Sillyer n GeorG

November 29, 2007

"Making" a cake

You are right! I m not baking a cake, but making one! How?
A few weeks ago, i was attracted by this :I thought I can also make the same for my dad's coming birthday, so i buy this :Last Sunday, i finally opened the cup with ambitions to start my art work, but i found that inside is like this: together with such a "clear" instruction sheet....oh well, which part should i start then??!

November 25, 2007

結婚禮物 : 52 Ways to Stay In Love Forever

11月4日晚上, Sillyer 問 GeorG 今年結婚兩週年除了去 Chesa 食飯外, 仲有無其他禮物嗎? GeorG 想了想, 問我想要什麼, 我答話想要一些有意義又令我有期待的東西.
結果他送給我一盒 "52 Ways to Stay in Love Forever". 雖然份禮物不是名牌, 但那份心意更貴重. 大家並決定每一個星期日 GeorG 負責挑一個比我.....一起迎接下一個 anniversay.

不經不覺, 輪到今天已收到3張, 我決定同大家分享, 以後每一個星期也 update 一次 (誰說我個 blog 只有食食食 :p), 希望大家看後也有一些領會!

Week 1 : 11 Nov 2007 GO AWAY - Every once in a while, plan a weekend away. Whether it is to camp in the great outdoors or stay in a B&B, it’s healthy to escape your mundane life and get to be in new and neutral environs occasionally. Getting away can be the energy jump-start you may both need. Also, it gives you time to just be together away from the phone and piles of unfinished domestic projects. Sometimes it’s on weekends away that you remember what it was you adored about each other in the first place. As soon as you get back, make reservations for another one in a couple of months so you can look forward to it.
我諗老公pick 呢張咭是提醒我11月中有Hello Kitty 之旅, 他有 follow and act ga ^o^

Week 2 : 18 Nov 2007
LOTS OF LOVE - You can skimp on the amount of mayonnaise you put on your sandwich, and you can skimp on how much toothpaste you use each night, but don't ever skimp on how much love you express to you partner. It’s free and it doesn't damage rainforests, so what’s keeping you from showing affection on a regular basis in a zillion different ways? Even the plain old eye contact, hug, and kiss never gets stale when imbues with real emotion.

Week 3 : 25 Nov 2007
BECOME BEST FRIENDS - It’s funny. You just need to sleep together to become lovers, but it takes quite a bit more work to become best friends. But it’s well worth it. Although it is usually over time and many shared experience that one becomes a best friend, treating you lover as a friend is a good beginning. Be there for each other in times of emotional crisis and celebration. Talk to each other about what else it would take to become each other’s best friend. The bond of lovers can be temperamental, while basing a relationship on a solid friendship that continues to grow over time is powerful and almost certain to help the longevity of a relationship.

Lovely Clouds

The clouds looks so lovely this morning!

November 24, 2007

Canon Expo

今天的節目 : 陪 GeorG 去 Canon Expo, heehee...好明顯啦, 呢個節目係我陪老公, 唔好成日話我次次去街都係佢陪我啦 :p
Canon Expo free admission, held in Conventional & Exhibition Centre, 主要是 Canon show-off their wide range of products, 個場地看似不太大, 但就節目豐富, 連我都唔覺得悶 ^o^ 有好多相機任 try, 老公當然 try try the Canon 5D la!
行行吓, 見到 Canon 有個 booth 幫你影3D 立體相, 只要捐 $50 比無國界醫生就可以拍一張.
下面張杷緊係唔係那張 3D 相啦, 只是叫哥哥仔用我哋部 digital camera take some pic at this 佈景 as well...heehe....要看立體相, 就要來我家啦, because 要 use a special viewer to see the 3D effect ^o^ 都幾得意 ga. 真係好立體 ga!
最正係場內有個立體影院播 "Swan Lake on Ice" free show , 入場要 wear 個 special glasses, 好似睇 Mickey's Philharmonic Show........ 正!
而我最 happy 係可以 try this new printer (will only launch to the market in December). It is a very handy little printing machine, good for family with kids i think, can print photos readily with low cost (around $2 per 4R pic). 個 printer 仲可以幫你加 special effect, like photo frame, talking bubbles, or made the photo into calendar, 學生相. heehee...i have tried this printer to print a few 4R pictures taken at the Expo too!哈哈, 我個 blog 緊係唔可以少咗食啦, 夜晚返咗MOS食 dinner, 奶奶先整了大閘蟹比我哋四個食, 之後落街酒樓食飯, 原來今晚係老爺奶奶結婚34週年! 我哋的 dinner 有鮑魚仔同埋 super 大的蟶子, yummy!

