Sillyer n GeorG

December 31, 2007

New Year Blessings!

Even though we are not in Hong Kong right now, may we wish you always enjoy the love from your family and friends, and be blessed with health and happiness in this new year of 2008.

Best Wishes,
Sillyer n GeorG

December 28, 2007

2007 最後一個工作 day

無錯, 今日是我响 2007 最後一個 working day, 唔係因為公司 31 Dec 放我 1 day 假 (雖然 GeorG 間公司真係咁好送兩日假 - 24 and 31 Dec 比所有 staff).....
well....我聽日又飛啦, 我又去旅行啦 :p
數一數手指, 呢個 trip 原來已是我今年第五次旅行 (二月兩公婆去沙巴, 五月去關島出席 Loretta and Patrick's 婚禮順度遊玩, 十月同雙方 parents 去曼谷, 十一月同 Paroni 一家去了台灣難忘 Hello Kitty 之旅)....今次就兩公婆去一趟日本的九州, 浸浸溫泉, 駕車到處觀光, 渡過 2008 的新年.

今次雖然有 7 days, 但行程緊迫, 先坐飛機入福岡, 到榑多市一遊, 再駕車落豪斯登堡, 一路向右手面進發, 玩埋九州的 Hello Kitty Land (即係 Harmony Land), 再到別府, 油布院觀光, 浸溫泉, 最後回福岡坐飛機返港.....希望天氣不要太"寒", 行程順利, 沒有走錯路, 部GPS 聽教聽話, 不會點錯路啦...haahaa.....

各位朋友仔, 在此祝願大家新年快樂, 新的一年工作順利, 身體健康 (但我自己現在流緊鼻水....haahaa....), 和伴侶恩恩愛愛.... All the best la.

December 23, 2007

Office Christmas Party

This year, again, we went to Novotel for buffet lunch as Christmas Celebration on 20 Dec.
And again, this year, Pan Pan (our office administrator) and I helped in managing the lucky draw, "managing" = plan what gifts to buy, go to buy, wrap, and think on how to draw the prize to make sure the process is fair (esp to us as we know what are the gifts are inside the wrapping paper :p)

Here comes our 12 gifts, ranged from $130 - $530 @:

Luck was not with me as i didnt grasp the gifts that I like most (like digital photo frame, backpack...hahaa...), but without paying any (as only our boss and the 4 managers contribute :p), i m happy enough to enjoy the whole process and get a gift ^o^

And what's more, i m very happy to see how satisfied my colleagues were and their appreciation on our efforts paid to make the party filled with joys and fun ^o^

Well, after some exchanges of gifts with colleagues, it turned out that i got a lovely toaster ^o^ and i tried it out with GeorG this morning....isnt it cute?

Week 7 - 23 December 2007

TOKENS OF AFFECTION - "Keep a supply of tokens of affection on hand that can be administered to your honey on a moment's notice as the spontaneous need arises. Bon bons, hugs, love notes, and poems are just a few possibilities. Take special note of what gives your partner joy and assemble a suitable collection of tokens of affectionfor future disbursement."

December 19, 2007

號外 - Trip again....

heehee...似乎又真是密集了一點, 不過我真的想告訴大家我哋12月29日又出發啦, 看來這個行程是上天註定的, 一次又一次的讓我排到 waiting ... haahaa....不過原意就違反了, 因為12月29日出發是沒有 milege discount, but 老公話 "唔打緊, 最緊要得閒去旅行", 又係 ger, 及時行樂 ar ma :p 今次我哋會去九州的福岡 (博多), 別府, 油有院, 大分的 Hello Kitty Land (Harmony Land), 仲有豪斯登堡.....老公話佢負責 plan itin wor....(i wondered).....不過佢今晚 keep 住上 Internet visit different blogs for research....見到d靚相又有d忍不住話想買部新相機 (40D) ~.~"......等唔切部7D出喎, 如果真的買trip就 v v expensive lor :p

Hello Kitty 出奇旦

呢份小心意係老公自發地買給我的, 起初前幾天他只買了一個送給我, 但今晚他買多一個回來, 他說要成雙成對才好呀!.....至於裡面是什麼, 我還不捨得拆開呢 :p

December 18, 2007

Week 6 - 16 December 2007

Although we went to Macau, i still got a card for this Sunday!NO NEGATIVITY - "Although it makes comedians and writers rich, if you can't addord to pipe in canned audience laughter, drop the saecasm. It gets too confusing for others to have to figure out if yo are being funny or if you're really voicing a grievance. And while you're at it, think about keeping a check on your cynicism and overall Eeyore attitude that positive things just never happen, at least not to you. After all, how can a relationship thrive in an environment of negativity. And who wants to bond together (apart from Sid and Nancy) over how miserable the world is? Call each other on wet blanket comments.

December 12, 2007


6 December 2007 Mood Index : EXCITED

因為知道 Asia Miles offer 25% off for mileage redemption to 日本福岡 from 1st Jan - 16 Mar, so i asked GeorG if he can take leave to go there with me. After checking out the schedule, the only possible day that we can have a trip will be 1 Jan to 5 Jan as he said 6th Jan he needs to be groomsman of his colleague.

I called Asia miles to book the tickets, luckily i can secure tickets for 1st Jan and 4th Jan, while 5th have to be put on the waiting list.

7 - 8 December Mood Index : 期待 MIXED WITH FRUSTRATION

During my planning, i found that I can take JR from Hakata (博多) to Beppu (別府) and Harmony Land (Hello Kitty Land in 九州). I was so excited as i want to go to Harmony Land to visit my lovest Hello Kitty.
And i also found a lovely place called 湯布院 midway between Beppu and Hakata with lots of traditional 和式溫泉. I love ONSEN!!

