老公, 辛苦啦!
GeorG 呢一輪都 super busy, 因為佢有"n"隻job行緊,9月同10月會係”癲瘋”期, 無日無夜做做做.
很久沒有 properly 跟他見面 (i.e. 在daytime 正正常常咁傾吓偈). 所以last friday after facial @ Central, 我決定找找他, 打打氣. 如果大家familiar with his "work nature", should know one of the toughest time is when working in "printer firm". 一路以來, 做過吓 audit 嘅我都時運高未落過去printer 度, GeorG 成日話有d printer firm 好正, 個pantry 什麼都有, 一定唔會餓親, 渴親 and 悶親你(when you are waiting the typist to 出稿). Among all the bigger printer firms, the nicest one (i mean the pantry service) is the one in Wheelock House. 但從來我都只是幻想, 未有機會去...
Last Friday 終於可以一睹在printer firm 工作的實況.....個pantry 果然名不虛傳, 有:
- Hagaan-daz ice-cream (不同口味的杯裝, ice-cream sandwich, & ice-bar)
- 各式各樣的 drinks (fresh fruit juice, 紙包, 罐裝, 膠裝, Perrier, Distilled Water, Snapples, CC-lemon, CC-orange, beer......仲有大大支 Moet!)
- 各式各樣的零食 (chips, chocolate bar, candy, biscuit, ookies, 有好多是貴價日本極罕見的 snacks 呀)
- Of course you can also find different kinds of cup noodles and 叮叮食物 e.g dim sum
- 果度仲有 coffee brewer
除咗食, 仲有 TV (with all channels u can think of), Wii, OSIM 按摩椅....所以話唔會悶親.
不過話雖如此, 大家都只想快d收工返屋企多d.
那天晚上, 我由9點多安靜地陪他到11點多, 中間當然出去 pantry吃了一些零食同埋看味分高下 (自己一個, 佢 and 佢d同事 continue to work in the room), 見佢都唔多得閒 entertain 我, 我就攞部私伙 NDS 打吓機...之後11點多佢就話夜啦, 叫我自己返屋企先, 至於佢.....結果 Saturday 晚上7點才收工, then go to TST to join me dinner then can go home to get wash and sleep.....你話佢係唔係 superman 呢?
This week, the cycle repeats....
很久沒有 properly 跟他見面 (i.e. 在daytime 正正常常咁傾吓偈). 所以last friday after facial @ Central, 我決定找找他, 打打氣. 如果大家familiar with his "work nature", should know one of the toughest time is when working in "printer firm". 一路以來, 做過吓 audit 嘅我都時運高未落過去printer 度, GeorG 成日話有d printer firm 好正, 個pantry 什麼都有, 一定唔會餓親, 渴親 and 悶親你(when you are waiting the typist to 出稿). Among all the bigger printer firms, the nicest one (i mean the pantry service) is the one in Wheelock House. 但從來我都只是幻想, 未有機會去...
Last Friday 終於可以一睹在printer firm 工作的實況.....個pantry 果然名不虛傳, 有:
- Hagaan-daz ice-cream (不同口味的杯裝, ice-cream sandwich, & ice-bar)
- 各式各樣的 drinks (fresh fruit juice, 紙包, 罐裝, 膠裝, Perrier, Distilled Water, Snapples, CC-lemon, CC-orange, beer......仲有大大支 Moet!)
- 各式各樣的零食 (chips, chocolate bar, candy, biscuit, ookies, 有好多是貴價日本極罕見的 snacks 呀)
- Of course you can also find different kinds of cup noodles and 叮叮食物 e.g dim sum
- 果度仲有 coffee brewer
除咗食, 仲有 TV (with all channels u can think of), Wii, OSIM 按摩椅....所以話唔會悶親.
不過話雖如此, 大家都只想快d收工返屋企多d.
那天晚上, 我由9點多安靜地陪他到11點多, 中間當然出去 pantry吃了一些零食同埋看味分高下 (自己一個, 佢 and 佢d同事 continue to work in the room), 見佢都唔多得閒 entertain 我, 我就攞部私伙 NDS 打吓機...之後11點多佢就話夜啦, 叫我自己返屋企先, 至於佢.....結果 Saturday 晚上7點才收工, then go to TST to join me dinner then can go home to get wash and sleep.....你話佢係唔係 superman 呢?
This week, the cycle repeats....
Wow...I haven't been to any printers either! But this is surely one of the "must visit"!!!
Dopie, at 1:21 PM
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