祝大家鼠年進步, 身體健康, 心想事成!!
鼠年靚靚利是封, 仲有長版 ga...but 派晒唔記得影低 :p
年初一 (7 Feb): 一如以往, 首先去老爺奶奶家拜年, 再出我姨媽那裡吃煎堆, 之後入我嫲嫲度團拜. 之後一大班人去咗沙田的稻香 dinner. A picture with my cousins (and their partners), 未齊人 ga, 初四仲有 :
估不到初一的稻香除了套餐外, 竟然可以比散叫, 所以覺得好抵食! 最犀利是每位客人都有一封利是回禮, 包裝精美, 裏面仲有 $10 硬幣一個呀! 咁即係每人有10蚊回贈!! So happy!
年初二 (8 Feb): 今年無入去阿媽度拜年, 因為阿媽怕搞到好遲先去到我婆婆度拜年, 不過 turn out 都搞到3點多才去到婆婆度拜年 :p 之後就緊係去車公廟祈福啦, just 趕得及5點半關門前入內, 今年 people flow 又有 improvement, so less crowded and more organized compared with last even! 今年連點香都有人幫你, 唔想你阻住後面! 車公廟香火頂盛呀:
是晚我點了 cake set : Pennisular 80th anniversary chocolate cake with lemon tea...yum yum.....George 同 Polly 兩個人飲了下面那支Italy 紅酒, 佢哋話味道不錯! 為年初二美好的一天劃上完美的句號 ^o^
Pennisula lobby when the lights are on!
年初四 (10 Feb): 又是 family dinner gathering, my cousins again ^o^
年初五 (11 Feb), 新年的4days holiday 眨吓眼就完, 要返工 lu....不過今晚放工後就食神降臨, 因為去 Paroni 屋企拜年加吃飯! 上天對我們真的很好, 能夠認識到這個知己無所不談, 互相幫助, 仲經常煮住家飯給我們吃, 今次仲要加埋親手整 cookies 比我哋吃, 又食又玩(佢個女)又拎...真的無話可說!! 個晚餐實在太豐富啦 (有石班, 大蝦, 象拔蚌仔, chicken wings with potato, 金菇肥牛卷, 賽螃蟹 and 老火湯, 飯後仲有 Italian Tomato 的 cake), 雖然我呢個 CNY holiday 個胃都有胃酸倒流情況, 唔多有胃口, 但今晚實在忍不住吃了很多! 同 GeorG 捧住個大肚 dum 走呀! 你睇幾失禮, GeorG 同 Mironi 爭玩具玩呀, 有相為証! (GeorG 話呢個 Kitty 撈魚 game 好有挑戰性, 好好玩 !.!)
Wow...when I see all the food, I feel so hungry! Coz I'm on confinement and can only eat confinement food :(
Btw, I agree with George's comments! The Hello Kitty fishing game is really challenging! Tong Tong has one too!
Dopie, at 3:55 PM
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