4D show @ SkyPlaza - 20 January 2007
今日返咗去 airport 新開的 (嚴格來說係只係 open to AA staff) SkyPlaza 飲茶同埋睇 4 仔.....哈哈, 唔係, 應該係睇 4D 電影.
山上水遠入去睇, 因為貪新鮮 and staff free of charge, guest half price (=$25) lor :p
Because it is too too far away, i only invited my honey, sister and mum to join me for this silly act :p :p 結果 sis 請飲茶, GeorG 請睇 4D 電影, 套 4D 叫 "白馬奇緣", honestly speaking, 劇情太快, 4D 效果唔太 impressive ~.~" 不過我哋都影低 D 相 for memory.....
山上水遠入去睇, 因為貪新鮮 and staff free of charge, guest half price (=$25) lor :p
Because it is too too far away, i only invited my honey, sister and mum to join me for this silly act :p :p 結果 sis 請飲茶, GeorG 請睇 4D 電影, 套 4D 叫 "白馬奇緣", honestly speaking, 劇情太快, 4D 效果唔太 impressive ~.~" 不過我哋都影低 D 相 for memory.....
如果下次搭飛機, 不妨早小小到 SkyPlaza 參觀吓, 呢度有好多 retail and catering shops, some are not found in other places in Hong Kong yet, 唔錯 ga!
Er...btw, what's 4D show? In Singapore, 4D gambling is one of the population's favourite past-times, like Mark 6 in HK, but you buy 4 numbers only...Mark 6 equivalent is called Toto...hehe...
Dopie, at 3:37 PM
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