Sillyer n GeorG

March 10, 2007

28 樓空中在單車上的花園仔

唔知你睇個 title 會聯想什麼.....heeheee?

I was sick for the whole week, 嚴格來說係whole week 都活在頭暈眼花的世界, 好辛苦. Tuesday after work 頂唔住 consult doctor, doctor tried several clinical tests for me and cannot conclude my problem, he prescribed Vitamin C and 止暈pills to me, 佢仲話如果仲暈, 可能要寫紙比我照腦, scare c我 >.<
The medicine seems not working, i still feel faint occasionally on tuesday night and wednesday persistently, 耐不耐就 faint 15 seconds 好辛苦. Thurs morning i still faint when i wake up, GeorG think it might be better for me to take whole day rest at home and see if the situation would be improved and in the meantime, he checked with Dr. Chan to see if there is any recommended doctor to check out my problem.

Dr. Chan suspect me having symptoms of 耳水不平衡 and so GeorG brought me to visit Dr. Chan when he is off from work that night. Again, after some clinical tests, Dr. Chan said it seems that i am having problem of BPV (由於一般醫生的字都比較難 recognize, so i cant read the exact full name :p), that is 中耳內的分秘出咗 problem, 所以令我頭暈....... anyway, he prescribed me some 特效止暈 pills and see if my situation would improve the next day.

今天 (Saturday) my 頭暈 seems to go away, so GeorG agreed to bring me out to have some walk, we went to 花墟 to see if there is any nice things to decorate our balcony! We both love this bicycle at the first sight! Then we start looking for flowers that can fit on it. Finally we bought 1 pot of 珍珠玫瑰, and 1 pot of 牽牛花. Why we bought them? Because they meet our objectives :- colourful, not expensive, easy to plant (according to seller 伯伯) and could be exposed under sunlight!

This night, we go back to MOS for dinner with GeorG's parents, finally we have the best excuse to bring our bb grass fill up the bottom step on the bicycle! Great!
hope the flowers would continue to grow la! 你哋又覺得我哋呢個"28 樓空中在單車上的花園仔"如何呢? 我哋就覺得好怡人啦 ^o^


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