But it is really difficult to make booking with the hotels as >90% of the hotel websites are in Japanese, and the problem is I do not know Japanese at all. Even though some of the hotels got English website, once i decided to make a reservation and click "Reservation", it would then direct me to the "booking page" in Japanese again.....want to kill them ~.~"

Another thing that made me feel frustrated was that 1 Jan is Japan's new year, so most of the hotels have been fully booked already for 1 Jan to 3 Jan....sob sob....after spending the whole sat to tackle with those crazy japanese websites, i finally managed to secure a room in Beppu on 2 Jan and 湯布院 on 3 Jan! I only took my dinner at 11:20p.m. on sat night after working very hard for the whole day!

9 - 10 December Mood Index : LIFE IS FULL OF HOPE

As i said before, we are on the waiting list on the return flight on 5th Jan, but my gut feeling is "we can get the tickets", so when i plan my itin, i always think i will have 5 days trip.....from time to time, i visit cathaypacific website to check out the waiting status...but still it shows "On Request". But as i said, life is full of Hope ar!

11 December Mood Index : FROM HEAVEN TO HELL

In the afternoon, i check out cathay pacific website....oh GREAT, i found that our waiting for 5 Jan flight is "CONFIRMED"...yeah, i have 5 days trip la ^o^
Today is a GREAT day, i have tickets for 5 days, i have a great dinner @ 鋰魚門, i have dessert @ 松記.

But bad news arrive when i come back home at midnight.....
1st : GeorG told me that next Monday morning, he needs to go back to office for a presentation to investment bankers (next Monday we suppose are having holi in Macau's Venetian Hotel) as he wrongly "believe" that the training should be on next Tuesday and he cannot assign this duty to other colleagues at this final come you can forget this important trip, we have marked your diary as early as September before the Hotel's opening!!
OK love travel to and fro to Macau for consecutive three days ~.~" (Coincidently, his client invited them to dinner @ Macau on this coming sat, while we will go to Macau on Sun and stay 1 night) I cannot stop you. Let's sit down and plan for the 福岡 trip...
within 10 minutes we have come out a brief budget and also the itin. Things seems to be going smooth....
but then another bad news came!!

2nd : GeorG suddenly talk to himself that his colleague might not be getting married on 6 Jan (Sunday), should be on 5 Jan! better check and reconfirm.....he then send sms to get you can imagine, i said it is a bad news, so the answer is "he is getting married on 5 Jan, not 6 Jan." That means we can only have trip until 4 Jan, i.e. 4 days trip only.
What's the point i work so hard on making bookings on saturday, what's the point i was so happy this afternoon when i find that i can have 5 days trip. GeorG, you destroy my planning, ruin my happiness, how can i go to all those places in 4 days only? How come you can be so ridiculous to forget all these important schedules (having personal trip) one after one? Tell me, what you think could resolve the problem? What's wrong I have done to deserve all these?

If you are a loyal reader to my blog, you know i used to post happy news to this blog....perhaps this one is the first exception.

Warning : Sillyer is not at a nice mood today, dont get in touch with her or do anything to trigger her temper!!!!

December 10, 2007

是日東主有喜 ^O^

今日係我 Daddy 的 birthday.....佢幾多歲? Well....過咗 60 但佢未夠"錚"攞老人咭...heehee....
今晚仍然是擺兩圍開心慶祝一吓, 而我個 DIY 蛋糕, of course, 好見得人啦, 不過現在無相片提供, 請包涵, 不過我都有响 Regal 訂了一個好美味的黑森林蛋糕, 始終生日有個蛋糕好d呀嘛 ^o^

借呢度的篇幅等我同 GeorG 一起祝 Daddy "福如東海, 壽比南山, 最緊要是身體健康!"....well 眨眼又一年啦.

P.S. 希望佢唔會話我哋 DIY 個蛋糕咁無聊啦, 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈.....

December 09, 2007

Week 5 - 8 December 2007

FLEXIBILITY - "Learning to be flexible will add to the longevity of your life and your relationship. If you don't have rigid images of how things need to unfold, from a day's plans to roles withing a relationship, there is less possibility of breakage. No matter how similar you may be, there will still need to be accommodations made from both sides. Are there certain times or activities in which you are hesitant to give up complete control? Try to embrace the notion of compromise, shifting gears, and unexpected outcomes. You are, after all, codirecting this love story."

December 02, 2007

"Making" a cake - Continue

After one week, my progress is :

heehee....都算做有d睇頭, 好過無啦....哈哈

Week 4 - 1 December 2007

RESPECT - An essential attribute of any healthy relationship is mutual respect. Respect each other's emottional needsm interests, and differences, and what you each bring to the relationship. Without this foundation, it is hard to imagine a partnership flourishing.
Frankly, this attribute is one of my weakest points, i hope i can do as this card says!

December 01, 2007

再見啦, 九廣鐵路

今晚返老爺奶奶家吃飯, 搭九鐵時見到d人狂影相先 aware tomorrow 地鐵同九廣正式 merge, 所以我都無蝕底, 拍下一張有九廣鐵路 logo 的照片 :p
After dinner, Sillyer 突然好想吃 Haagen-Dazs, 所以 GeorG 就同 Sillyer 去最近的 Haagen Dazs (即沙田新城市廣場) 行一趟吃 ice-cream la! 是日選了 "Frutti Waffle Cone", 有 Tiramisu + Choc Choc Chip ice-cream, toppings 就點了 peach + mango sauce + almond crunch....oh well, u can imagine that Sillyer is very satisfying with this delight after dinner lor! Yum Yum...want more tim :p