Sillyer n GeorG

March 25, 2007


Although i have already sent GeorG the birthday gift on Friday, yesterday night when it comes to 12 midnight, i have also prepared GeorG a very cute and lovely birthday card to celebrate his birthday, and also with a big hug from me! As the card is so sweet with a story in it, i decided to keep it as a little treasure for GeorG and wont disclose here!

What do we do on GeorG's birthday?
We wake up at 10:30a.m. as we will have our bowling class in Mei Foo from noon-1p.m., can't think of any special activity for the birthday (I want to go to World Carnival but there is not enough time and GeorG showed no interest with it), so we play one more hour of bowling @ Mei Foo. In an hour time, we have played more than 6 games and as my result is too bad that i lose on every game, so i wont show you any pictures :p :p

It's so hot yesterday, after playing bowling, we went to have afternoon tea and then back home to get a wash and changed. GeorG suggests to travel to MongKok afterwards as he wants to buy me a gift....heehee.....but since we will have dinner in WanChai, and we also need to go back to his office to get the wine for the dinner, so we decided to go to Central directly!

講咗一輪價後, 老公決定扑鎚買咗對耳環比我, 好嘢! Thank you so much, he was even more enthusaistic than me on keep taking the 石鏡 to study the two diamonds while i concentrate on bargaining with the sales ~.~" 老公 birthday 老婆都有禮物收. 感覺好"盞", haahaa.....

返 PB 攞咗支 white wine後, 就 take "ding ding" to Wanchai Chai Road Le Blanc la. Le Blanc is a 私房法國菜 restaurant, tonight there was a big gathering which made the restaurant is very noisy, i dont like it at all as I expect to have a quiet dinner with GeorG, but he thinks it's OK.....oh, he must be in good mood today!

安慰地, the food there is nice and here is our dishes:

1. Plate of pâté
2. Appetizers
Sillyer : Smoke salmon tartar
GeorG : Pan fried foie gras with peach & calvados sauce
3. Mixed seafood plate (crab, bulot & shrimps)
4. Soup
Sillyer : Mushroom Soup
GeorG : Crab bisque

5. Main Course
Sillyer : Grilled venison with blackcurrant sauce with white wine & apple risotto
GeorG : Steamed fish with vegetable julienne and serve with white wine sauce with Nicoise pasta
6. Dessert
Sillyer : Cherry clafoutis
GeorG : Sweet pumpkin brûlee + Dark chocolate soufflé cake (the birthday treat from Le Blanc)

Here are some pictures taken today!

Once again, Happy & Sweet Birthday to my lovest ^o^

March 24, 2007

Birthday dinner with my family

Saturday night Dad, Mum, Sis and Cyr and me treated GeorG a great dinner as celebration for his upcoming birthday! 好美味! Mum 除了請我哋响花園 street 食咗兩串 fishball 外, Dad 同 Mum 仲比咗一封大利是比個女婿呀.....heehee....

March 23, 2007

Thank you Silvanna & Loretta!

今日我 invite 咗兩個同事上我屋企, I am very lazy and didnt prepare anything to 招呼佢哋, 只有"新長江" take-away 同埋我同 GeorG 的 wedding pictures and videos...haahaa....

佢哋好客氣, 知道我好喜歡 Hello Kitty, 帶咗個好 lovely 的 Hello Kitty Coin Bank 送比我, 多謝晒! I have put it inside my bedroom, very lovely ar!

GeorG 和我的 bedroom 又多一個成員....heehee....不過我知老公都好 welcome 佢 ^o^

P.S. Thanks you 2 for staying with me to meet the stranger PCCW staff on installing the NOW TV, thank you so much ^o^ You are always welcomed to visit my home when you are free!

Happy Birthday to my lovest!

老公, 預祝你生日快樂!!

