Sillyer n GeorG

June 24, 2007


今日 GeorG 要返工, and Daddy is off. So I invited mum and dad to 北上 to try the Japanese restaurant which my friend has brought us to sometimes ago - 中森明菜.
中森明菜 is the biggest Japanese restaurant in China, i noted from Yahoo! 知識 that 中森明菜's 鐵板燒枱 is the longest in the world (22m) while the longest one in Japan is only 12m!
因為怕無位 we arrived the restaurant at 6:15p.m. and luckily we are seated in the 22m 鐵板燒枱. This is the 1st time mum and dad tried out the 鐵板燒 in front of the chef, they enjoyed a lot!
After the dinner, we walked to 附近的高檔 shopping mall - 萬象城. I love the Sanrio Gift Store inside the department store....much bigger than those in HK, and also with much much more Hello Kitty products! Even the 大門口 is more lovely!

June 21, 2007

端午節 - 赤柱龍舟比賽

Last year's 端午節 i was on my Europe trip with my family. This year, we have another special activity for this festival : going to Stanley to watch Dragon Boat Competition.

It is a very hot 端午節. GeorG and I meet my sis around 10:45a.m. in Exchange Square and take bus 260 to Stanley, once we get out of the 香港仔隧道, the traffic is jamed ~.~" It took us nearly 1.5 hours to arrive Stanley. Wow, 成個海灘都是人...人....人......個海就有好多龍舟.

其實今次是我第一次現場看龍舟比賽, 原來好熱鬧 ga! Cyrus 呢兩年都有代表公司扒, 今年又係 team leader, so we went to support him. 不過我公司都有出一條龍, GeorG 公司又有兩條龍, so 可以當係順便 support 埋 la ^o^

I know this competition is an international competition and there was a total of 209 teams participating! 佢哋第一場比賽响早上8-10點進行, 第二場 around noon - 2p.m. (即係我哋去捧場嗰場), if 第二場扒到 1st and 2nd place, then can enter Final!

With our supports, Cyrus' 條龍 and my company's 條龍都入到 Final, 好勁! (haahaa...真是因為我們嗎 :p) 睇完佢哋第二場比賽, we go up to Cyrus and my sister's 公司遊艇 for food and drinks....resting at the 遊艇 to watch the 龍舟比賽 is also good, less crowded :p

A clip taken at the 遊艇:

June 19, 2007

Dinner @ MIstral

上星期四我哋一行5個美少女到 Inter-Continental Stanford Hotel 內的 Mistral 嘆意大利菜, 開咗支紅酒, order 咗兩支唔知係セ嘢地方出產的 still water (呢間高貴的 restaurant 是只有沒有過濾的水喉水供應 if you dare to drink :p), 叫咗 Parma Ham 做頭盤, 又 order 咗 Pizza, Pasta, Lobster & Seafood mix, 仲有白肉牛仔 with cheese, 加上食咗好多 very full, no room for dessert.

飲飲食食, 講東講西, 開開心心過了一晚, 仲有下面隻碟做 souvenir:

這個 Kitty 朱古力罐靚靚嗎?

這個很"金"的罐子內附一片 Hello Kitty 朱古力 (but i have already sent to my PLK sponsored child lu), 是我早一陣子從"7仔"用 $2.9 買回來的! 相信是最抵買的 Kitty 產品!

June 17, 2007

Dinner @ HK Golfer Club

最開心的不過是一家齊人食一餐好的! Happy Father's Day!

June 12, 2007

開開心心遊關島 - 4日3夜 之 第四日


很快已到了最後1日 in Guam, so far 都無 join 任何 local tour, 無玩 snorkelling (despite i bring all the kits there), 無潛水, 又無 join any water sports Club as we are not interested in any of them at all, seems very 普通 :p But we both were attracted on trying this - FLYING....flying the jet, 係呀, 係揸飛機呀! Despite the fee is rather expensive (each one cost USD225), but i think there wont be any country offering this experince in such a price. Well, Guam 無セ雲, 天朗氣清, 確實頗適合這個活動!

This morning, we wake up as usual in the early morning (8:30a.m.) for breakfast, as the Guide would come to pick us up at 10a.m. in the hotel lobby and start our 揸飛機之旅! yeah!!

雖然我哋兩個都無 experience, 好似好"牙煙"咁 (in particular 我連車牌都無....haahaa....) but the Guide told us that this activity is quite safe as the pilot with us is a very experienced one and actually is an examiner for granting flying license! when we arrived the office, we were treated a coffee and complete an application form for the flying club. When we have finished the pilot come out to lead us to the apron at tha back door of the office.

