Sillyer n GeorG

January 28, 2007

Lovely Hokaido Music Box in 2003 ~.~"

Sunday afternoon, Dad, Mum and my sis came out to have afternoon 飲茶 with us. After the tea, Mum and Dad go to 我婆婆的 birthday banquet first, because they need to play MJ (=mahjong).
Actually my Mum and Dad are not used to play MJ...they started to learn this activity in recent years as they treat it as an exercise to keep training the brain and slow down the chance of having 老人痴呆...but even my mum play for a few years, she still doesnt figure out the logic of 開牌, so funny... (不過其實我都唔識呢款國粹 :p)

Sister came back home with us....she also brings along 我同 GeorG 响 2003年12月 Hokaido trip 買回來的 music box. Until now, i havent started to build it up....yes i bought the parts home and i need to stick them together to make it a music box! Today, we "的" 起心肝, 同 sis 一人砌一個, 你睇....呢個係我同 make ga! I like this pair of 小男女, 怕怕羞羞又好 sweet, 好似我同 GeorG....哈哈.....

GeorG 今晚要去 wedding banquet, but before that, he joined us to grandma's birthday banquet to say Hi and substituting dad for MJ for a while ~.~"

See how happy my grandma is, 四代同堂 ar!

"發一世" Hello Kitty

Thank you Paroni for helping me to buy my birth day kitty :

January 27, 2007

Dinner @ Mezo Grill

Tonight Auntie Sillyer 同 Uncle GeorG 約咗 Mironi bb and Mammy Paroni 去 Regal Kowloon 的 Mezo Grill 食 dinner. 因為有都市日報 coupon, so it only takes $208 (+10% service charge) 就可以食到 "黑松露龍蝦海鮮5道菜晚餐" 啦. 聽個名好似好 attractive, 不過我哋唔敢抱太大期望....結果通常會係喜出望外啦!! 唔錯唔錯....比你睇睇:


Mironi bb 實在太 lovely, 連 Uncle GeorG 都忍不住放開"不敢抱 bb"的枷鎖, 同 Mironi 玩 "飛飛", 你睇佢哋兩個笑得幾 happy....

食完 dinner, 送咗佢哋上 taxi, 就同 honey 拍吓拖, 行咗去加連威老道新開的 gi, 聽講成座商場係周星馳 ga!

今晚都過得幾豐富 & 滿足.....

January 26, 2007


今晚原本諗住 cook dinner, 但結果好多嘢做, 夜咗先走....最衰又去咗 SkyPlaza 新開的 Giordance Concept shopping.....不過 GeorG in any way still working in the office to wait for me.....結果 it takes me around 9p.m. to arrive Central to take dinner with him.
咁鬼夜.... GeorG 又話要快, 因為有做不完的 work.....所以就去咗 Lan Kwai Fong斜路的 KFC la, 仲 join 埋 KFC Club tim :p
When we finish the dinner on our way to go down the stair, 比我 spot 到張 poster 見到佢, heehee.....忍不住 "lur" GeorG 買個比我 :

佢就係一個"掛龍頭, 賣豬臉"的傻豬啦....哈哈 ^o^

January 21, 2007

Stephanie & Steve's Wedding

Today (20 January 2007) is Stephanie & Steve's wedding, Stephanie 係我同 GeorG 大學時的莊友, 算一算手指, 原來我哋已經識咗有 10 年......Waaa.....
佢哋响 Disneyland Hotel 擺喜酒, 今次係我同 GeorG first time to Disney hotel and also attend banquet, we both are very excited and full of enthusiasm ^o^

因為 Stephanie 話 seven little dwarfs 會在 6:15p.m. 出現, 所以我哋未夠6點就 arrive the hotel, 想週圍行吓, take 吓 photos :
Thanks Stephanie & Steve for bringing us a touching and memorable night. 嗰晚的 souvenir (Mickey & Minnie pins) 好靚, 我依家放咗响屋企的 display 櫃內 :p

希望你哋兩個永遠恩恩愛愛, 白頭到老!!!