究竟"古古惑惑"的 Sillyer 準備咗乜嘢 surprise 比 GeorG 呢?
答案係 : 18個月 NOW 收費電視......當然 the most important is 足球頻道 la! GeorG 的至愛!
佢實在很喜歡看曼聯 & 英格蘭! He is not fond of playing football, but is a 100%標準足球 "粉絲"....haahaa....

之前我唔想裝"有線"睇波, as i think GeorG is too busy and just a waste of money to pay rental but not watching any......and also the decoder is very big and ugly....haahaa....不過 I think I should not be so selfish and should let him to do what he likes la!

Wednesday afternoon call 咗PCCW "lur" 佢 before Sunday install the decoder, 佢竟然最早可以 arrange 到 Friday night! 咁啱 Friday 我 invite 咗兩個同事上來 my home.....咁就叫佢哋陪我响屋企等個陌生人! 本來打算 pack 埋個 decoder and send to GeorG until Friday....不過都係早 d 送比佢開心吓.

Around 11p.m. GeorG back, i asked him to close his eyes and lead him to the sofa first i played a little game with him which i asked him to draw 4 pictures from a Hello Kitty envelope which contain one of my gifts in, they are "BMW525i", "Benz 大眼仔", "環遊世界 air-tickets" 同埋 "瞓覺" (哈哈, only Sillyer would treat "瞓覺" as a gift to GeorG).....GeorG 估 "環遊世界 air-tickets"....and then i asked him to turn around and 自己揭曉:

Please excuse for the ugly wrapping as i dont know how to cover it up :p

呢個就係老公好開心抽到 "環遊世界 air-tickets" and 之後見到 NOW 部機的 surprise 樣子 la:

不過老公講明呀, 唔準太沈迷, 唔準偷懶唔幫我做 housework ga! 仲有半夜睇波唔準大叫, 會比 neighbour complain ga :p :p OK!


March 22, 2007


老公好快就生日啦! 今個 Sunday 他和我的年齡距離由又 0 變成 1, 哈哈!
吸收咗個 friend 遲咗訂位的 experience (阿朋友仔, 唔好"趙"我 ...), 我早兩個 week 就訂定枱, 今年我打算帶 GeorG 去嘆法國私房菜 Le Blanc ^o^ 我自己都有好幾年無去過 Le Blanc la!

以下是我同 GeorG昨晚臨睡前的 conversation :
Sillyer : 老公呀, 你生日 dinner 是你請還是我比錢?
GeorG : 我請 la!
Sillyer : 咁你想要咩生日禮物呢?
GeorG : 唔駛嘞, 你同我食飯咪夠囉!
Sillyer : 我哋今晚都一齊食飯呀!
GeorG : 係呀, 咪好開心囉!
Sillyer : 真係唔要生日禮物? (高 8 度)
GeorG : 唔駛嘞.
Sillyer : 咁你生日會買禮物比我嗎? (Sillyer 又妙想天開, 竟然掉番轉 ask for gift...)
GeorG : 好呀, 不如就去揀耳環 (Sillyer 上星期六同 GeorG 提過想將一粒3O幾份的 diamond ring upgrade 做一對半卡的耳環, 仲提議佢8 月生日時做 birthday gift)
Sillyer : 吓, 你講真 ga? 一對定一隻?
GeorG : 買耳環緊係一對 ga la!
Sillyer : 一對半卡耳環好貴 wor! 我隻介指幾年前買嗰時6千零蚊, 收番都唔知有無5千! 半卡石起碼都萬五啦, 一對成三萬喎!
GeorG : 唔緊要 la, 月尾出糧就夠錢!
Sillyer : 咁我八月生日時仲有無禮物 ga?
GeorG : 有, 到時再買第二D嘢. 星期日睇咗耳環先啦.
Sillyer : 睇吓到時揀唔啱先 la! (我個口竟然無話唔駛...heehee)

跟住 Sillyer 只懂儍笑......心想不枉我今日突然有 idea, 响極 hurray 的時間內搞掂你份生日 surprise! 仲以為只有我對你好好, 原來你都記住我想要 earring ga! 無幾耐 Sillyer 就好 sweet 咁瞓着....