The pilot is a Japanese with age around 45, a very kind and nice man, and he was very patient to teach us both the basic skill and that sounds easy. Basically we mainly need to control two foot padels (to control direction on land), the wheel 軚盤 (to control the direction in air), and pull/push one stick in the control panel for speed.

GeorG start to drive the jet first, we each have 35 minutes on flying the jet by ourselves, with 2 起飛 and 降落 experience, no kidding ga, we really have hand-on real experience with only little help from the pilot. Frankly, when GeorG fly the jet, while i was the passenger sitting at his back, the time is not easy, as 有 d 暈浪 feel. really want to vomit towards the end of his journey :p
不經不覺 GeorG 就揸了35 minutes, without any excuse, i need to be the pilot and exchanged the seat with GeorG. Before i start the journey, i told the "real" pilot that i am a little bit scared as i want everyone is safe and i feel a bit sick after my husband's journey...haaha....the pilot told me it's ok, it is easy. And without any trying on land, i need to go to the runway and start to take-off at once (之前 GeorG 可在 runway 附近試行).

Forget to tell you that we were actually using Guam's International Airport to play this activity. 一路聽住個 pilot 跟控制搭 communicate, 我一路好驚陣間我 control 唔到起不到飛 >.< 又好拍機翼 or 機尾擦地, when i 諗緊有意外時怎辦, 個 pilot 已叫我 get flied the aeroplane la.....the feel is so goood....正正正. 成塊 Guam 的土地 is under me, so nice. GeorG, sitting at my back, took a clip for me.....We are lucky to have a very nice weather, bright sky with little clouds so we can see everywhere under our jet! 左飛, 右飛, 打圈, it looks like not very difficult indeed. Perhaps i am a woman, i act more smoothly and slowly than GeorG and the journey seems to be more comfortable and not as 暈 as GeorG did :p :p

See some of the photos and clips we took (in fact we have took 1GB of photos and clips in this piloting trip, but due to size limit of YouTube, we cant post all of them at here)

Here are some of the clips when GeorG is flying the jet:
clip 1: When GeorG is flying high above the land of Guam

clip 2: GeorG's first attempt to land

clip 3: GeorG has landed safely

Clip 4: GeorG second try to take off

Here is my turn (sorry the clips are all too large, so only pictures):

After the journey, we were awarded the cerificate proving that we have finished a flight!
The pilot say i m good in riding the jet ^o^ Well, time "flies", we were sent back to Sheraton after this joyful activity, as we are the only couple staying in Sheraton. The local Guide suggests to pick us up earlier after we check out and leave us somewhere to shop and then he would come back to drive us to the airport.
So we asked him to drive us to Microeasia Shopping Mall, the biggest one in Guam. GeorG and I shop till the last minute and forget about the lunch! We only bought a sandwich from Subway and took it on the ride to the airport around 4p.m. :p And that's finish our days in Guam.

Guam is a nice country, hope to come back again, here are some of the souvenirs we brought back from Guam:

開開心心遊關島 - 4日3夜 之 第三日


Today is the busiest day in Guam, because we will attend Loretta & Patrick’s wedding ceremony in the afternoon, and then have dinner with them. So basically we can only have the morning and early afternoon free time.

我哋一早起身 (8點幾) 落去食 breakfast, 個 buffet 令我哋有d disappointed, maybe I expect the breakfast would be as great as I had in Sheraton Laguna Resort Bali, 多 choice 到嚇 c 你. At here, only a few choices and includes all the basics, but still we make sure ourselves feel full before leaving…haahaa….

上到房GeorG 又話要 check check 公司 email 做 d urgent tasks…..好啦, 我就執吓呢樣執吓嗰樣, 換好泳衣, 搽好 sunblock, ready to go to the Town Tuman Bay…..well, as expected, GeorG work longer than he promised, 搞到成十點幾先起行….激 c 我, 我悶到連 newspaper 的 game 都玩埋 la, 自拍又拍埋! 見到個 weather 咁正, 好想快 d 出去!!!

Well, again, we took free taxi to Duty Free, and then walk to the beach from there, d 水好清, 又好鬼淺水, 個 beach 好長, GeorG 同我放低 d heavy stuff, 就決定沿住 coast 行沙灘. 天氣好熱, 行吓又落吓水, 再好 relax 咁一齊行…..因為怕响 beach swimming 後, get changed 會好麻煩, and we also need to go back to the hotel to get changed for the wedding ceremony, 怕好難預 d time, so we decided to catch the Duty Free shuttle bus and go back to Sheraton to enjoy the sunshine and swimming in the Infinity Pool.