November 22, 2007

Hello Kitty 之旅 - 收穫篇

知道很多朋友仔都好期待睇吓我哋呢次 Hello Kitty 超級粉絲之旅的收穫, 雖然我仲未有時間整理旅行的相片 (應該話我仲未收集晒 all pictures from Paroni's camera), 不過昨晚我都捱住眼瞓將我所有的<<戰利品>>攤哂响個廳度 "show-hand".....haahaa.....原來都幾壯觀 lor....不過 next question is : 我間屋邊"樹"有位收埋佢哋呢....老公, 是時候認認真真探討吓呢個難題 lor :p
Picture 1 : Hello Kitty 戰利品 mainly taken/bought at Eva Kitty Air & 台北桃園機場 Hello Kitty 侯機室, 仲有
dd Hello Kitty 產品 & 扭旦 bought in Taipei
Picture 2 : Hello Kitty 戰利品 taken/bought at 高雄漢來大飯店的 Hello Kitty Deluxe Room and the Hello Kitty shop on hotel lobby. (註 : 漢來的 Hello Kitty 造型是專利 ga!)
除了 Hello Kitty, 當然仲有食得的手信啦 (but 只有小部份是自己, 絕大部份是送禮)
Also more gifts to other friends :

Do watch out for my travelogue later on :p :p

November 16, 2007

Hello Kitty 主題之旅明晚出發啦!

心情很興奮, 不過我仲未開始 pack luggage....我諗明天早上先早些起牀收拾細軟 :p
行程已大致計劃好 lu, 明天下午4點機場集合 (雖然班機晚上7點25分先起飛), 務必第一個衝上飛機拍照拍照拍照...haahaa....

不過呢幾日就辛苦咗 GeorG, 因為要放假5days, 所以呢個 week 日日都早出晚歸, 晚晚都要做到夜一夜, 沒有一晚能跟我一起睡覺, 都莫講話回來和我吃晚飯了.....慘慘慘.....今晚佢叫我 expect 佢不早過2點才回來....err.......不過我都只 complain 兩句, 畢竟佢都已經超級好肯陪我癲啦, 我諗呢個世上都無乜男人肯真心願意陪老婆去坐 Hello Kitty 飛機同住 Hello Kitty 酒店 lor!
希望佢體力頂得住, 因為明天一早又要上 3 hours PC class, 回來食 lunch 就要出去, no afternoon nap time, 呢幾晚又唔夠訓, 上飛機又要陪我影相無得訓, 簡直又在挑戰人體極限 ~.~"

November 12, 2007

十分期待.....Hello Kitty 粉絲之旅

正當Sillyer 仲懶懶閒咁update 緊11月1日才完成的曼谷之旅相簿, 都唔知幾時先搞好同大家分享 (都莫講話開始响個 blog 度寫 travelogue..... ~.~"). 其實佢已經密鑼緊鼓, 努力緊籌備接住下來一個令人(嚴格來說可能只有佢同 Paroni 兩個人)興奮的旅程....哈哈哈哈....

其實我哋兩個 Hello Kitty 粉絲很久前已吹水一齊去一個台灣 Hello Kitty 之旅. 講咗一排, 終於鎖定11月. 當然咁有意義的旅遊 (again, for me and Paroni only.....maybe....), 一定要帶埋我哋的至親啦, 所以 GeorG, 阿 Ming 同 bb Mironi 一個都不能決少 :p 經過一輪 compromise (GeorG 的ipo schedule and PC classes, bb 的 playgroup lessons, Ming 的 work schedule.....), 最後擇得好日, 11月17日出發!!
去完Bangkok 2 個星期, 又要再請假去 Taiwan, 我都有d唔好意思, 所以 apply leave 之前都有禮貌地 in-person 問一問老闆比唔比.....老闆的答案係 "都好啦" (但係傻嘅都聽得出唔多願意的語氣). 不過唔理得咁多啦, 既然佢無話 No 就 Go Go Go 啦!

究竟那是一個什麼樣的Hello Kitty旅程? 說出來一定令大家嘩嘩叫....heehee....