後記 : 希望老公見到份禮物時會好鍾意啦!

March 15, 2007

最後一 round 的 Hello Kitty 愛的祝福

MTR Hello Kitty 愛的祝福 programme 已 finished lu, here are more to share:

Love Wishes #2
天天總將對方掛在口邊, 你就知道找到了. 祝你倆天天相見!
Love Wishes #14
沒有完美的人, 只有完美的情人. 祝福你倆的愛完美無瑕!
Love Wishes #17
愛, 沒有距離. 祝你和她/他的心越來越近!
Love Wishes #23
生命甜美, 愛卻更甜蜜. 祝你倆的愛越來越甜蜜!
Love Wishes #30
愛如交響樂, 需要合拍演奏. 願你倆共譜愛的主題曲!

March 14, 2007


GeorG 的 sister (即係我姑仔...哈哈) CNY holiday 時去咗北海道! 佢帶咗好多禮物返來 "孝敬" 我哋, 你睇 :

包括有 (由上至下, 由左至右) :
大合照; Hello Kitty 和式布袋內有牛奶 candy 同埋 Hello Kitty 北海道限定電話繩; 北海道yummy yummy 粟米湯 (自己要加 milk 煮)
北海道紅豆 candy; Hello Kitty粉紅色扭蛋內有Hello Kitty 哈密瓜樣布袋; Hello Kitty紫色扭蛋內有Hello Kitty北海道狐狸樣小電筒
北海道著名的粟米米通 (原味 & 朱古力味各一包); Wasabi 辣辣味的鯛魚片; 日本原粒帶子

我好掛住北海道呀!! ^o^

March 13, 2007


昨晚 GeorG 替 balcony d 花花淋水, 我哋 discover d牽牛花由淨白色 change to 中間白色, 側邊有淡粉紅色 ar! 好似好怕羞咁, 好 cute!

March 11, 2007

Canada 定 Australia 嘅肉眼好味d?

去完 Government House 賞花, we went to CitySuper @ IFC to buySteak for our dinner tonight! GeorG would like to buy the steak with a lot of 雪花 but being banned by Sillyer, as it is too too expensive ($180/100g).... and the more rational reason is we are not good cook and we would only spoil the expensive steak and making it being no difference from those served by 扒王之王 or 金鳳...haahaaa....

So finally we bought 2 肉眼, the big one is picked by GeorG from Canada, the smaller one is picked by Sillyer from Australia, both of them are $50/100g. The two steak costs $239 in total....quite expensive indeed :p

before they jumped into the frying pan

So answer for the blog title : the one picked by Sillyer win! The tenderloin from Australia is more 有肉味, yummy! (By the way, the dinner tonight is cooked by GeorG as he is doing better in cooking steak! Luckily he didnt spoiled the $239 steak! heeheee.....)

禮賓府d 錦鯉去咗邊?

Today 禮賓府 is opened for the public to 賞花, 見好耐無探阿"凸手", GeorG 就帶我行一圈, 見唔到"凸手", 又見唔到d 錦鯉, 淨係見到各式各樣的花花草草.....heeheee....

去H&M 朝拜

呢期最潮都算H&M新開張, 星期六開張日, my sister 已經急不及待朝拜 and 進貢, 仲話買咗件trench coat 比我, 搞到我鬼c咁happy.

今日打完 bowling, 食完 lunch 後, 就帶埋我的全天侯 sponsor (即係 GeorG) 一齊去H&M朝拜, 等佢聽日返工都唔 out la!

