Sillyer n GeorG

June 21, 2007

端午節 - 赤柱龍舟比賽

Last year's 端午節 i was on my Europe trip with my family. This year, we have another special activity for this festival : going to Stanley to watch Dragon Boat Competition.

It is a very hot 端午節. GeorG and I meet my sis around 10:45a.m. in Exchange Square and take bus 260 to Stanley, once we get out of the 香港仔隧道, the traffic is jamed ~.~" It took us nearly 1.5 hours to arrive Stanley. Wow, 成個海灘都是人...人....人......個海就有好多龍舟.

其實今次是我第一次現場看龍舟比賽, 原來好熱鬧 ga! Cyrus 呢兩年都有代表公司扒, 今年又係 team leader, so we went to support him. 不過我公司都有出一條龍, GeorG 公司又有兩條龍, so 可以當係順便 support 埋 la ^o^

I know this competition is an international competition and there was a total of 209 teams participating! 佢哋第一場比賽响早上8-10點進行, 第二場 around noon - 2p.m. (即係我哋去捧場嗰場), if 第二場扒到 1st and 2nd place, then can enter Final!

With our supports, Cyrus' 條龍 and my company's 條龍都入到 Final, 好勁! (haahaa...真是因為我們嗎 :p) 睇完佢哋第二場比賽, we go up to Cyrus and my sister's 公司遊艇 for food and drinks....resting at the 遊艇 to watch the 龍舟比賽 is also good, less crowded :p

A clip taken at the 遊艇:


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