Sillyer n GeorG

November 26, 2006


起身見天朗氣清, (終於有個weekend好天啦!!)...."拿拿淋"做好D家務先去大澳門放風箏.....
下午兩點 arrive Choi Hung 坪石 Estate 吃過 afternoon tea & egg tart 先去搵車搭, GeorG insist 有紅 van 去清水灣, 但搵唔到, 最後搭 91 bus 出發!

落車後要行成 20 minutes walk 才到大澳門, 沿途見到好多白蚱 (=交通差)胸有成竹咁落山 (一定派咗好多牛肉乾出去 :p), 雖然天氣好熱, with strong sunshine....不過行吓講吓, 望吓個海, 好快就到.....

嘩, 好多人呀, 好多旅遊巴, 不過可能是差不多三點半, d tour 準備離開... ^o^
First, we need to visit the tuck buy the kite and 線轆, we bought a bear bear kite and a 1000碼線轆... then walk up to the hill to 放風箏.

天空上得一兩隻 kite, 但山坡上就好多人拿住隻風箏跑來跑去.....d 風好 weak, 我同 GeorG 跑咗幾 round 都放唔起隻紙鳶, 但就換來咗成身大汗 :p 好鬼開心......

等咗一陣, 有風啦!! 老公好叻, 一下就放咗隻紙鳶上天空, 我就緊係搶住玩放線 :p 好快隻紙鳶就好高 lu.......

但因為有風, 所以其他"陸地上"的紙鳶也 fly up to the sky, then the sky become congested......不過是 20 minutes, 已經有兩隻紙鳶繞住我哋隻紙鳶 >.< 終於我哋隻紙鳶就比人割斷咗, 變咗 run-away kite lu ~.~" 隻紙鳶無咗, D 線又差唔多放晒.....woowoo.....唯有食番 potato chips & 睇吓風景補數 :p



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