除咗晒太陽, 我哋仲浸吓 jacazzi, GeorG 又去 Infinity Pool swimming (while i works as the photographer), 之後我哋仲去玩大浮牀 and 滑水梯, so relaxing....因為唔捨得離開, so we just ordered sandwich as our lunch and dined at the poolside ^o^ 正!!

响泳池 “heir” 到兩點多, 就要上返房沖身 and裝身, 準備去我同事 Loretta 的 wedding ceremony. When I was running in the room here and there to arrange and pack up the things, GeorG work hard on testing the flash with his camera. 我應承 Loretta 會叫 GeorG 幫手影相, 當然不是用傻瓜機啦, 係菲林機….haahaa…..unbelievable? 現在仲有人 know how to use a 菲林機 :p Actually GeorG’s 菲林機 is becoming an antique as he didn't use it for long long time….(probably since he graduated from University…….should be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5……years <-- keep secret for his age :p).
Again, we took the free taxi to Duty Free first, and then transfer the shuttle bus to Hotel Nikko, 我同事 Loretta & Patrick 响 Hotel Nikko 內的 Crystal Chapel 行禮. 等咗一陣, 我哋可以入個 Chapel, Wow….Finally GeorG and I know why people would 山長水遠到 Guam 結婚 lu, 果然係好好好好正 lor, 無論是環境 and atmosphere, 全間玻璃屋, 望出去 is 一望無際的海景, so romantic and 純潔! 個 ceremony 好感人, 見到一對新人咁 sweet, 我都忍唔住眼濕濕, 行禮時, 我們 are prohibited from taking any pictures, 完咗個 ceremony, 我們忍不住周圍影相. Because GeorG is engaged in taking pictures for the couples, so Loretta’s cousin and I always exchange our 傻瓜 camera to take pictures for each other ^o^ 當地的 photographer 走咗之後, 我哋 stay 到 around 日落再繼續影相, GeorG繼續充當 photographer and i worked as assistant to tidy up the gown tail and suggesting some pose...haaha...太陽落山 and no more film 我哋先捨得 leave, have taken many many nice pictures indeed! Here are some of the pictures taken with my 傻瓜 camera (Well, the film photos taken by GeorG are all very nice too!)

之後我哋一齊返 Hilton 食 buffet as a celebration for the newly-wedded couple. As tonight is the last night we are in Guam, so we dont want to go back to the hotel so early. Patrick's brother has rented a car there, so he drives us to K-Mart for shopping.....after we have picked some 手信 and queue to pay money, we found that the cashier system was down ~.~" we have waited for around 15 minutes but the problem is still not fixed, so we decided to leave for another supermarket....oh, but other shopping malls have been we finally go back to Sheraton at 11p.m. and finish this day.

June 09, 2007


因為經不住我個 friend Ca Ca 的誘惑, 忍不住手買咗部 NDS :p

今日 去完 Mironi 的 Birthday Day Party, 之後去咗保良局探小朋友.....跟住又趕住去深水埗 meet Ca Ca 買 NDS, 諗咗一輪, 都係買 pink color, Hello Kitty d...haahaa....之後Ca Ca 同 Winnie 就上咗我屋企打機, 有 Wii 又有 NDS, 差不多玩到 9 點先捨得去鴻星食 dinner ... GeorG 因為太 sleepy, 同我哋玩咗一陣 Wii 就去 zzzz......despite we played so noisily in the living room, he can still enjoy his sleep a lot.....hahaaa....

Thank you Ca Ca for bringing the Wii and NDS to play with us, and thanks Winnie for your dinner treat ^o^

The First McDonald's Birthday Party

細個時好想响”牡丹樓”開 birthday party, 但 accord 得起時已超齡….heeheee…..雖然 now McDonald allow adult to hold party in it, but I think it’s weird for a 30 years old+ woman to hold a birthday party there....haahaa.... 好在朋友仔為 d 仔女搞生日會我就可以去埋一份感受吓 McDonald 生日會的氣氛 ^o^

今日係我最鍾意的 bb Mironi 一歲生日的大日子, 生日會响金鐘海富的 McDonald 搞, the party starts at 11a.m., 我 10:45a.m. 已去到 (因為好心急…haahaa….), 未有好多 guests arrive, so I can play with Mironi. My friend Paroni (Mironi’s Mum) is a very nice mum, she design a very lovely banner for this birthday party, so cute!

