Sillyer n GeorG

December 19, 2006

What have we done for the last week?

呢兩個week GeorG 都超busy, 除咗last thursday & this thursday 可以十點多回家吃dinner外, 差不多晚晚我都自己entertain自己 or go out to dine with friends. 不過佢就算唔返嚟同陪我dinner, 他也叫我keep D dinner & soup比佢夜D(即一點, 兩點or四點)回來吃, so poor ^_^"

Christmas feel of my home

a tiny christmas tree and a hardcopy Christmas Card sent by my sister from Tin Shui Wai ^o^

14 December 2006 - Office X'mas Party

Today my office has Christmas lunch (buffet @ Novotel Citygate), before that we have a lucky draw (sponsored by boss and managers). Boss 欽點咗secretary PanPan & me to arrange the Christmas hifts. 其實諗買乜嘢真係好difficult. 因為又要consider budget, 又要中性一點, 好不容易才買到11份gifts range from $100 to $650! 我同PanPan一早就將D gifts wrap 到令大家估唔到, 細細的比我哋搞到大大份 :p

Finally, I was drawn the 3rd prize (a 2GB USB stick - Christmas version) , but I don't really need it, so I exchanged it with a gift which I like (豬豬暖暖cushion) that bought from log-on. 大家拆gift 時都好開心又surprise!

吃完lunch, 由東涌返到apron, PanPan話遲D我哋搬出去新的headquarter後, 可能再無chance一班人响apron, 所以take 了a few photos.

16 December 2006 - Kathy&Andre's Wedding Banquet

今日下午陪了Paroni & BB Mironi 去荃灣shopping for tomorrow's bbq. 跟住入咗佢屋企同bb玩& set頭. cos今晚要去attend Kathy's wedding banquet. Kathy 是我的DGS o既science class classmates, and so happen GeorG 同 Kathy 响UST 都係photography society o既莊友. so我哋兩公婆一齊去飲囉.

我之前didn't tell GeorG that I am going to set hair to the banquet. So when he returns home to change (yes he needs to work on this saturday), he was surprised & 猛讚我好靚, 哈哈哈哈.

P.S. Paroni, thank you f0r being my "private" hair designer

17 December 2006 - bbq @ Paroni's home

今日天氣很凍, but luckily with strong sublight, 所以bbq party仍可順利進行. 今日Paroni的屋企做host, 請咗好多個2006年6月出世o既bb & his/her family to her home for a bbq party. 咁多bb一齊, 場面好震撼, especially at bbq time, all the bb車泊埋一齊, really look like bb車展 ^0^

Paroni 同Ming好nice, 送咗Christmas gift比我同GeorG. Thank you so so much, they are very special gifts for our Christmas!!

由於天氣好dry, 回到家先發覺自己做咗「裂女」, my face and hands are so so dry. 要立刻搽 source therapie & handcream 急救

十幾架BB車放在一起好似車展 :p


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