Sillyer n GeorG

June 12, 2007

開開心心遊關島 - 4日3夜 之 第三日


Today is the busiest day in Guam, because we will attend Loretta & Patrick’s wedding ceremony in the afternoon, and then have dinner with them. So basically we can only have the morning and early afternoon free time.

我哋一早起身 (8點幾) 落去食 breakfast, 個 buffet 令我哋有d disappointed, maybe I expect the breakfast would be as great as I had in Sheraton Laguna Resort Bali, 多 choice 到嚇 c 你. At here, only a few choices and includes all the basics, but still we make sure ourselves feel full before leaving…haahaa….

上到房GeorG 又話要 check check 公司 email 做 d urgent tasks…..好啦, 我就執吓呢樣執吓嗰樣, 換好泳衣, 搽好 sunblock, ready to go to the Town Tuman Bay…..well, as expected, GeorG work longer than he promised, 搞到成十點幾先起行….激 c 我, 我悶到連 newspaper 的 game 都玩埋 la, 自拍又拍埋! 見到個 weather 咁正, 好想快 d 出去!!!

Well, again, we took free taxi to Duty Free, and then walk to the beach from there, d 水好清, 又好鬼淺水, 個 beach 好長, GeorG 同我放低 d heavy stuff, 就決定沿住 coast 行沙灘. 天氣好熱, 行吓又落吓水, 再好 relax 咁一齊行…..因為怕响 beach swimming 後, get changed 會好麻煩, and we also need to go back to the hotel to get changed for the wedding ceremony, 怕好難預 d time, so we decided to catch the Duty Free shuttle bus and go back to Sheraton to enjoy the sunshine and swimming in the Infinity Pool.

除咗晒太陽, 我哋仲浸吓 jacazzi, GeorG 又去 Infinity Pool swimming (while i works as the photographer), 之後我哋仲去玩大浮牀 and 滑水梯, so relaxing....因為唔捨得離開, so we just ordered sandwich as our lunch and dined at the poolside ^o^ 正!!

响泳池 “heir” 到兩點多, 就要上返房沖身 and裝身, 準備去我同事 Loretta 的 wedding ceremony. When I was running in the room here and there to arrange and pack up the things, GeorG work hard on testing the flash with his camera. 我應承 Loretta 會叫 GeorG 幫手影相, 當然不是用傻瓜機啦, 係菲林機….haahaa…..unbelievable? 現在仲有人 know how to use a 菲林機 :p Actually GeorG’s 菲林機 is becoming an antique as he didn't use it for long long time….(probably since he graduated from University…….should be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5……years <-- keep secret for his age :p).
Again, we took the free taxi to Duty Free first, and then transfer the shuttle bus to Hotel Nikko, 我同事 Loretta & Patrick 响 Hotel Nikko 內的 Crystal Chapel 行禮. 等咗一陣, 我哋可以入個 Chapel, Wow….Finally GeorG and I know why people would 山長水遠到 Guam 結婚 lu, 果然係好好好好正 lor, 無論是環境 and atmosphere, 全間玻璃屋, 望出去 is 一望無際的海景, so romantic and 純潔! 個 ceremony 好感人, 見到一對新人咁 sweet, 我都忍唔住眼濕濕, 行禮時, 我們 are prohibited from taking any pictures, 完咗個 ceremony, 我們忍不住周圍影相. Because GeorG is engaged in taking pictures for the couples, so Loretta’s cousin and I always exchange our 傻瓜 camera to take pictures for each other ^o^ 當地的 photographer 走咗之後, 我哋 stay 到 around 日落再繼續影相, GeorG繼續充當 photographer and i worked as assistant to tidy up the gown tail and suggesting some pose...haaha...太陽落山 and no more film 我哋先捨得 leave, have taken many many nice pictures indeed! Here are some of the pictures taken with my 傻瓜 camera (Well, the film photos taken by GeorG are all very nice too!)

之後我哋一齊返 Hilton 食 buffet as a celebration for the newly-wedded couple. As tonight is the last night we are in Guam, so we dont want to go back to the hotel so early. Patrick's brother has rented a car there, so he drives us to K-Mart for shopping.....after we have picked some 手信 and queue to pay money, we found that the cashier system was down ~.~" we have waited for around 15 minutes but the problem is still not fixed, so we decided to leave for another supermarket....oh, but other shopping malls have been we finally go back to Sheraton at 11p.m. and finish this day.


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