首先Hello Kitty 之旅當然要坐 Hello Kitty 飛機啦, 我哋來回香港同台北都會乘坐 Eva Air 的 Hello Kitty 專機. 其實班 Hello Kitty flight 時間唔多好, 香港飛台北晚上 7:25, 返到 hotel 都係時候 zzzz, waste a day, 回程台北飛香港 1635, 得番個上午 and lunch....我同 Paroni 兩個婆仔原本打算只 pick 回程才坐 Kitty flight, so that we can earn more time for the trip on the first day, 但係反而我哋兩個老公都勸我哋來回兩程都坐 Kitty flight! So suprising! Their reason is "要笠都可以笠夠兩 set 呀-ma! 果然洞悉先機, haahaa...."
想知道架 Kitty flight 有幾 kitty, please visit the below link :

要稱得上 Kitty 之旅, 除咗 Kitty flight, of course 仲有住宿啦, 我哋此行仲會坐高鐵落高雄住宿漢來大酒店的 Hello Kitty 粉紅夢幻客房&套房, 係咪好誇張呢? 間房真係勁 Kitty ga:

為咗留番d驚喜比大家 (or for those non-Hello Kitty fans, 唔想你哋 too sick of Kitty), 行程其實仲有一些 related to Hello Kitty 的內容, 不過 now 唔透露咁多.
而為了配合 Hello Kitty 之旅, 我亦決定帶晒屋企所有的 Hello Kitty衫, 希望天氣不太冷啦 :p

講咗咁耐, 幾時出發, well....咪就係 the coming saturday : 11月17日 lor! 十分期待

P.S. Because 我呢排工作很忙, cannot afford too much 時間 on trip planning, i must say Thanks to Paroni who has done so much research and planning to make our trip so fruitful. 預祝我哋大家有個難忘又開心的假期!

November 10, 2007

French Nail

100% DIY by myself this afternoon, super powerful.....heehee....
(how silly I am to ask GeorG to take these 2 pic for me...haahaa...)
Pic 1 : put all french pink colour to all the 10 fingers, wait until it is totally dried, then put the stickers on the fingers as shown:

Pic 2: After putting the french white colours on the fingers, remover the sticker and done:

November 07, 2007


究竟 GeorG 帶咗我去邊樹威呢? 登登登登, 答案係半島酒店的"Chesa". "Chesa"喺半島的一樓, 出名食瑞士菜, 呢度最有名的是瑞士芝士火煱, 牛尾同 lamp chop (as summarized from不過熟悉我哋兩個的朋友仔都知道我哋都唔"hair" cheese and lamp....hahaaa.....而我亦唔ok牛尾 (因為 under Sillyer's 人生字典, 牛尾 is used to 趕烏蠅, 即係 dirty...yak...唔係攞嚟食).
不過唔緊要, openrice d comments 話呢樹的鵝肝都頂呱呱 (唔知幾時開始, GeorG 愛上了美味的鵝肝), 而且服務一流, 最重要是不算超貴, 既然有$埋單, 唔駛罰洗碗, 一於試試啦. 等我直擊一吓當晚的實況先啦:
(註 : 由於這裡是高級餐廳, 門口楝咗個牌叫人"no mobile phone please", 所以我們拍大部份的照片時也沒有開 flash, 怕影響其他食客, 請見諒)

餐廳的內部裝修讓你像置身於瑞士小屋內, 很 home feel, 但我同 GeorG 都不約而同地覺得自己好像是在一客舊式的火車卡內. 個餐牌是紅色加公仔剪影, very lovely, 仲有pink pink candle light, 好有 feel 呢. Menu 雖然不大, 但已有很多 variety, 不錯...
Waiter 哥哥仔好好人, 知道我哋 no cheese, no ox-tail, 就介紹其他d 菜式比我哋選, 見我哋 order 得太多, 驚我哋飽得滯, 仲好好人咁婉轉哋問我哋怕不怕太多 tim. 最後我哋放棄了 lobster bisque, 下次先試 lor. 落完 order 後, 先吃 bread bread.....共有三款, 全部都好好味...yummy! And i also love the wooder bread basket:
Ok, here comes the appetizer, 前文提到, GeorG 的至愛, goose liver, 不是很大舊, but 兩個人分享剛剛好, 很肥味, 不過要 $220 一客 :p 另一個 appetizer 係 crabmeat pancake, 勁多蟹肉, 應該是 fesh crabmeat (咁啱我那天 lunch 也是蟹肉湯麪 @ CZEN, but of course those were frozen crabmeat :p), this appetizer also $220!
主菜嚟啦.....今晚我哋要了 veal chop ($350) and seafood sausage with linguine in lobster sauce ($2xx). Chesa 呢排做緊 Swiss Sauage Festival Promotion, so have a little menu with dishes with sausages, we picked this one as the waiter said this is the only dish which the sausage is 師傅自家製, ask us to try try 師傅的手勢, well it taste nice, 不過如果一碟d我會開心d :p :p
最後是 highlight of the day, swiss chocolate chalet as our dessert, 由於時間關係, 星期日 book 位時已 pre-order this dessert, 仲叫 chef 幫我哋寫 "Happy Anniversary" tim :p 係咪好吸引呢, 味道仲好好呀, dark chocolate lai-ga!
Only the 2 pic i took with GeorG (camera by waiter) used flash ~.~" 你睇我見到間屋仔笑到流晒口水..呵呵..

