Anyway, just a brief safe note to everyone who read our blog. We will upload the 沙巴遊記 later on when we are free!
The left bottom corner is my area, i think you can recognize from the hello kitty cushion :p
講番正題, 睇完充滿奸味的"突圍行動", 就開電腦整理吓 d 相. While waiting for the Piscasa to update the files, 我開咗 wedding 兩套 video 睇, 一個係開席前播的 bb, 拍拖 and 結婚相, 另一個係敬酒前播的即日精華 snapshot. 自己一個响 sofa 看, 一路睇, 一路 d 眼淚忍不住流出來, 係開心又感動的眼淚.....覺得我哋兩個細個時都好可愛, 但係時間真的過得很快...... 由相遇, 拍拖到結婚, 呢種緣份實在太幸福, 很微妙.
一路看 video, 個心一路好想 say thank you to our family; 結婚 d snapshot 片段, 張張都 tell 緊那天每一個珍貴的時刻, 其實都要讚吓 GeorG 好眼光, pick 咗 tsproduction to take picture and video for us, 佢哋 d 相真的好正, managed to capture all the happy moments; 好想 say thank you to Pauline again, my 化妝師,turning 一個平凡的女孩 into the star of the day; 好 proud of 自己同 GeorG d 笑容咁真,咁 sweet and 從心發出的開心; 好多謝伴郎阿 Ming and 伴娘 Christie, 姊妹團 (Candy, Carminna, Fion, Minnelli, Polly, Ring, Stephanie, Venus, Vivian, Winsie), 兄弟團 (Alex, Cyrus, Eddie, Jacky, Jamarson, Michael, Ar-Piu, Dr. Chan, Victor, Dr. Yu), 你們每一個也為我們奔波了一整天, 全情投入接新娘時的遊戲, 雖然那天我只可在房內聽到你們的笑聲, 但每次從 video 看到你們 so cheerful, we feel that we are lucky to have you all who have made our video so laughing and 熱鬧 ^o^
見到 GeorG 登了我們的 Wedding Invitation card 在報紙上, 公告天下.... 他專程投了 CG 1105 車牌.... 為了留念把 wedding card 的 envelope 拿去當首日封貼上 stamp and chop with 5 Nov 2005 的郵戳....見到GeorG 好 naughty 的噴旦卷....見到他跪下向 room 內的我宣讀 "20個善待Celia的守則"....見到 daddy 交我隻手比 GeorG的一刻, 記起 GeorG 叫 Daddy 放心, 佢會好好照顧我.....見到 Mammy 飲茶時忍唔住哭.....d 兄弟姊妹跑來跑去為我們 pack 好and 點齊 d 東西.....又見到花車上我自己 design 的名牌.... 花車的 carplate 是 LU610 (= Love you)....又記得好不容易才取到的好意頭 number 房 1288 號房....見到開心的老爺奶奶....我就又忍唔住哭......每一個畫面都 repeat one same message : we are so lucky and blissful! 呢 d 相 and video 可能响其他人眼中一d 都唔特別, 但 for us, 呢一世都不能忘記每一秒的感動.
唔知 GeorG 回家時有沒有留意睡了的我是曾經傻傻的哭過?