可能 birthday girl 只有一歲, so McDonald 姐姐 只係同 d 大人玩吓 Bingo. d BB 就 play 爬行大賽 (but it was really hosted by my friend instead). My friend 怕 d 大人悶, 仲搞了 Lucky Draw, I m so lucky to win a Hello Kitty tote bag…heehe…

Maybe Mironi is already very tired and sleepy, when her parents are busy recepting the guests and relatives, GeorG and I played ball ball with her. But after playing for a while, she suddenly fall asleep sweetly in my arms, so lovely....

She is sleeping sweetly in Auntie Sillyer's arm

由於 Mironi 太可愛, and d BB stuff 又好 cute, 所以我哋 packed three gifts to Mironi, one is a set of Montessori educational tools (Paroni 點唱的), one is a HK Disneyland hat (i bought at disney store in the airport), and the last but the most loviest one is Hello kitty 外套仔 (GeorG and I bought it in Guam's Macy Store, we 超 like it!)

We left the party around 12:45p.m. and then we travelled to Po Leung Kuk to visit our sponsored child ^o^

June 07, 2007

開開心心遊關島 - 4日3夜 之 第二日


關島快香港2 hour, we landed Guam at 5:10a.m (= HK Time 3:10a.m.)…..似乎全機人個樣都未瞓醒…個個都面青口唇白…haahaa….落機時個天仲係黑漆漆, 但去到海關見到條長龍, I tell GeorG, for sure when we go out, the sky will turn bright.

Our tour package include free local tour and breakfast, 過咗海關 and 攞完行李 (as expected the sky turned bright already), the guide bring us to visit the 4 famous tourist spots: 迷你自由神像, 阿普岡堡 (a relatively highland in Guam with some炮台), 拉提石公園同埋情人崖 (The Lovers Point). 不過天氣似乎不太好, 成個天空都有很多厚 and grey-coloured 雲.....

原來成團人只有我同 GeorG join Wincastle package where breakfast is included aftre the local tour, while all the others HKers joined the Continental Airline package (including my colleague and her family). And surprisingly 只有我同 GeorG 會住 Sheraton Laguna Resort! 搞到我哋驚驚哋唔知間酒店會唔會好唔 ok ~.~"

送完所有人返 Hotel, 個 guide 就 bring 我哋 to King’s Restaurant in Guam Premium Outlet (GPO) for breakfast. The guide ordered three big dishes for us (=GeorG and me) to share…well…the dishes are all in Amercian size, so big and we can't really finish them all even though we were quite hungry. (You know the Continental flight only gave each passenger a small hamburger as snacks after take-off....i took it but GeorG didnt as he is too enjoy with his sleeping :p). After breakfast, we visited the supermarket next door to buy some water and snacks, before the guide send us back to – Sheraton Laguna Guam.

間 Hotel外形普通, but it is newly renovated and just opened in April 2007, it also claimed to be a 5.5 star hotel! You know 我同 GeorG 有Sheraton 情意結…heehee…so even though we would expect some facilities are not ready and the package rate is relatively more expensive than most of the 5 stars hotel in Tuman Bay, we still opt for this one.

間 room 好新,d 配套好得,bathing set 係 L’occitane, coffee corner 有 Starbucks coffee 比你自己免費沖! d 毛巾全部都白雪雪, 好似未用過咁, 又有 Plasma TV, DVD machine, 你睇淨係張圓形 resting sofa for reading 已經值回票價....haahaa....

成間 Hotel d 房都是 Ocean view, the hotel upgraded us to the Laguna Floor, i.e. the higher floor, so more quiet (不過由於是淡季 and new hotel, so the hotel only have few guests), so our room can oversee the Ocean and the pools!

GeorG and I both feel very sleepy....所以大家決定第一個活動是.....睡覺片刻先至出去食 lunch....hahaaa.....well, 結果我哋睡到兩點幾 ~.~"

天氣不是太穩定, so we decided to walk around the hotel to see what activities therein. Wow, there is a pool with waterslide and big 浮床; there is another pool called "Infinite Pool", i.e. when you swim, the only thing in your eye-level is the sea, so you would think you are swimming in the sea, fasinating! And there is also a warm-watered jacuzzi, 正!!!
Here are some snapshots on the hotel :

Along the trail of the hotel, we always found this "stone" around, do you know what is it? 好鬼有趣 ga, 原來佢係一個喇叭 .... haahaa.... so we can hear some very nice music around the hotel!