間屋的命運, 當然是比我哋兩隻暴龍....吃掉, 其實屋內是 fresh cream, ice-cream and 一個好似花占餅的東西, anyway, 好好味, 又好得意, 又是一個難忘的週年紀念... in case you are interested to know, 呢餐埋單 $1200, value for money?

November 06, 2007


正當準備離開公司, 我發現全個天空是一片紅色的, 很美啊:

November 05, 2007

051107 - 051105 = 2

by GeorG:


by Celia:
其實沈晚踏正12點, GeorG 再一次播番2005年11月5日的凌晨, 電台替他讀出的留言.....我哋兩個到今天聽到仍很有 feel 呢 touching.....

Family dinner @ 映月樓

Mum 話想食大閘蟹, 見到電視美心中菜 $88 per one , 好 attractive wor. So tonight we went to 映月樓 to try it out. But the crabs are sold out by the time we sit down around 8p.m. ~.~"
無辦法啦, 下次早d訂定. 不過我哋都叫咗好多蟹粉xx and 蟹粉xx dishes, 今晚d餸 very nice, 每一個 dish 都好好味, 沒有失望, 加上又有 discount (映月樓 is also maxim group, we have 25% off for the bill tonight :p ), 下次一定再幫襯!

美心集團另一傑作 : EXP

同 Kerrie lunch 後, 大家就去 Bossini shopping (因為爭取 Jackey 最後的 staff discount lor). GeorG 未放到工, 所以我就响 Festival Walk 遊蕩, 去 Page One 打書釘....打到6點半, GeorG 先蒲頭.....(of course i have 片他一鑊金啦 ~.~")
因為今晚有曼聯大戰 Arsenal, so we need to back home before 8:30p.m.開波 !.!
行過 EXP, heehee....又是 Maxim Group, 兩個人, 50% off, PERFECT! 二話不說, 排隊等食飯 :p :p

Because lunch very full, so i want a noodle in soup, so i picked Vietnamese noodles.....without waiting for GeorG's choice, i make another suggestion : Pizza, as i love the "intruding" pizza on the menu :

The bill for tonight, after discount : $76...heehee...好抵 ^o^
(BTW, i m wearing a new ADIDAS coat, my first sporty wear indeed, look nice ma?)

Hello Kerrie, long time no see!

3 November, I had a nice lunch with my old DGS friends @ Festival Walk's 稻穗亭.
我久不久就會見 Jackey 同 Pearl, 但 Kerrie 就成年無見 lor....今次佢回來 HK for holiday two weeks, but so happen overlap with my bangkok holiday, 好在星期六終於 match 到大家的時間聚一聚, 個 lunch set super 豐富, full very very full after the lunch.

Kerrie, 等你好消息, 下年回來時飲你個餐啦!

Dinner @ Rice Paper

10月27日, 自從 GeorG 有咗張 AE Platinum 後, 我就成日要求去 Maxim group's restaurants for dinner, 因為有 50% off ar-ma :p :p

今晚我選了 Rice Paper @ Harbour City, 我很喜歡這裡的軟殼蟹 rice paper, rice paper 好得意, 真的很像普通的 paper, 軟殼蟹香口, i love it. 今次是 GeorG first time to try rice paper, 終於聞名不如見面 (i tried this restaurant a few times, and everytime i told him i must go with him next time...)
食完 dinner, on the way to MTR, i see this terribly big LV luggage....anyone dare to carry it?


10月25日, 今晚約了一個老朋友 (身份要保密)食飯, 因為佢揸車, 而我又覺得天氣極適合 outdoor dining, 所以我 suggest going to Gold Coast. I joined my friend @ Elements and then drive all along the way to Gold Coast.

Well, weather is really nice, and the sea is so calm that i can make the following pictures:
是日 dinner : 地中海餐廳 (but i dont see any difference from normal western restaurant...haahaa...). We ordered 2 set dinner (with soup, main course, tea/coffee) and in addition, we ordered one foie gras to share .... 個鵝肝....WOW, SUPERB!! (Paroni, 約定你下次去試先!) Again, 又是一個好美味的晚上....heehee....

老朋友, see you next Pokka Cafe! haaha...