4D show @ SkyPlaza - 20 January 2007

今日返咗去 airport 新開的 (嚴格來說係只係 open to AA staff) SkyPlaza 飲茶同埋睇 4 仔.....哈哈, 唔係, 應該係睇 4D 電影.

山上水遠入去睇, 因為貪新鮮 and staff free of charge, guest half price (=$25) lor :p
Because it is too too far away, i only invited my honey, sister and mum to join me for this silly act :p :p 結果 sis 請飲茶, GeorG 請睇 4D 電影, 套 4D 叫 "白馬奇緣", honestly speaking, 劇情太快, 4D 效果唔太 impressive ~.~" 不過我哋都影低 D 相 for memory.....

如果下次搭飛機, 不妨早小小到 SkyPlaza 參觀吓, 呢度有好多 retail and catering shops, some are not found in other places in Hong Kong yet, 唔錯 ga!

January 17, 2007

7-Eleven 又有新的 Hello Kitty 搞作

This morning, i noticed a new Hello Kitty poster in the 7-Eleven in Tung Chung MTR.
This time is 襟章 ~.~" The theme is "Hello Kitty 星肖奇緣", i.e. 12生肖 and 12星座. 7-11 果然係勁!!! 務求唔放過所有 Hello Kitty 迷嘅 money. 如果要 collect all, 又有 24 個襟章.....真辛苦 >.<

上次D Hello Kitty 吊掛, 得到各方好友我 support, 我已 collect 到全套 30 個 (1 至 30 號)祝福篇, 限量版6個 country, 我有5 個, 仲差 UK. 聖誕版 2 個星星 shape, 我又好 lucky 儲到, 但共有 6 個的迎春接福版我就 1 個都無 >.<.....

講返今次的"Hello Kitty 星肖奇緣"襟章, 去完 new office 開 meeting (有 D 部門 have moved to the new office tower already), 經過 Airport arrival hall's 7-Eleven, 忍不住入去行一個圈. 結果無無謂謂又 spend 咗 $41.7, 換咗6個 Kitty 襟章. 返回 office 拆開, 已有一個相同 ~.~" 最衰係 D 襟章唔係好 beautiful, 好似好 "雞" 咁, 勁似街邊擰蛋 $5@ d style, 有d失望, 好在嗰 5 個其中一個係我的生肖 :p Anyway, 我諗我唔會好eager去 collect the whole set lor! 但如果你哋幫襯7仔, 有多又唔要, 我都唔 mind 收藏佢哋.

記住如果你有之前的迎春接福版, remember to send to me ar!!

A new member of my home

Heehee....dont be mislead that a new member = a baby :p
Our family new member is a little wardrobe, a very nice 3 drawers wardrobe replacing the Hello Kitty paper wardrobe, my new member will be placed in our bedroom.
We met this new member from Avant Garde in Festival Walk, GeorG and I love it so much as the wood is pink in color which is quite fancy and romantic for our bedroom ~.~" And i also love the 2D decoration on the drawers' front as it looks like using felt-pen to draw the color on.
Let me introduce my member to you :

January 15, 2007

Happy Birthday to Lillian

Today is the birthday of our friend - Lillian. Happy Birthday!!
Lillian and I were studied in the same primary school and secondary school. Well, we know each other since P.4!! We are classmates in p.4 to p.6, form 4 to upper six! Wow, what a long time friend! And GeorG also know Lillian since University, as they are both exco of Photography Society in UST!

