今日終於"的"起心肝, complete this post!27 August 2007Dinner @ Dan RyanCindy 同我都係8月生日, 今晚就又 Jeffrey 做東, 請我哋呢兩個美女食 birthday dinner! 今晚選了 Dan Ryan (@ Admiralty), 個 steak 同 warm chocolate cake 都好得 (heehe....仲回味緊)....Thank you Jeffrey ^o^ 下次希望你會 drive us (GeorG and me) and dine with your pretty girlfriend la!
21 August 2007Dinner with two pretties @ MEZZTonight i have a very nice fine dining with Polly and Fion, two pretty ladies i know since Year 1, I m glad that we can be close friends for so many years, can share all the ups and downs, and also we discussed all sorts of mo liu topics....haahaa...tonight our topic is "coffee mate"...haahaa...wish that we stay young and pretties, and keep the charm of late 20s and early 30s forever...hahaaa...A picture with the 2 pretties and also a birthday cake, a very delicious one!The food @ MEZZ is unexpectedly good, we might wish to try it out if you walk by Prince's Building in Central!
16 August 2007
Tonight i have dinner with Minnelli, she is my primary school classmates, one of my 好姊妹, we know each other since Primary Three when we were both worked as 班長 of the class....oh those were the days. She has sent me a lovely birthday card on 14th as i mentioned below. Tonight she bring me to 上環的澳門賽馬會 for dinner. heee as u can see on the subject, i really love the dish夏果蜜瓜炒帶子, yummy and refreshing!
Minnelli also send me a book called "盧押道 20 號" which was written by her friend, she even asked the writer to sign on the book for me. Now it is a book for bedtime reading, a very funny but 充滿人情味的 book, highly recommend. Have left aside my Harry Potter in the meantime :p
14 August 2007
很準時 arrive 的 birthday card
I have hanged it on my bedroom, thanks Minnelli....another surprise to me indeed, 在這年頭, 已沒有想過會收到 hard copy birthday card la! I am lucky to have 3 this year indeed!
Ar yeah, today i receive a lot of sms/email birthday note, thank you all the pretties and handsomes who sent me the note and remembering my birthday! Really appreciate for all of them.
13 August 2007
很多birthday gifts 呀!
Tonight i had dinner with my parent and my sis as GeorG is not coming back for dinner, mum said today is 初一, then we went to have a vegetarian dinner @ MK together. My parent give me 利是 as my birthday gift, i havent opened it so far (today is 26.08.2007), would wait until when one day i need some cash at home :p Thanks Mum and Dad!
回家放工開信箱見到一封address比袁太太的card, well, 我已估到係邊個啦, 再望吓回郵 address, yes, my guess s correct....from my lovely sister. A surprise for me indeed, as she didnt tell me anything about it during the dinner whole night, i love Minna No Tabo and the bunch of flower, well, i especially like the balloons holding by the rabbit on the card, as it is drawn by my sis ^o^ Thanks my lovely sis!
Today's lunch, some of my closest colleague in the department dated me for lunch. They are so kind to celebrate my birthday again (yes, again, as last week they already treated me in the departmental lunch), they prepared a wristlace, yes, a Hello Kitty from Kilara, and a Hello Kitty card (the band on Hello Kitty's waist 會change colour at different temperature). And what surprise me is they bought me a big birthday cake from Honalulu...so touching.....Thanks my nicest colleague, made me feel the warmth in working in such a freezing office :p
My colleagues (from left to right)
Dick, Danny, Sillyer, Loretta, Silvana....with the Honolulu Tiramisu birthday cake @ Double Star ^o^
Well, see 好鬼多 Kitty 嘢呀...heehee...
條 Kitty wristlace 好閃呀!
Another gift from my ex-colleague, Jaime:
P.S. 今日同其他 department 的同事開會, 佢哋話我 d 指甲"好靚喎!"
11 August 2007
多謝 Paroni & 潼潼 的熱情款待 ^o^
GeorG 一早話星期六要返工, 唯有自己搵節目啦, 很久沒有見潼潼, 就問吓潼潼媽 (Paroni) 星期六有無約, yeah, 佢哋都 ok wor, 仲 suggest 住家飯, 簡直是我有食神啦!
