中森明菜 is the biggest Japanese restaurant in China, i noted from Yahoo! 知識 that 中森明菜's 鐵板燒枱 is the longest in the world (22m) while the longest one in Japan is only 12m!
因為怕無位 we arrived the restaurant at 6:15p.m. and luckily we are seated in the 22m 鐵板燒枱. This is the 1st time mum and dad tried out the 鐵板燒 in front of the chef, they enjoyed a lot!
After the dinner, we walked to 附近的高檔 shopping mall - 萬象城. I love the Sanrio Gift Store inside the department store....much bigger than those in HK, and also with much much more Hello Kitty products! Even the 大門口 is more lovely!