行完間 hotel, 我哋就坐 free taxi to Duty Free. 响關島坐 taxi to Duty Free Shop is free of charge. Sheraton 不近 Tuman Bay area, 大概坐 10-15 minutes taxi 先到, taxi fare would be around USD25, 好在免費, otherwise 好肉痛 , 因為下雨, so cannot walk to the beach in Tuman Bay to enjoy sunshine....所以唯有 shopping la.....如果你心水清, 會留意到我哋未食 lunch...heehee....所以我哋 6 點就行去關島人人讚的 Italian Restaurant 食 dinner! Oh, on our way to the restaurant, i met my colleague and her family (they stayed in Hilton Hotel), they also going to the Italian Restaurant for dinner!!

咁早間 restaurant 已很多人, GeorG 同我點咗一個 Italian Vegetable Soup 同一個墨魚汁麪, 我阿妹上年來過 Guam, she reminded me that the size of the dishes of this restaurant is very big, so one soup and one spaghetti to share is more than enough. Wow, when the soup and 墨魚汁麪 is served, 簡值嚇 c 我哋, they are so HUGE.....GeorG and I worked very hard, we can only finish the soup but only half of the 墨魚汁麪, 好似好浪費咁 ~.~" d 墨魚汁麪超好味, 食到我同 GeorG 成棚牙都"黑ma ma", 好搞笑, 開 restaurant 怕我哋彈 d 汁落件衫, so they provide us a plastic "口水肩", see it looks like an apron (see GeorG in the right bottom corner)....那晚瞓覺前刷完牙都仲有黑色呀! 我哋叫埋單時先知同事仔已埋埋 our bill. 攪到我哋勁唔好意思 (Thank you Loretta!)

The rain stop after our dinner, we do some more shopping and then go back to hotel around 10:30p.m. A very nice and peaceful day!

開開心心遊關島 - 4日3夜 之 第一日

25 May 2007

香港只有 Continental Airline 直飛關島, 一星期兩班, 逄星期一 and 星期五夜機. 因為夜機, so 我無請假, I bring along a very small 旅行袋 with me to work…while the big and heavy 喼喼…heehee…緊係GeorG 爭住攞啦. 為咗摼時間, I didn’t go home after work, I get washed and changed in our company’s mini-gym room, and wait to meet GeorG at the airport.

GeorG 大慨8:15p.m. 來到機場, 8:30p.m.左右搞好check-in, 但 10:30p.m.先起飛. 班機唔包 dinner, so I intend to go to the Traveller’s Lounge for a free dinner, but Sun prefer to treat himself better…..well, 佢話佢成個 week 都食飯盒 (唔關我事 ga, 佢工作 busy 開 OT 咋, 唔係我唔煮飯 :p), 好想同我食餐好 ^o^ 我都知佢咁忙唔多唔少都因為想陪我去關島, so 我都without any hestitation suggests to go to SkyPlaza for dinner!

比咗幾個 options 佢 choose, he picked 板前壽司 (you know you would never get a seat in 市區 d 板前unless you are willing to wait for at least an hour!). He was particularly 大胃口 this evening and ordered a lot of sushi and 手卷, 有d 都怪怪的, e.g. 鵝肝 sushi but quite delicious! 一輪旋風掃落淚之後, our table is stacked with different colours of plates…haahaa….and happy to proceed to the restricted area via the new Terminal ^o^

架機泊响18橋, not very far away, the 飛機 look very small….and I know we are gonna to spend 5 hours in it tonight…zzz……臨上機先見到我同事 and her fiancé……and also their relatives…..我哋一行 12 人開開心心出發去關島啦!

June 02, 2007

Hello Kitty playing Golf

I got this from OK Convenience Store tonight, a little gift from GeorG.....we both find it very lovely...heeeheeee....i enjoy playing with it...haahaa.....though it is a small toy, dont think that it would be easy to make "hole-in-one" ...haahaa....


Every year, Po Leung Kuk would arrange a function/performance and invite all sponsored parents and their friends/relatives to join. The function aim to promote the Child Sponsorship Programme and there would have some pop-singers performance and child's performance. After the program, we can meet our sponsored child for a while.

When GeorG and I received the invitation this year, we then found that we didnt really visit our child for the whole ONE year...oh, so shameful >.<>