開頭好驚typoon 會 affect this gathering, 好在無.
好開心潼潼已學懂行, 她拖住我响屋企行來行去, 好鬼得意, 同佢玩了一陣玩具, Paroni 就開咗隻 for learning alphabets & numbers 嘅 DVD 比佢同我睇, 我其實 responsible for taking care of her while Paroni goes to kitchen to cook dinner for us! 當 Paroni煮到如火如荼時, 佢走出來給我一碗kids meal 叫我餵潼潼食 "mom mom".....哈哈, 原來餵潼潼食飯仔都好得意 ga, 佢又好鬼乖, 安靜地吃, 沒有難為我, 好 sweet lor, 好似自己個女咁 ^o^ 當潼潼又差唔多吃飽飽時, Paroni 已 finish 煮了一個勁 presentable 的 birthday dinner 比我哋呢兩個大人!
有 my favorite 的茄汁蝦 & 煎雞翼. 仲有蟹籽三文魚螺絲粉, Paroni 的廚藝 really impressive.
Paroni 仲送我一隻 super 閃靚靚 的 Hello Kitty watch, 我真的不好意思 lor...
食完飯仲有 ice-cream 同香港先生 show 做餘興, 簡直是樂而忘返
有得食, 有得玩 (同潼潼), 又有得拎 (禮物 and take away dinner for GeorG), 你話邊度搵 wor!
多謝 Paroni & 潼潼的熱情款待, 打搞哂!
9 August 2007
跟全個 unit 的同事吃生日 lunch
因為八月除了我, 仲有另外一個 manager 都生日, 為了就大家的 holiday, 所以今日就食咗 departmenal birthday lunch. 我同壽星仔 pick 了 staff restaurant 飲茶, 一陣子沒有去過, 依然大件 and 抵食! 今日繼續有每次必食的叉燒餐飽....yummy! And i specially orderd the dish 中式牛柳 as i havent take it long time lu.
Thank you everyone for treating us lunch....heehee...
8 August 2007
好正的豆腐花@魚翅城, Times Square
Today after the exercise class, i have dinner with Winnie and Ca Ca. Ca Ca and I both having birthday in August....heehee....所以 Winnie 唔著數, 要一請二, 大出血...haahaa....天氣不好, 所以 Winnie 提議去魚翅城@ Times Square食飯, 我舉腳 support! But 總覺得魚翅城 = 入去比人鋸....我比她們早到, 看餐牌見到 d 魚翅, 鮑魚好 expensive, d set menu 又好 expensive, a-la-carte 仲貴....when they arrive, after discussion, we decided to order the set menu (should be the cheapest among the menu), 有魚翅, 有 lobster, 又有煨海參, 好好味. 其實我一向都唔食海參 ga, but dont why i can finish it all tonight! 最後 dessert 有兩樣揀, i picked 豆腐花 and they both picked something like 冬瓜xxx......豆腐花出奇地滑 & 好薑, 正到暈!
三個女仔吹吹水, 談天說地, 講吓身邊的男人, 愉快地又一晚.
好多謝 Winnie 今晚請我們吃了一餐 super 豐富又富貴的 dinner, 真的不好意思要你破費. 下次"鬆縛"時再豪過 ^o^
今晚好彩 GeorG 乘 taxi 落 CWB 兜埋我, but i need to buy him a noodle as dinner ~.~"
後記: Winnie deliver the following gift to me via George's office on 24 August, 2007.
a very lovely PEZ Kitty, i like it a lot!
2 August 2007
The first birthday dinner - Oriental Lily
今晚同我以前的 IEd 同事仔食 birthday dinner, 第一次去 MegaBox, 所以都是第一次食 Oriental Lily (喜百合), 美心 group 的 restaurant. 環境很好, 樓底很高, but 張櫈榄好重 :p 有我喜歡的雞絲粉皮, 片皮鴨 and 楊枝金露 ^o^ 當然仲有我最喜愛的同事 and 小闆啦, 所以呢餐飯是很開心的. 好掛住以前一起工作時的無聊開心玩意, 特別是猜輸買下午茶, 多 happy ar ^o^