice Hello Kitty bottle to replace the one i m using for long long time. After some struggling, i picked this Green Tea one, is it nice??
At the supermarket, we found this pack of Obstrich Steak, looks attractive and not too expensive, so i suggested to buy a pack and as dinner the next day.
估唔到個盒咁細但內有兩塊駝鳥扒, 仲要都好厚吓! 早知唔好懶, 煎之前切薄d, 搞到煎極都未熟, but the outside is already 燶燶地, 是日愛心晚餐, 又要屈就 GeorG 一晚....haahaaa:

Week 21 - 23

Week 21 - 30 March 2008
RULES OF THE FIGHT - "If you find yourselves with boxing gloves on ready to spar, agree on some ground rules before the adrenaline kicks in. Here are some often-cited suggestions:
1. No name-calling.
2. No hitting below the emotional belt or aiming at your partner's sensitive spots.
3. Focus on one issue at a time.
4. Begin sentences with "I feel" instead of "You....."
5. Ask. Don't second guess what the other person is feeling.
6. Be honest. Don't try to protect your partner from the truth.
7. Speak from the heart.
8. Listen and don't interrupt.
9. Pause if voices and tempers flare.
10. Accept your partner's perception of reality as being as valid as your own.
11. Fight to reestablish contact, not to prove the other person wrong."
I wonder how many couple could really follows these rules whenever there is a fight. For me, i always fail to follow 1, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10 and 11...hahaaa...
Week 22 - 6 April 2008
RELATIONSHIP MENTORS - "Together, make a scrapbook of relationships you admire and are inspired by through collecting articles, photographs, or what-ever conveys relationship aspects that you like. Despite all the statistics that prove large percentages of relationships fail, there are still a number that succeed. It is worth celebrating and being inspired by these partnerships. Also, in hard times, it may be soothing to flip through your scrap book and be reminded of these successful pairings."

Week 23 - 13 April 2008
BE OUT OF SYNCH - "Recognize, stabilize, and don't overreact when you and your love buddy fall our of synch. Although you will find delightful moments of sybchronicity, you will also naturally fall out of them, only to fall back in, either with time, a little communication, or both. Since you won't necessarily (or even ideally) grow or move in parallel, there are bound to be some real moments od idiosyncratic out-of-synchness. The more accepting you become of these blips, the wider your range of comfort will become, and the more freedom you will each have to grow while stretching your relationship foundation."

May 16, 2008


這幾天的 news report 同報紙都不斷報導四川大地震的資料, 一張張的照片, 除了灰塵, 就是淚水. 雖然他們都不是我的親友, 但看過也很心痛. 可以做的就只有默默的祝福在瓦礫下的人仍可撐下去, 希望救護人員能快些進入災區, 中國政府早些批准其他國家的專業救援隊伍加入拯救行列.

看到報紙上的照片沒有系統的徒手發掘, 連最基本的科學儀器也不用 (例如是生命探測器), 真的難以想像已白白浪費了多少寶貴的光陰!!!

原本打算損助無國畀醫生, 但昨天公司出了 announcement 呼籲 donate to HK Red Cross, 公司會 provide matching endowment to at least double our donation! 咁即係我的一蚊可以帶來兩蚊的 donation, 似乎更有意義!! 回到家打算跟 GeorG 商量一起捐款, 原來他也預備了 cheque! 因為佢公司也是for every dollar the staff donate, the company would donate the same! 不謀而合, 佢公司都係捐給 HK Red Cross. GeorG 話 Red Cross 係第一個至願團體批准進入拯救行列, 所以佢公司就 arrange donation to Red Cross 啦!

朋友們, 當大家慶幸自己活在香港這塊福地時, 如果可以的話, 也請作出少少奉獻, 捐助災民, 支持所有至願團體的無私奉獻!

U might wish to visit this link for one of the donation channel :

May 07, 2008

潼潼天真宣言 : "我對鞋子漂亮嗎?"

Haven't updated my blog for a long while.
都唔幾得邊晚, 突然放工走去深井探吓潼潼. 今晚佢人細鬼大, 成日走去著我對鞋通屋走, 好搞笑 ^o^ 你睇佢幾 serious 咁步步為營 :
連食飯都唔放過, 仲係要 play with my shoes, 又著又除:
"潼潼, Happy Face plzzzz!"

今晚仲同佢玩了很耐 Up and Down, 即係佢 say "UP!" 我就抱起佢上半天, when she say "Down!", 我就放返佢落地, 佢就玩到騎騎笑, 我就手都痺, 潼潼, 你又快高長大了, 重了很多呀! 下次等 Uncle GeorG 同你玩, 順便幫佢做 exercise...哈哈.

Nice stuff from Seoul

前一陣子, 我個 colleague 因為老公去 Seoul 出 business trip, 所以佢都順便跟埋去玩一個 weekend, so happy. 不過我仲 happy, 因為佢買了"手信"比我, 佢有幫我抬了很多又很重的 Laneige and SkinFood products back....heheee...唔好意思 tim....

我的Hello Kitty collection 又多了一個新 member, 閃閃 Hello Kitty 電話繩, 打開佢仲發現有很多心心在 Kitty 後面, kawaii 呢! Loretta, Thank you so much ^o^