Last Saturday, we had a birthday celebration with Lillian at Raymond's home, we have a hot-pot party with a birthday cake served in the beginning (due to not enough space to keep the 2lbs cake in the fridge :p). Raymond is very nice to prepare all the food and 湯底 for the hot-pot, we had very very nice seafood like 花蝦 (yummy), 三點蟹, 芝麻班, 扇貝, 尤魚, 肥蜆, a lot of 肥牛 and different kinds of vegetables and mushroom. Specifically, we have organic 波菜 kindly contributed by Raymond's mum, so nice......well, too much food, we can't finish them all ~.~"

Patty, Murphy, Sillyer, GeorG, Raymond, Catherine and birthday girl Lillian, taken with the 2lbs black-forest crispy cake (delicious ^o^)

This is taken when we all declared "Full", still have many food to clear ~.~"

January 08, 2007

我就嚟要搬 office la...

Some of you might know that i am working inside the restricted area, but i will soon move out to the new office Tower which is next to the AEL and SkyPlaza (Terminal 2). 我地唔係好捨得搬.....雖然有新 office, but our existing workspace is really spacious and private (the partition is very very high...should be around 5呎6), 仲可以近距離看到 aeroplane, apron and runway, 都幾得意 ga!
我地趁住 D 紙盒未搬嚟前幫個 office 拍照留念, 同大家分享吓 :

This pic is taken at the corridor of the office, heehe...we have a very nice and symbolic pillar in the office, with a golden dress! 右邊係 boss and managers' rooms, some with windows that can see the apron, the left first entrance (after the big printer) is my cubicle ^o^ (oh, 仲有3個同事無入鏡)
This one is taken at one of the colleagues' room, can you see a very tiny 東方航空客機 parking at the airbridge?

heehee...this one is taken at boss's room, he got a very very big window overseeing the apron!

Last but not the least, my working space, not bad ar ^o^ I am gonna miss you ~.~"

January 07, 2007

6 Jan 2007 - Hot-pot Day

Today is 小寒 according to the lunar calendar, supposingly the weather would drop and it's the best day to have hot-pot. Well, we did! It is the first time we host a hot-pot party at home.

We actually dont have any hot-pot facility at home, so mum brought one to our home. In the afternoon, Mum, sis and I went to 保安道 market to buy food, probably a lot of family are doing hot pot tonight, most of the food price has surged! Even those 急凍 fishball has increased the price ~.~"

So we have mum, dad, sis, Cy, GeorG and myself cramped in our dining room for hotpot tonight, with oyster, shrimp, different kinds of balls, vege, mushrooms, fish and of course the most delicious 肥牛 (we have local, USA and 4-star type). A Wonderful night indeed ^o^
Forget to mention dad is so kind to bring us delicious 豆漿 from Mongkok! And also the banana and grape for my hubby ~.~"

January 01, 2007

充滿歡樂的元旦日 1 Jan 2007

今日我們一班 cousin 去咗阿駱's home 開 party.

主要都係吃喝玩樂.....睇吓碟咁. 我哋睇咗 "Click" (really a touching film), then play Jenga層層疊 and UNO (well, this is only the first time for me to play UNO indeed, the rules are so difficult).

After the Pizza dinner, we have invented a new playing menthod for Jenga to increase the difficulty..... We have to use the mechanical arm to move the 積木 (the mechanical arm was a christmas lucky draw prize won by my cousin).

Share with you the pictures :

My cousin also took a clip when we are playing the Jenga, go and take a look ^o^

The first night scene in 2007

Today we have a gathering with GeorG's LSC classmates.......we had a very nice dinner at Dr. Chan's home and love to meet his little baby boy. We had TV games and mahjong until 11:30p.m.

今晚我們搭了最久的 MTR jouney........from 2006 to 2007, yes, our journey last 2 long. yes, we do the countdown on our way from Kwun Tong to Ngau Tau Kok....haahaa....

Here is the night scene we first met in 2007 when we backed home, so nice :

If you have good eyes, you can see the big big 摩天輪 of the Winter Carnival @ 添馬艦. 其實我同 GeorG 都好喜歡 the view from our home, 燈光閃閃 yet very quiet and peaceful.

May we wish you a very happy and peaceful 2007 ^o^