Wa wa wa, 超多人, 好似唔駛 $$, d ladies 好 crazy ~.~" fitting room 條龍長過峰壽司嗰條. 由於我阿 sis 已經買了trench coat 比我, 所以我好慳家只買了一件t-shirt, despite 我超鍾意一條金色的裙, 但又無 guts 著得起 >.<

點知 on the way home, my mum called and told me my sister loved both trench coats and now refused to give one to me....sob sob....唯有靠自己啦...

March 10, 2007

28 樓空中在單車上的花園仔

唔知你睇個 title 會聯想什麼.....heeheee?

I was sick for the whole week, 嚴格來說係whole week 都活在頭暈眼花的世界, 好辛苦. Tuesday after work 頂唔住 consult doctor, doctor tried several clinical tests for me and cannot conclude my problem, he prescribed Vitamin C and 止暈pills to me, 佢仲話如果仲暈, 可能要寫紙比我照腦, scare c我 >.<
The medicine seems not working, i still feel faint occasionally on tuesday night and wednesday persistently, 耐不耐就 faint 15 seconds 好辛苦. Thurs morning i still faint when i wake up, GeorG think it might be better for me to take whole day rest at home and see if the situation would be improved and in the meantime, he checked with Dr. Chan to see if there is any recommended doctor to check out my problem.

Dr. Chan suspect me having symptoms of 耳水不平衡 and so GeorG brought me to visit Dr. Chan when he is off from work that night. Again, after some clinical tests, Dr. Chan said it seems that i am having problem of BPV (由於一般醫生的字都比較難 recognize, so i cant read the exact full name :p), that is 中耳內的分秘出咗 problem, 所以令我頭暈....... anyway, he prescribed me some 特效止暈 pills and see if my situation would improve the next day.

今天 (Saturday) my 頭暈 seems to go away, so GeorG agreed to bring me out to have some walk, we went to 花墟 to see if there is any nice things to decorate our balcony! We both love this bicycle at the first sight! Then we start looking for flowers that can fit on it. Finally we bought 1 pot of 珍珠玫瑰, and 1 pot of 牽牛花. Why we bought them? Because they meet our objectives :- colourful, not expensive, easy to plant (according to seller 伯伯) and could be exposed under sunlight!

This night, we go back to MOS for dinner with GeorG's parents, finally we have the best excuse to bring our bb grass fill up the bottom step on the bicycle! Great!
hope the flowers would continue to grow la! 你哋又覺得我哋呢個"28 樓空中在單車上的花園仔"如何呢? 我哋就覺得好怡人啦 ^o^

March 06, 2007

好味茄汁 tiger prawn

We bought a pack of tiger prawn from KK, i have allocated oursleves 4 prawns, while leaving 5 for each of our mum ^o^

Yesterday night, i cooked our share! It's nice that GeorG could be homed for dinner, so i have cooked the prawn with 茄汁! It is quite easy to cook this dish :p The prawn are tasty and "meaty", better than our expectation :p's nice to have a tiger prawn dinner as celebration of the monthly 5th (our wedding day)!! Good Good!

We were too happy to enjoy the dinner and forget to take a pic with it, sorry, but i m sure if you see the pic, you would 流口水 as well ^o^

March 02, 2007

More Hello Kitty 愛的祝福

These are some more slips I have obtained from the MTR Club machine these days :

懂得享受平靜, 才能愛得永恆. 願你們天長地久! (Love Wish #3)
用心戀上, 才能愛得永恆. 祝你們永遠心心相印! (Love Wish #10)
懂愛的心, 永不衰老. 願你們的愛歴久常新! (Love Wish #11)
在某角落, 有人正為你的微笑而着迷! 願你們的愛情故事, 更加動人! (Love Wish #19)
有愛的一天, 定是晴朗的一天. 祝你們每天都充滿陽光! (Love Wish #26)
充滿愛的擁抱, 可給戀人無限能量. 祝你們愛的能量, 越來越强! (Love Wish #29)

Wishing everyone of you have a sweet 元宵節 this sunday! Happy Weekend!

~ Sillyer