Week 16 - 24 February 2008
A LIVING ORGANISM - "Fairy tales always end with 'happily ever after', implying that just finding the right prince or princess is the end of the story and guarantees a perfect life. But in reality it's just the beginning of a story. A relationship is a living organism with at least two movable parts (the would be you and your honey, not to mention the world around you.) It is sure to grow, change, and change again. Your ability to understand the relationship as dynamic organism will make it easier to accept moments when there is greater or lesser intimacy. Sometimes there isn't lot to actively work on; instead, the challenge is to sit straight, not struggle against the changes and then appreciate yet another metamorphosis."我自己覺得呢段好有意思!!
Week 17 - 2 March 2008
PILLOW TALK - "Make a date for some pillow talk; crawl into bed and talk openly with your lover. This is wonderfully intimate time that can inspire the sharing of secrets, fears, feelings of shame, and other hard-to-reveal things. Anything that's revealed during pillow talk is confidential and is not to be thrown back at your lover during a fight. You can even use the words pillow talk as a code for needing intimate conversational time without necessarily having to crawl into bed-though that's half the fun!"
我好 enjoy pillow talk time as it is the time when GeorG wont talk to me while eyeing on the notebook or TV...haahaa!!
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